Lily Mesa: Immigrant's Right Force

I dont like mentioning the fact that you cant go 10 feet around here without dealing with someone that doesn't speak English, but I believe its relevant. Besides the obvious monetary setbacks they cause, I shouldn't have to be fluent in Spanish to be able to deal with poeple everyday, in Massachusetts. If you listened to that interview I posted, the lady is a NEW HAMPSHIRE representative...she can barely speak English and she is in a position of power. Its completely and utterly ridiculous.

If your for criminaliens coming here, you must also be for the complete removal of airline customs as well, whats the difference? I suggest some of you go find a poor family and bring them into your home...what kind of people are you to leave them to their terrible life style!
what? dont roll your eyes at me's a valid point, one in which you know you cant answer without looking bad ....boat anchors it is

It's not a valid point at all. You're comparing a continuous, logically calculated, self-defeating policy to an on-the-spot decision to use the resources currently at your disposal to help someone in desperate need. I'll give someone directions in the street if they ask me, but I'm not going to follow that up by inviting them round for a gourmet meal.

Nobody gives me, you or anyone else here a break in life, why the **** should poor people from the third world get a break at my expense - and ultimately the expense of their country and to noone's ultimate benefit - just because they're poor and from the third world?
I don't have a good job because they like me, I have a job because I'm good at it. The moment I stop serving that purpose I'll be in exactly the same dire situation as your precious illegals, state benefits (that I have paid into) notwithstanding - even if they do like me.

ok can we keep it on the US of A cuz I'm getting confused here and I'm not familiar with your illegal immigration "crisis"

Isn't that just an excuse to avoid responding to a valid point?

ya like poverty, no healthcare, shoddy quality of life ..but god forbid they inconvience you in any way

They made that choice when they decided to break the law. Tough shit. It's not my fault, if they live over here in poverty with no healthcare and a shoddy quality of life then that's their own responsibility. It's not my responsibility just because they decided to occupy the same land area as me. If they don't like it, they can go back home. I'll sympathise with them on my own terms, not because someone tells me to and then demands I sacrifice something to help the disadvantaged group of the moment. That's little more than extortion, Robin Hood style.

and giving aid to a mother who's about to give birth somehow is? and charities are not entirely voluntary ..some of your tax dollars goes into it charitable works

Be that as it may, the same applies to any form of taxation. Let me know when you've figured out how to run a prosperous society without taxation.

and that problem stems solely from illegal immigration? I think illegal immigration is the least of your worries atm ..but i digress ..can we stick to one country?

No, it doesn't stem solely from illegal immigration, but a large component of both problems of overcrowding and social fragmentation stem from both illegal immigration and unchecked, everyone-is-welcome style legal immigration which is little better.
Why would I want to come in illegally?
I don't know, why don't you tell me? You are the one that is saying its unfair that you can't come here but all these mexicans can who do come in illegally can. What is so unfair about that? You have every opportunity to come in here illegally too, so wtf is your problem?

Repeating your same infantile "challenge" doesn't make you any more correct now than you were before. You're in serious danger of believing your own hype.
And you still haven't been able to tell me why you think its unfair.

I don't get what you're saying, either.
What don't you get? We don't want you here, get over it.

What's your point?
Tough luck indeed, I'll take my talents somewhere else. It's not a massive loss to me at the end of the day, I'll contribute to someone else's economy instead.

Ok then. Enjoy someone elses economy while I enjoy this awesome economy. But remember, my offer to help you get in here illegally is always on the table, incase you continue to think that mexicans coming over here illegally is unfair to you.
I don't know, why don't you tell me? You are the one that is saying its unfair that you can't come here but all these mexicans can who do come in illegally can. What is so unfair about that? You have every opportunity to come in here illegally too, so wtf is your problem?

And you still haven't been able to tell me why you think its unfair.

What don't you get? We don't want you here, get over it.

Ok then. Enjoy someone elses economy while I enjoy this awesome economy. But remember, my offer to help you get in here illegally is always on the table, incase you continue to think that mexicans coming over here illegally is unfair to you.

You really need to grow up. You're too irritating and petulant to even bother conversing with. When you learn how to discuss an issue without coming across like a snotty little 13 year old brat with an attitude problem, let me know.
I don't understand when caring for these people suddenly became our responsibility. Yeah, their life sucks and it's sad, but that's just too damned bad. It's a dog-eat-dog world out there, and some people are going to get the short end of the stick. That's just the way it has been, and always will be.

