LINUX FIXED Stalkyard Released


Dec 10, 2004
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Well its been one hell of a ride, ive cried, cried some more but finally after a few days of wanting to burn the cancer that was a broken Stalkyard, I have finally nailed the problem of it not working in a Linux environment.

I know its a total a**e but I can but ask the community to delete the old dm_stalkyard and download the new version from the following sites so we are all running on the same version, and Im sorry this happened in the 1st place...

You will know its the new version by the dm_stalkyardFIXED.rar and that there have been a few tweaks to the map, most aesthetic. Thanks Pro[pH]et and Gringo, could have done it without you guys.
Ladders you say? WTF

It seems that Linux had a problem with my ladders, or at least one of them, in my map. I had to scrub them all and replace them. I dont know why this was the case but needless to say finding the cause of an error like this wasnt fun, and has taken me and Pro[pH]et all night so its yet another night of no kip!

Still, shes out now, looking a lit sweeter than before and running on both environments. Hopefully we will see a few dam servers running it now, I bloody hope so for the work i put in! Download what is most definately the FINAL version and enjoy, i hope :D

Boxy out...
Possible mistake-age may have happened there yes , shucks! Too dam eagle eyed!
I think you should read posts a lit bit more matey, but it was screwing up because of the ladders for some reason. Not quite sure why tbh. Just download the new version, which is hopefully bug free...
How many versions of your map did we test till we found the error, Boxy? Maybe 20 or so?
Not sure but it was too dam many, and im paying the price for not sleeping, but im glad that ive got it done. Come on people, go download the final final version please
Shameless bump, promise this is last time, but ppl are still playing the old version, it will hopefully fade out soon. Final version has dust motes in the windows(and works in Linux obviously!), so you will know what version ur playing.
Did you keep the same file name for the last version? Because if you did, that is a no-no, as I learned in another mapping community a while back. It makes it really hard to tell which is which, and creates mismatches when joining servers as opposed to just auto-downloading the new map.

If you did, it's too late to fix it, but live and learn for next time.
Well, the server will tell you that your version of dm_stalkyard does not match the servers. You have to go into hl2dm/maps and delete the older version.
pur3r4ge said:
and creates mismatches when joining servers as opposed to just auto-downloading the new map.

Pro[pH said:
et]Well, the server will tell you that your version of dm_stalkyard does not match the servers. You have to go into hl2dm/maps and delete the older version.

That was my point. If I get a version mismatch, I don't bother. What if I have the new version and the server has the old? Then I'm stuck constantly deleting and redownloading the same map depending on which server I joined. Not cool. Needing to leave the game in order to auto-download a map is also a pain, and most people aren't going to do it. If you could automatically apply a patch like Valve, fine. Keep the same name. But we don't have that power.
Yeah, it is a bummer for sure. Most people won't bother to delete the old version, I'm sure.

We may face this a lot with this Linux issue. A lot of people won't test on Linux and then find out later and have to update the map.

Oh, the humanity!
I've installed linux on an old box I had laying around for just this purpose. I'm not releasing another map with testing it on linux first.
That would be a good practice for anyone making maps right now.

I have offered to test maps on my sever for people.
Yeah the whole not being bothered to download thing and some dam servers running an old copy is annoyance i know, but the way Im going with this is I know I have the latest version, and if i join a server that has a diff version (has only happened once in last two weeks) then i just dont join that server. I maybe should have renamed the map so people knew, but dm_stlakyard is the definitive name! =) Please just delete the old version download the latest one from snark pit and dont join servers (not that you could) that have the old version. They will eventually get the message or beocme empty...

Since dm_depot crashed my Linux server I thought I would bump this back to the top for review.