List your favourite chillout songs>>>>>

Actually anything by the gorrilaz is good chillout :D

go away brink's :p
well it's been useful for me (little fluffy clouds) and useful for anyone who checks out any of the music. So if that is what the guy meant, he is talking out of his arse.
Idonotbelonghere said:
Actually anything by the gorrilaz is good chillout :D

go away brink's :p
that was my interpretation, of Adabiviak's post. This thread has actually helped me find some new music, so im not complaining. Plus, it seems ive helped out also. I do find it odd that he picked this thread though.
Oh...maybe I should have read the whole thread and not just the first post lol
Bob Dylan - Desolation Row
REM - Try not to Breathe, The Sidewinder Sleeps Topnight, Monty Got a new Deal, Leaving New York, Electron Blue, NightSwimming.
DonMclean - Vincent, American Pie
moody blues - knights in white satin
regina spektor - us (brilliant download it)
the secret machines - you are chains