Ok then. Enjoy someone elses economy while I enjoy this awesome economy. But remember, my offer to help you get in here illegally is always on the table, incase you continue to think that mexicans coming over here illegally is unfair to you.

Why do you keep saying that? I don't understand what point you're trying to prove by offering to bring somebody into the country illegally.
Ok then. Enjoy someone elses economy while I enjoy this awesome economy. But remember, my offer to help you get in here illegally is always on the table, incase you continue to think that mexicans coming over here illegally is unfair to you.

Why would he want to emigrate illegally? I don't understand that argument. He has nothing to gain.
Why would he want to emigrate illegally? I don't understand that argument. He has nothing to gain.

Because he is saying its unfair to him that all these mexicans are crossing the border each day yet he can't come over here when in fact he can come here illegally just like they do. Yes, it will be pretty shitty since he wont be able to get a good job but there is nothing unfair about that.

Fairly simple.
I don't understand when caring for these people suddenly became our responsibility. Yeah, their life sucks and it's sad, but that's just too damned bad. It's a dog-eat-dog world out there, and some people are going to get the short end of the stick. That's just the way it has been, and always will be.

In my experience, liberals (and I begrudge using the term, because it's both inaccurate and cliched, but what can ya do) are actually some of the most selfish people around.
Promoting socialism makes them feel good and because in their minds it is "fair and just" it makes them feel righteous. Doesn't mean they would ever live by those principles in reality.

I got the short end of the stick. I've had so many misfortunes in life it's almost impossible to overstate, including poverty which was the least of my worries - so when people jabber on about the misfortunes of others and socialism and all that bullshit I find it nothing less than an insult to myself and where I came from. Most of these armchair activists have no conception of real hardship, and even less conception of how one can fix their own problems if they really want to.
The activists are so hypocritical. They're the ones clamoring for equality and aid for these impoverished people, yet they certainly don't seem to be suffering and most probably wouldn't sacrifice a bit of their comfort to help them.

It's true that most people don't have any first-hand experience with the issue. Living right here on the border, I deal with this problem every day of my life. I don't mean to sound like I'm boasting, but I know what I'm talking about because I've actually experienced its effects first-hand.
Erm, if you broke into my house (i.e crossed the border illegaly),

Oh, so that bit of land that's no different from the rest except that it's got sea separating it is yours. I see. So technically, if the whole of the U.S is your home, then one might say you own the Earth? If I ever visit (yes, that's right, I wouldn't want to be breaking and entering now would I), I expect to see your name scrawled into the grass.


I'm not saying I condone illegal immigration, by the way. But lets face it, some of your points, especially this one, are quite, quite silly.
In my experience, liberals (and I begrudge using the term, because it's both inaccurate and cliched, but what can ya do) are actually some of the most selfish people around.
Promoting socialism makes them feel good and because in their minds it is "fair and just" it makes them feel righteous. Doesn't mean they would ever live by those principles in reality.

I got the short end of the stick. I've had so many misfortunes in life it's almost impossible to overstate, including poverty which was the least of my worries - so when people jabber on about the misfortunes of others and socialism and all that bullshit I find it nothing less than an insult to myself and where I came from. Most of these armchair activists have no conception of real hardship, and even less conception of how one can fix their own problems if they really want to.

Save me the sob story. Another internet character that grew up on the wrong side of the tracks in a western country only to come up by his bootstraps through hard work and dedication and nothing more (absolutely no luck involved). What a great story, you should write a book about it.

See, I live in the real world. And I realize that the only reason I got out of a small town called Myśliborz in eastern europe is because of luck, and nothing more. And the wealth I have aquired since from virtually nothing had something to do with hard work but again mostly with luck. So spare me the bullshit about pulling yourself up by the bootstraps. You completely fail to realize what its like outside of these western countries that we live in. So you have no right to call me selfish because I want to extend some of these opportunities to people that aren't lucky enough to be in my position, and the fact you did shows a lot about your character.

The activists are so hypocritical. They're the ones clamoring for equality and aid for these impoverished people, yet they certainly don't seem to be suffering and most probably wouldn't sacrifice a bit of their comfort to help them.

It's true that most people don't have any first-hand experience with the issue. Living right here on the border, I deal with this problem every day of my life. I don't mean to sound like I'm boasting, but I know what I'm talking about because I've actually experienced its effects first-hand.

