
/\/\__... is a fudge-packer.

/\__... eats a lot of crackers.

<__... always seems knackered.

_ __... has huge knockers.
_ _ __... wears frilly knickers.
^has unneccessary O's in his name
< likes his huge knockers.
v ha! knickers.
^ missed the MI

< doesn't know what knickers are

v FAiled spelling test.
^^^ loves Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy to much...

^ i came close to getting 1 right... :(

< is still REALLY hungry

V made some pudding for Kamikazie
^ mentions MI when < doesn't know what MI is.
< made pudding for ^^ then ate it.
^ then screwed < up and made < edit his post.
^ missed the Munro incident cause it ne...*is silenced*

< .....

V loves to say RAWR!
^ is ALICE the chat bot
^ casualty of the munro incident
< happily ignorant of all incidents of any kind. ever. Rawr.
v spilt dubious liquids on their keyboard :)
^^ clarified MI for <. Also, ^^ is wrong because the MI really DID happen. I know it did!
*wipes off tobacco juice*
<Alice hates me, I asked her if her creator touched her in the naughty place
V *cough*
^ just noticed the pirate bunny avatar...

< dies of hunger...

V sends Kamikazie a get well soon card
/\__... has more hair on his back than his head.

<__... is beginning to get tired of this.

_ __... lost his shins in World War II.
perhaps ^ should go to work. or sleep. whatever you would do now.
yes, <'s legs go straight from thigh to foot.
v jsut really, really... is cool.
^no deal
<is going to bed as soon as Shintaro kills this ninja, or will maybe watch a few more episodes
V is dead
^^^ has more hair on feet than i do my back

^ is probably going to die for the following reason :

< is getting hit by a hurricane atm

V will send relief money to me :P
^ eats children
< has a 100 mbps lan connection running to his grave
< needs a less crap forum name
< watches kamikazie squirm while counts money maniacally
v works in a box factory
^ could take the name "Wookie3571000"....

< i work in a toy factory fyi...

V loves the toys that i make

V is very slow at posting in these things
< works in a box factory.
^ doesn't really need to change his name. I can assure ^, that ^ are the only johny with taht set of numbers after his name, and that makes him... special.
V also is special.
^ finally found the 'V' key

< apparently is laughing?

V wants some shens
^go home, spelt pesmerga wrong
< should be in bed
V will be a frog
^ hell yeah - see makes shens in sig
^ a FROG - i be an irishman curse ye :D
< should be studying
v should be studying
v should sit my exams for me
^^ thats the way that i spell it, so bleh

< is still wondering if i will live through this damn hurricane

V wonders how many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop
^ is a woman wait ....damnit :0
^^ will live through hurricane to spam another day
< is ignoring girlfriend text messages the lazy sod
v deserves cookies
^^ you win...whatever

^ recieves cookies. YESH!

< *goes and spells it right*

V is a mans man
^ scares me
< sleeps on the floor even though has a perfectly good bed
V loves chavs
^ ;(

< Doesn't

V I have absolutely no idea who this is.
^ but knows you...MUHAHAHA

< just had a power outage... :( more to come

V will pray to budda for my forgiveness
^ hey buddha you forgive us all right? right?
^ lies how could you still be online!
< finds this thread perversely entertaining
v has a tash
... doesn't know much about Buddhism.

... eats his own feces.

... can't not post in this thread and needs to slightly shrink his arrows.

... has three nipples.

... is currently living under an alias because he attempted to assassinate Jack Thompson and narrowly escape being arrested, so far.
^has a great avatar + appropriate name - kudos
< may or may not be true = eats his own feces. has three nipples.
is currently living under an alias because he attempted to assassinate Jack Thompson and narrowly escape being arrested, so far.
is cpt stern
^^ needs to see if we can play AOE 3...

< survived teh hurricane, to celebrate i eat pizza!

V will not share with you!
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Spammer.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Spammer.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Spammer.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Spammer.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Spammer.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Spammer.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Spammer.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Spammer.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Spammer.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Spammer.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Spammer.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Spammer.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Spammer.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Spammer.

^^^^^^^^^^^^ Spammer.

^^^^^^^^^^^ Spammer.

^^^^^^^^^^ Spammer.

^^^^^^^^^ Spammer.

^^^^^^^^ Spammer.

^^^^^^^ Spammer.

^^^^^^ Spammer.

^^^^^ Spammer.

^^^^ Spammer.

^^^ Spammer.

^^ Spammer.

^ Spammer.

< Spammer.

V Spammer.
never gets on AIM.
woke up on the wrong side of the bed.
is going to stop playing this game, just for Sulky.
is under the control of the Zombie Master. Do not trust him.
covered his entire room with David Hasselhoff posters.

< is strangely aroused by the picture... probably the puppies

v has diabetes but continues to drink 5 gallons of Coca-Cola each day nonetheless