Listen up, America

I don't get it... What does this have to do with America?
Maybe he's saying that not only American politicians can say stupid things?

I dunno, seems self-evident to me that all politicians around the world can come out with absolute classic stuff ups.
All I know new zealand for is that the lord of the rings movies were filmed there...woop woop?
Arent there lots of sheep in New Zealand?
Okay, first of all, you guys suck. Secondly, I just ate a big red candle. But finally, I was just trying to say that American politicians need to buck up their ideas. Honestly, you'd never hear Cheney saying that Bush was a queer tosser. Get the times, you no-life low lifes!
Please, don't flame. If you really feel like it, go somewhere else.
lol as if you could take a bad hat flame seriously.

that was great bad hat rofl :D
Group hug?

HAH! You fell for it, queers!
Qwert93 said:
Please, don't flame. If you really feel like it, go somewhere else.

Why the hell is nobody aloud to flame, not even a bit?

It gets boring without cruelty to n00bs, and general piss taking.
Shodan said:
Why the hell is nobody aloud to flame, not even a bit?

It gets boring without cruelty to n00bs, and general piss taking.

And the atmosphere becomes chaotic, unbearable and childish with it.
I'm still laughing that Qwert told badhat off :)