What effects? I don't live too far up north from you, the only effects I see from this is that I can get top notch landscaping done on my yard for virtually nothing. So please, enlighten me.
Save me the sob story. Another internet character that grew up on the wrong side of the tracks in a western country only to come up by his bootstraps through hard work and dedication and nothing more (absolutely no luck involved). What a great story, you should write a book about it.

I'm sorely tempted to just ignore you, but you're almost out of the petulant category now so I'll spare you a post.
You don't know shit about my life. You know absolutely sweet **** all. So don't sit there and talk to me like you do.

See, I live in the real world. And I realize that the only reason I got out of a small town called Myśliborz in eastern europe is because of luck, and nothing more. And the wealth I have aquired since from virtually nothing had something to do with hard work but again mostly with luck. So spare me the bullshit about pulling yourself up by the bootstraps.

Right, so because you got lucky that means everyone else who has accomplished anything in life just got lucky aswell. That makes sense. :rolleyes:
For someone who "lives in the real world" :LOL: you obviously haven't learned much from your harrowing experiences, because you're as naive as they come and almost as immature.

You completely fail to realize what its like outside of these western countries that we live in.

You completely fail to realise that it's possible to be desperately poor living in a Western country as in other parts of the world. Middle class urban Chinese no doubt live better lives than poverty-stricken Londoners (that's about half of London). And that there are other forms of childhood deprivation besides lack of money.

So you have no right to call me selfish because I want to extend some of these opportunities to people that aren't lucky enough to be in my position, and the fact you did shows a lot about your character.

So if you really want to extend opportunities to others, why are you making so many statements about how they come over and live shit, poverty-stricken lives, and how much work you can get done for nearly no money?
You're either doing a really ****ing terrible job of bringing these so-called "opportunities" to people, or you're just making that statement in order to make yourself look good.
If you were so ****ing kind, and wanted to give others the opportunities you have, you'd get top notch landscaping done on your yard and pay them a fair wage for it.
Furthermore, if you're so concerned about giving disadvantaged people a helping hand in life, why are you so dismissive of my "sob story" as you put it, particularly when I haven't even given any details? Shouldn't you be genuinely interested to hear how I did it and be pleased for me? Or does that only apply if I get rich via benefit fraud?

Actually what it says about my character is that I'm the real deal. I don't pretend to be something I'm not. You, on the other hand, are a fraud and a phoney.
The activists are so hypocritical. They're the ones clamoring for equality and aid for these impoverished people, yet they certainly don't seem to be suffering and most probably wouldn't sacrifice a bit of their comfort to help them.

That's a generalization if I ever saw one. I'm sure there are people out there putting themselves on the line to help others, to bring quality to their lives. There are many kinds of activists. What's more, simply because I'm not sacrificing my comfort to do more doesn't mean it makes what I'm saying moot or hypocritical. Some people can't afford to sacrifice their comfort, but this does not make the issue any less relevant.

It's true that most people don't have any first-hand experience with the issue. Living right here on the border, I deal with this problem every day of my life. I don't mean to sound like I'm boasting, but I know what I'm talking about because I've actually experienced its effects first-hand.

You might live right there on the border but again, that isn't 'the issue'. That's one issue. That's that issue. You can't draw a big circle round illegal immigration as a whole and say hey, there it is.
That's a generalization if I ever saw one. I'm sure there are people out there putting themselves on the line to help others, to bring quality to their lives. There are many kinds of activists. What's more, simply because I'm not sacrificing my comfort to do more doesn't mean it makes what I'm saying moot or hypocritical. Some people can't afford to sacrifice their comfort, but this does not make the issue any less relevant.

I didn't say there aren't people helping them. I know for a fact that there are. And that's fine by me. What I'm saying is that some of these people want others to sacrifice their comfort, while if asked to themselves they would refuse.

For example, say some "armchair activist" decided to pressure somebody to go help the immigrants. Yet, when asked to do it themselves, they would give an outright refusal or make up an excuse to not do it. That is what I'm talking about.

You might live right there on the border but again, that isn't 'the issue'. That's one issue. That's that issue. You can't draw a big circle round illegal immigration as a whole and say hey, there it is.

I don't understand what you're trying to say. Illegal immigration is in itself an issue, and causes a lot of secondary issues.
I didn't say there aren't people helping them. I know for a fact that there are. And that's fine by me. What I'm saying is that some of these people want others to sacrifice their comfort, while if asked to themselves they would refuse.

