Linksys wm54g adapter driver


The Freeman
Jun 2, 2003
Reaction score
I've downloaded every version I could find from every site, restarted my computer more times than I can remember, and my ****ing wireless card won't even show up in the hardware list. The last driver said it even installed correctly, but nothing. Nothing at all.

I'm so ****ing frustrated right now, I could scream or cry or throw my computer in front of a ****ing bus. Someone please help me find a driver that will work. I'm going to bed.

I have adapter hardware version 1.1 and XP Home SP3.
Maybe it's broken. You can try removing all traces of the driver, removing the adapter from your case. Check again to be sure the driver is uninstalled, then put it back in the case and see what happens. It should recognize the device. Then you can try installing the correct driver.

There are probably several revisions of that card. There could be more than 10 different drivers. Look at the card, and write down all the numbers on it that look important. Then when searching for the driver, you should see one that matches those numbers.
I had a similar problem with Windows 7 - it was because the driver wasn't digitally signed. This may not apply to XP, but try booting up and pressing F8 and disabling digital signature enforcement.

It's odd the card isn't showing up in device manager.
Well, the card does show up in the device manager as some unidentified network controller, but it never gets beyond that. It's all good though. I got really mad, ripped the card in half, and reorganised my basement to let my LAN cable reach the router now that my computer is in a different room.

Thanks for the help though guys.
For future reference, I once had the unidentified device problem and using the driver installer didn't fix it or make it work. I did manage to install it through device manager by clicking "update driver" or whatever, and then browsing for the installer.

Another time, I actually had to put the driver file on a CD, then when it prompts you to insert the driver CD, only then it would search the CD, find the driver, and install automatically.
lol, that's a ridiculous amount of wrangling to make that work. I actually tried doing a manual search for the driver, but the driver was never detected. Piece of crap son of a mumble mumble bears mumble.

I was going to say something else but I've accidentally pulled an all-nighter, and have thus forgot.
Yeah, for burning the CD, I believe it was a hacked driver I was trying to install. My laptop only came with Vista, so when I installed XP instead, there was no driver for my wireless (or maybe it was onboard sound). Someone hacked the driver to work, and I guess the installer wasn't right.

Got it to work though.