Linux Steam Usership Now at 2.02%


Staff member
Dec 31, 2004
Reaction score
Last month we reported that according to the Steam Hardware and Software Survey Ubuntu was making up 1.12% of Steam users. After another month of growth, no doubt helped along by the Linux Sale and Team Fortress 2 Tux give away, has gained the Linux OS as a whole another 0.9% and brought it up 2.02%. Non-Unbuntu distros are now also represented in the results with categories for "Linux Mint 14 Nadia 64 bit" and the vague "Linux 64 bit" having been added. The mysterious "Other" category has also grown to 0.82% and may contain a significant number of other Linux distros that didn't manage their own category.

Conversely MacOS is down from 3.56% last month to 3.07% this month. This is more likely due to Linux's growth taking up more of the pie than it is of MacOS losing users. Unsurprisingly Windows 8 also has a growing share and is now sitting at 9.63% of users. We'll bring an update on this again if Linux manages to pass a significant milestone like 5% or 10% or if news just continues to be as slow as it currently is. A final interesting fact from the survey: 100% of Steam users have Steam installed on their computers.
"now doubt helped along by the Linux Sale"
And that kids, is why you must proofread.
So I guess this means 100% of non-Steam users don't have Steam installed on their computers. Gosh you learn new things everyday
My dad has steam on his computer but doesn't use it. Probably doesn't even know what it is.
Ah but krynn,it doesn't matter if he has it but doesn't use it.The post only suggested that if you use it you have it installed,not the other way around :D