You get this in every kind of activism. From the likes of Bono and Bob Geldof with their Live-8 to people who just want something to preach; it is true in whatever practice of activism. What's your point?

For example, say some "armchair activist" decided to pressure somebody to go help the immigrants. Yet, when asked to do it themselves, they would give an outright refusal or make up an excuse to not do it. That is what I'm talking about.

As I said, this is true in all kinds of activism. It's a moot point.

I don't understand what you're trying to say. Illegal immigration is in itself an issue, and causes a lot of secondary issues.

You said you witnessed this kind of thing first hand. I am saying there are many kinds of "illegal immigration" and that you have experienced but a small piece of the pie.
I'm sorely tempted to just ignore you, but you're almost out of the petulant category now so I'll spare you a post.
You don't know shit about my life. You know absolutely sweet **** all. So don't sit there and talk to me like you do.
I think I know enough about you...

Right, so because you got lucky that means everyone else who has accomplished anything in life just got lucky aswell. luck had nothing to do with you accomplishments? If you answer yes I know enough about you to make an informed opinion about your character.

You completely fail to realise that it's possible to be desperately poor living in a Western country as in other parts of the world. Middle class urban Chinese no doubt live better lives than poverty-stricken Londoners (that's about half of London).
But you are ignoring what percentage of those chinese live in poverty. In addition China isn't really considered the 3rd world anymore, their economy will probably take over ours eventually.

And that there are other forms of childhood deprivation besides lack of money.
Sure, no doubt. But when you aren't able to feed yourself or your family those "western childhood problems" take a back seat to the fact you are hungry and hopeless.

So if you really want to extend opportunities to others, why are you making so many statements about how they come over and live shit, poverty-stricken lives, and how much work you can get done for nearly no money?
I made those statements to you to help you understand how shitty it is to come over here illegally to stop you from repeating that bullshit about how unfair it is in every thread you post in about immigration.

You know nothing about how I treat illegals in this city and you never will, considering you don't even live in this country let alone the southwest. I never said I don't pay a fair wage, I said I pay virtually nothing, which is absolutely true when you compare it to the money a legal contracted landscape company would charge me, a company that would outsource all its work to illegals anyway. I pay what I am asked to pay for it, and with that money the guy that did this various work for me from 5 in the morning to nightfall a few days a week for many weeks is driving around in a nicer truck than I am. In addition he has a good family with an extra car in the garage and well fed kids that go to school and do damn good at it too (from what he tells me). This is a guy that could have never gotten this in Mexico, yet he is making more money from working his ass off than most of the people here. If americans would be willing to do this kind of work they would make even more, but for some reason they refuse to do it. And I'm not blaming you for your arrogance in this matter, I blame the media that potrays these hard working people as some thugs coming over here to leech off our welfare while they sit around and murder people for fun. This simply does not happen, they come here to do the work we don't want to do and eventually many of them become very well paid citizens that give back more to this economy than you ever could with your white collar work, white collar work we are all trying to get yet can't because of the shitty economy that is going on right now.

Furthermore, if you're so concerned about giving disadvantaged people a helping hand in life, why are you so dismissive of my "sob story" as you put it, particularly when I haven't even given any details?

Because to be perfectly honest with you I really don't give a shit, just like you wouldn't give a shit if I posted my immigration story and the hardships that went along with it. The bottom line is you seem to claim you are good off now, if you fail to admit that there had to be luck involved in that I simply can not argue with you, you are stuck in the mindset that if you were unfortunate enough to be born into 3rd world poverty tough luck, I'll just sit here and eat my $9.99 /lb steak while you get by on a dollar a day. Why you don't see where luck plays into this picture, based on where you happened to be born geographically, is beyond me.
I think I know enough about you...

You know nothing about me. luck had nothing to do with you accomplishments? If you answer yes I know enough about you to make an informed opinion about your character.

So when exactly did this become an issue of luck being a factor in my accomplishments? You said it was all about luck. Stop twisting things and making shit up around on a whim.
The only part that can be put down to luck is my talents and intelligence, the rest is down to tenacity, determination and ambition.

But you are ignoring what percentage of those chinese live in poverty, very little of them live in the middle class and even smaller amount are rich.

There are still more rich Chinese than rich Britons. Living hand-to-mouth in obscene amounts of debt in horrible surroundings and not able to afford proper meals is still the normality for a significant amount of Londoners, if not the majority.

