lindow's is free again -.-


Dec 30, 2004
Reaction score
yes yet again linspire is giving it away for free, i have never actualy tried iot but i heard it is great, for you people wondering "what is lindowes?" it is a linux inviroment that runs windows applications or .exe

you need bit torrent, i prefer bittornado.
but u can the torrent here

put in this for the cupon LINDOWS and it will be free there you go, a totally legal and free version (4.5)
Tip: Don't post so many threads in such a short amount of time.
Ugh, So Many People Posting Usless Post's Such As This One I Am Posting Now. When Will Poeople Learn!?
what's the point of linux if you're only gonna run windows apps?
dont ask me, i just found it :-P i prefer fedoracore 3 or gentoo linux
What exactly is so great about linux? I always hear people talking about it, and Ive heard of people running it off just about everything, but I dont actually know what it is.
well, linux actualy i have had no problewms with no, no crashes at all, seems a little more stable for what i do (use point2play and cedega) i like the enviroment and i like the free c (coding)
I've got Linspire 5, it's pretty nifty but I wouldn't want it as a primary OS... i'm still a gamer after all.
yea...thats what i heard. but get fedoracore (for some reason i usaly get a connection of 1098 kb/s on fedora ) and its really nice low ping with gamming but u need winex/cedaga and point2play to makke it easier but that cost 15 dollors. so i stick with wine (

edit: im at school and havnt got caught :p