Sure, no doubt. But when you aren't able to feed yourself or your family those "western childhood problems" take a back seat to the fact you are hungry and hopeless.

Actually, some of the problems I faced were far worse than going hungry. It's quite possible to be poor and still have moments of joy (in fact according to many people I've met from Africa, people are generally a lot happier over there because they have so many less things to worry about), for many years I didn't even know happiness of any kind.

I made those statements to you to help you understand how shitty it is to come over here illegally to stop you from repeating that bullshit about how unfair it is in every thread you post in about immigration.

Actually, you brought it up on this occassion.
And to reiterate, I don't care how shitty it is to come over illegally. It's not my problem.

You know nothing about how I treat illegals in this city and you never will, considering you don't even live in this country let alone the southwest. I never said I don't pay a fair wage, I said I pay virtually nothing, which is absolutely true when you compare it to the money a legal contracted landscape company would charge me, a company that would outsource all its work to illegals anyway. I pay what I am asked to pay for it, and with that money the guy that did this various work for me from 5 in the morning to nightfall a few days a week for many weeks is driving around in a nicer truck than I am. In addition he has a good family with an extra car in the garage and well fed kids that go to school and do damn good at it too (from what he tells me). This is a guy that could have never gotten this in Mexico, yet he is making more money from working his ass off than most of the people here. If americans would be willing to do this kind of work they would make even more, but for some reason they refuse to do it. And I'm not blaming you for your arrogance in this matter, I blame the media that potrays these hard working people as some thugs coming over here to leech off our welfare while they sit around and murder people for fun. This simply does not happen, they come here to do the work we don't want to do and eventually many of them become very well paid citizens that give back more to this economy than you ever could with your white collar work, white collar work we are all trying to get yet can't because of the shitty economy that is going on right now.

You miss the point - I don't care if they're hard working or decent people or not. It's completely besides the point. Your simplification of this issue into a question of whether they are good people or not really highlights your ignorance and naivete.
And yes, I do know something about how you treat illegals - you told me with your own words. You were practically boasting about how much you could get for how little.

Because to be perfectly honest with you I really don't give a shit, just like you wouldn't give a shit if I posted my immigration story and the hardships that went along with it. The bottom line is you seem to claim you are good off now, if you fail to admit that there had to be luck involved in that I simply can not argue with you, you are stuck in the mindset that if you were unfortunate enough to be born into 3rd world poverty tough luck, I'll just sit here and eat my $9.99 /lb steak while you get by on a dollar a day. Why you don't see where luck plays into this picture, based on where you happened to be born geographically, is beyond me.

As I said before, this discussion was never anything to do with "an element of luck" - you just made it up on the spot.
The majority of the hardships I faced had nothing whatsoever to do with where I happened to be born geographically, as they weren't economic in nature.
And no, I'm not "stuck in a mindset" - I just don't care. It's not my problem or my responsibility.
I have enough problems of my own, like a terminally ill mother who is basically the glue holding our family together, a disabled father with no common sense or parenting ability whatsoever and an 18 year old brother with the mental age of approximately an 8 year old. Not only will I lose the most treasured person in my life (barring some kind of miracle...which I'm still searching for), I'm probably going to have to look after them too. I'd much rather be poor again.
In reality I suspect you don't give a shit about the Mexicans/the Iraqi people/<insert underprivileged minority here>, you just feel uncomfortable when other people admit they don't care.
You said you witnessed this kind of thing first hand. I am saying there are many kinds of "illegal immigration" and that you have experienced but a small piece of the pie.

I see. Then yes, I've only experienced Mexican illegal immigration.
You know nothing about me.
I don't care what I know about you, I know enough about your character.

So when exactly did this become an issue of luck being a factor in my accomplishments? You said it was all about luck. Stop twisting things and making shit up around on a whim.
The only part that can be put down to luck is my talents and intelligence, the rest is down to tenacity, determination and ambition.
I never said it had everything to do with luck, I said without that luck nothing else would have mattered.

Actually, some of the problems I faced were far worse than going hungry. It's quite possible to be poor and still have moments of joy (in fact according to many people I've met from Africa, people are generally a lot happier over there because they have so many less things to worry about), for many years I didn't even know happiness of any kind.
I'm not going to guess or ask you about the problems you faced. But what you just said is totally...well, idiotic. It is also possible to be depressed and have moments of joy. It is possible to lose family members and still have moments of joy (these people in africa you are refering to lose family members and children to starvation and disease all the time). That has nothing to do with this conversation. We are talking about getting out of the shit hole you are/were living in and that usually requires luck.

And I don't know how you got I just made this whole thing about luck up, wtf are you talking about? I used luck to point out to you that saying "**** them, not my problem" is not only immoral but heartless.

You miss the point - I don't care if they're hard working or decent people or not. It's completely besides the point. Your simplification of this issue into a question of whether they are good people or not really highlights your ignorance and naivete.
And yes, I do know something about how you treat illegals - you told me with your own words. You were practically boasting about how much you could get for how little.
No, you missed the point. Everything I told you about how you should come over here for nothing was in sarcasm to try and get you to understand how idiotic it is for you to claim what you claimed about "unfairness". I told you nothing of how I treat illegals outside of what I said above so stop guessing.

The majority of the hardships I faced had nothing whatsoever to do with where I happened to be born geographically, as they weren't economic in nature.
They weren't economic in nature? Didn't you just say above something about being thrown into poverty? But if you didn't or Im not understanding what you are saying then I have no clue why the **** you are bringing your personal problems up in a thread about unfortunate people born into shitty economical enviroments. Its as if you are trying to say that in addition to their shitty economical eviroments they never faced the same personal problems you faced. Really, what was your point of bringing this up?
I see. Then yes, I've only experienced Mexican illegal immigration.

And you haven't told me what personally you have seen. I live only a couple hundred miles north of you so enlighten me as to what you have seen first hand that is so terrible.
I don't care what I know about you, I know enough about your character.

Evidently not.

I never said it had everything to do with luck, I said without that luck nothing else would have mattered.

No, you said it was all about luck.
Without luck, you wouldn't even be alive - the **** is your point?

I'm not going to guess or ask you about the problems you faced. But what you just said is totally...well, idiotic. It is also possible to be depressed and have moments of joy. It is possible to lose family members and still have moments of joy (these people in africa you are refering to lose family members and children to starvation and disease all the time). That has nothing to do with this conversation. We are talking about getting out of the shit hole you are/were living in and that usually requires luck. No luck there. You said you're not going to ask and you don't know, so how can you presume so boldly the element of luck involved?

And I don't know how you got I just made this whole thing about luck up, wtf are you talking about? I used luck to point out to you that saying "**** them, not my problem" is not only immoral but heartless.

How is it immoral to not care about the plight of someone thousands of miles away?
What would be immoral is actively contributing to it. You're every bit as immoral as I am in this respect, being the armchair warrior that you are.
So what if it's heartless? If I wear a ribbon now and then or sit sipping my Grande Latte in Starbucks and emoting over the tragedy of the third world in true hypocritical liberal fashion, does that make it any better?
The only thing you are accomplishing by caring/pretending to care/paying lip service to a cause (one of these applies to you, the question is which one) is assuaging your own guilt. Which is inherently selfish. Hence we arrive back at the point of liberals being some of the most selfish people around.

No, you missed the point. Everything I told you about how you should come over here for nothing was in sarcasm to try and get you to understand how idiotic it is for you to claim what you claimed about "unfairness". I told you nothing of how I treat illegals outside of what I said above so stop guessing.

It was idiotic, irritating sarcasm and it made you sound like a child.
Yes, you did, you said you get top notch landscaping done on your yard for practically nothing. You've frequently evangelised the benefits of having basically slave labour in your country - evidently you aren't that concerned about their exploitation.

They weren't economic in nature? Didn't you just say above something about being thrown into poverty? But if you didn't or Im not understanding what you are saying then I have no clue why the **** you are bringing your personal problems up in a thread about unfortunate people born into shitty economical enviroments. Its as if you are trying to say that in addition to their shitty economical eviroments they never faced the same personal problems you faced. Really, what was your point of bringing this up?

Are you blind?
Yes, I lived in poverty for most of my life. However, that was the least of my problems. The point is, if you are determined enough, you can overcome even the toughest of hardships and it makes you a better person for having endured. It doesn't matter whether these are economic problems or any other - and it's not the rest of the world's responsibility to pick up the pieces. People may choose to be charitable, but to force them to be - now that's immoral.
I really can't argue with you, you win.

Yes, caring about the 3rd world is selfish since you can't really fix it by yourself anyway.

You're right, every post I made I condoned slave labor, in fact I own some mexican slaves myself. Does that help you with your fantasy about the evil, selfish, liberal I am?

And finally you are absolutely correct once again, farmers in Darfur, people working in sweatshops in India, and the billions of other people living under the poverty line on this planet could stop being so poor and miserable if they just weren't so lazy and tried a little harder. Afterall, you endured much harder hardships than all these lazy bastards (lazy bastards dying each day of aids, starvation, and other diseases) and you came out of it with no luck involved, just hard work and dedication.

You are probably one of the most simple minded people on this message board. Sure, a few others come close but I think you are the only one that actually believes the bullshit you spew.
I really can't argue with you, you win.

Yes, caring about the 3rd world is selfish since you can't really fix it by yourself anyway.

You're right, every post I made I condoned slave labor, in fact I own some mexican slaves myself. Does that help you with your fantasy about the evil, selfish, liberal I am?

And finally you are absolutely correct once again, farmers in Darfur, people working in sweatshops in India, and the billions of other people living under the poverty line on this planet could stop being so poor and miserable if they just weren't so lazy and tried a little harder. Afterall, you endured much harder hardships than all these lazy bastards (lazy bastards dying each day of aids, starvation, and other diseases) and you came out of it with no luck involved, just hard work and dedication.

You are probably one of the most simple minded people on this message board. Sure, a few others come close but I think you are the only one that actually believes the bullshit you spew.

Simple minded? That's a riot. :LOL:
You constantly mischaracterise what I say, resort to childish petulant comments to make your "point" and don't understand a goddamn thing.
It doesn't give you some kind of victory to declare me simple minded when you have nothing more to say. Last time we spoke, you thought I was actually quite intelligent - make up your mind.
i think repiv is a nice guy, and I would like to subscribe to his newsletter

no limit, i also think your a nice guy, we should all be friends...we can incite some illegals to cater a bbq as well!
i think repiv is a nice guy, and I would like to subscribe to his newsletter

no limit, i also think your a nice guy, we should all be friends...we can incite some illegals to cater a bbq as well!
Are you ever going to source your statistic posted on page 2?
Simple minded? That's a riot. :LOL:
You constantly mischaracterise what I say, resort to childish petulant comments to make your "point" and don't understand a goddamn thing.
It doesn't give you some kind of victory to declare me simple minded when you have nothing more to say. Last time we spoke, you thought I was actually quite intelligent - make up your mind.

I thought you were fairly intelligent until I saw this:

Yes, I lived in poverty for most of my life. However, that was the least of my problems. The point is, if you are determined enough, you can overcome even the toughest of hardships and it makes you a better person for having endured. It doesn't matter whether these are economic problems or any other - and it's not the rest of the world's responsibility to pick up the pieces. People may choose to be charitable, but to force them to be - now that's immoral.

But then again you posted similar bullshit before, my fault for not remembering it. Must be all that pot all us selfish liberals smoke.

Like I said, I really can't argue with someone that compared their problems to that of problems people face in third world countries day after day. You do believe that these people can get out of that poverty and all those other problems if they are dedicated, do you not? You did say this before, I just want to confirm it so everyone here can read it?.

Tyguy, sure, he's probably a nice guy. But there are a lot of nice guys out there that are that simple minded, it doesn't change much.
The point is, if you are determined enough, you can overcome even the toughest of hardships and it makes you a better person for having endured.

I don't agree with anything repiV has to say on the subject of immigration, but this is an extremely valid point. I speak from experience on this one.
Heard that on the radio, but take a look here

when i was living in LA only 2 months ago, this was a really big deal all over the radio.
basicaly all the craploads of legislation that hamstrung police from properly deporting illegal alien criminals when arrested. The police were forcing into using the most round about loopholes just to get the job halfway done.
I thought you were fairly intelligent until I saw this:

But then again you posted similar bullshit before, my fault for not remembering it. Must be all that pot all us selfish liberals smoke.

Posting something you disagree with and don't have the ability to comprehend doesn't make me simple-minded. Such thinking arguably makes you the simple-minded one.

Like I said, I really can't argue with someone that compared their problems to that of problems people face in third world countries day after day.

Clearly I can't have a serious discussion with someone who thinks it's as black and white as third world country = life is bad, first world country = life is good.
I've met countless people who have come from places like Kenya, Zimbabwe, India or Sri Lanka and actually prefer it back home. The West is good for getting a better education and maybe earning a bit more money, but they're happier at home.
Obviously it's harder to climb the ladder in a poor country but name me one successful person that had a negative attitude like that. Particularly in countries like China and India which in places share much in common with developed nations, the opportunities are certainly there to be had.
In any case, it isn't our responsibility to fix it. Ironically, isn't interfering in the rest of the world's affairs the #1 complaint about America?
We have adverts on the London underground asking "Are you killing with kindness?" and advising people not to give to beggars as it just makes their problems worse. Same ways you ain't gonna fix any goddamn problem of poverty by turning a blind eye to illegal immigration. The cycle of poverty will only continue or even get worse as there is less motivation and less manpower to fix the problems back at home. All such thinking will accomplish is to shoot ourselves in the foot.
We earned our position as a developed nation. If the rest of the world would actually learn some lessons from successful countries, they would be some distance towards a better future.

As for the "golden shores of the West", it ain't that simple. Poverty in London

Tyguy, sure, he's probably a nice guy. But there are a lot of nice guys out there that are that simple minded, it doesn't change much.

I'm much less simple-minded than I am nice guy. :rolleyes:
when i was living in LA only 2 months ago, this was a really big deal all over the radio.
basicaly all the craploads of legislation that hamstrung police from properly deporting illegal alien criminals when arrested. The police were forcing into using the most round about loopholes just to get the job halfway done.

That link of Tyguy's is a great read...

A number of American friends of mine have told me that LA is a violent, lawless, depressing hellhole - an overstatement or not?
I don't agree with anything repiV has to say on the subject of immigration, but this is an extremely valid point. I speak from experience on this one.
No it's not, it's bullshit.

You don't speak from experience, you have not lived, I presume, in conditions at all similar to what those in third world countries endure.
No it's not, it's bullshit.

You don't speak from experience, you have not lived, I presume, in conditions at all similar to what those in third world countries endure.

Neither have you, so how are you qualified to challenge his assertion?
That link of Tyguy's is a great read...

A number of American friends of mine have told me that LA is a violent, lawless, depressing hellhole - an overstatement or not?

yes in some ways, no in others. Its only violent in the shitty parts of the city, which i was smart enough to avoid. Lawless, no. It is overlawed if anything. There was constant legal rangling and red tape going on in LA at all times and all you ever heard on the radio is how group x is sueing group y, or how some new law was being passed etc etc. Depressing, well that depends solely on outlook really, but the feeling i got from living there was of a city that was slowly destroying itself.
No it's not, it's bullshit.

You don't speak from experience, you have not lived, I presume, in conditions at all similar to what those in third world countries endure.

The quote was fairly broad. There are many kinds of difficulties people must endure, and some quite easily match the conditions in third world countries. Simply because their suffering is so visually distinct doesn't mean it's "da worst kind." There's nothing bullshit about what he said, you're just interpreting it how you want to interpret it.
The quote was fairly broad. There are many kinds of difficulties people must endure, and some quite easily match the conditions in third world countries. Simply because their suffering is so visually distinct doesn't mean it's "da worst kind." There's nothing bullshit about what he said, you're just interpreting it how you want to interpret it.
Come on, it was obviously a defense of Capitalism, implying that if only the 13hour day sweat-shop workers would "work harder" they would be as successful as Repriv.
The quote was fairly broad. There are many kinds of difficulties people must endure, and some quite easily match the conditions in third world countries. Simply because their suffering is so visually distinct doesn't mean it's "da worst kind." There's nothing bullshit about what he said, you're just interpreting it how you want to interpret it.

Samon, are you sure you are understanding him correctly?

He said that anyone in any situation can come up as long as they are dedicated. This includes people working in India in sweatshops, people in africa who are dying of aids, people in Sudan displaced by war, etc. You really can't be agreeing with that, can you?
Come on, it was obviously a defense of Capitalism, implying that if only the 13hour day sweat-shop workers would "work harder" they would be as successful as Repriv.

OH NOES, a defence of the only successful economic system in history. The world is coming to an end!
Either way, congratulations on missing the point - and in ignoring the irony behind making your previous comment when you constantly preach about how great communism is without ever having experienced it.

Samon, are you sure you are understanding him correctly?

He said that anyone in any situation can come up as long as they are dedicated. This includes people working in India in sweatshops, people in africa who are dying of aids, people in Sudan displaced by war, etc. You really can't be agreeing with that, can you?

No, actually, I didn't say that, Mr. Hysterical. :rolleyes: