Lists Warez Users Here

Oct 12, 2004
Reaction score
I dont know if this is already going on in the forums, but i think it should be done if it isnt.

List the player(s) that you have played with that say they are using the WAREZ, i think valve should do something and they should be able to tell with their steamid if they bought it or not.

Ill start the list off....

Name: CT

*continued TKing and when asked "why pay for a game and be so rude and play it wrong" he claimed that he did not PAY for it and that it was in fact a warez version or w/e.....something should be done, again if this is already a thread im sorry cuz i am new to this forum as u can see by how many posts i have.

Thank you
Considering that they have hacked versions which I doubt run via steam - dunno how usefull noteting their steam ID's is going to be... my guess is that they will prob all the have same bogus steam ID.
you may be right, but it cant hurt to try....i mean it just kinda frustruates me toat this guy was such a jerk and he still didnt have to pay for the game :)
It might be a fake steam_id which could possibly ban a legit player, so it could hurt to try. If you don't want them on a server, %n. Otherwise, just let them play. Doesn't effect your gaming experience and Valve will shut them out when they want to.
u obviously didnt read my post, cuz it did effect my gaming experience.....and they still have to log onto their steam account im pretty sure, it just has it unlocked in their game lists somehow, im not sure how they hacked it for sure. so i am guessing that its their normal steam time i will %n them, i forgot about it but i would much rather have him banned and not being able to play the game, so yes it does effect MY gaming experience, its almost as if u think its not a big deal, did u buy ur copy? so u dont mind that others didnt earn it like u did?
They can make/use as many accounts/steamids as they want. This isn't very helpful. Getting their IP would be, presuming they don't have a dynamic one.
DuB said:
Considering that they have hacked versions which I doubt run via steam - dunno how usefull noteting their steam ID's is going to be... my guess is that they will prob all the have same bogus steam ID.

if give you a cookie
if thats true
I just throw on a [%n] tag in the back of my name. Any time I get a kill or die myself, they crash and end up timeing out. :thumbs:
socK said:
I just throw on a [%n] tag in the back of my name. Any time I get a kill or die myself, they crash and end up timeing out. :thumbs:

thats nice but theres a patch for this that the warez guys can get.

only thing you could do is if you wouldget their IP address, valve could use that.
Would everyone just RELAX on the warez issue?

Who cares if they pirate the game, it doesn't affect you, does it?

No, it doesn't, not yet anyways. It's not like Valve is losing money, they're going to make so much off of HL2 already, not to mention future mods.

Plus the money they made off of HL.
personaly i change my nick name to %n Malphas---Qc[anti-haxor] and half theses server quit when i die it's funny
i think its the best way
First of all, anyone could be lying. Valve cant do jack **** about it from word of mouth.

Second, I dont understand why little tattle-tale babies like yourself get so pissy about such a stupid thing. You bought the game, they didnt. Give yourself a pat on the back and shut the hell up. Valve isnt paying you to be their snitch. If someone robbed my store, I wouldnt get the whole neighborhood to help me look for the robber. It isnt your problem, so dont make it yours.
who wants to be everyone who posted here crying about WAREZ has illegal mp3z or other illegal programs on their computer? If you do then your jsut a hypocrite crying about everyone else pirating when you do to. If you dont have anything illegal then maybe you can be mad. I dont like WAREZ either, but that doesnt mean i have to be VALVE's b|tch, esp. when VALVE hasnt even asked for your help, and may not even want it.
Baal said:
Would everyone just RELAX on the warez issue?

Who cares if they pirate the game, it doesn't affect you, does it?

No, it doesn't, not yet anyways. It's not like Valve is losing money, they're going to make so much off of HL2 already, not to mention future mods.

Plus the money they made off of HL.

I beg to differ, when im happily playing the game i BOUGHT and have to put up with warez users who are cheating or just pissing everyone off, they cant be banned very effectively. So yes, yes it is effecting me.
The STEAM forums does not allow the displaying of STEAM ID's, probably for a very good reason. Take it off. Heck, even recommend a close.
BrimStone04 said:
I dont know if this is already going on in the forums, but i think it should be done if it isnt.

List the player(s) that you have played with that say they are using the WAREZ, i think valve should do something and they should be able to tell with their steamid if they bought it or not.

Ill start the list off....

Name: CT

*continued TKing and when asked "why pay for a game and be so rude and play it wrong" he claimed that he did not PAY for it and that it was in fact a warez version or w/e.....something should be done, again if this is already a thread im sorry cuz i am new to this forum as u can see by how many posts i have.

Thank you

How bout you stop bitching and stop worrying about it...let valve handle it, let the hacked version players play while they still can, and enjoy the game because unlike them you'll have it for as long as YOU want....they have a limited amount of time with it.
Bottom line...who gives crap if they have a hacked verison. Its not like they are taking your hard work and making it their own, cheating on a test you are taking and you dont know it, making money off you behind your back.

Trust me im not slamming just should not be worth your time to try and get these guys busted. Just sit back, relax, and enjoy. ;)
I'm so confused.
The way I see it is that I payed good money to buy a game. People get this game for free off the internet - Sure, they will get their ID's banned in the future for hacking and whatnot when VAC2 Comes in. But on our server ( (1)), whenever I "cleanse the server", I note everyone who times out at that point, goto the player list, and screenshot their steam ID's.

I am not well kept up in the warez district, but I remember one site about CSS hacking which I reported to VAVLe (Yes, it is illegal, not just about VALVe here), and they said that you need to do something with the "clientregistry.blob" and change this weird text to your steam ID, thus meaning they need a Valid steam ID to get on. Just a thought.
As baal said, cant you just calm down and play the game instead of playing "police and terrorist"?
Well it's still illegal, Rolando. And how would you feel if someone broke into your house and stole.... your PC? That's the same concept. People are actively stealing things YOU paid for (If you did.... Suspicious.... )..

Explain THAT, sherlock. :p
Its useless cuz they dont use their proper Steam account, they just make a new one without any games or anything and if they would be banned they can just make a new account and change it in the warez version with a mouse click..this is useless imo..
BrownTown said:
who wants to be everyone who posted here crying about WAREZ has illegal mp3z or other illegal programs on their computer? If you do then your jsut a hypocrite crying about everyone else pirating when you do to. If you dont have anything illegal then maybe you can be mad. I dont like WAREZ either, but that doesnt mean i have to be VALVE's b|tch, esp. when VALVE hasnt even asked for your help, and may not even want it.
Haha... bad argument, buddy...
dekstar said:
Well it's still illegal, Rolando. And how would you feel if someone broke into your house and stole.... your PC? That's the same concept. People are actively stealing things YOU paid for (If you did.... Suspicious.... )..
No it isnt. They are not stealing anything from you, and really are not really taking anything from anyone. They are not paying for services indirectly rendered.

I dont have a problem with Warez. Let me tell you why.

No matter what, our choices here are dictated by our conscience. A gamer has a responsability to give an apropriate amount of money back to the developers who make games. However, any one gamer with a limited budget can only afford so many games. At that point on, the industry is not going to be profiting from him any way.
If someone who is supporting the industry at a fair and reasonable rate pirates some lesser titles to kill time, nobody is being hurt. Nobody. There is no reason to deny this person entertainment as long as they are truely supporting the industry in a fair manner.

However, I will say that many of these guys never buy a damned thing. These guys, and ones who have no respect for those who did purchase the game, are f'n punks. And if any company should be supported, its VALVe, so CSS pirates are more likely to be of the asinine variety.

A distinction must be made here.

VALVe will take care of this. VAC2 will have an impact, I am sure. VALVe no doubt has something up their sleeve.
f|uke said:
If someone who is supporting the industry at a fair and reasonable rate pirates some lesser titles to kill time, nobody is being hurt. Nobody.

Sorry, I was confused about the rest of that post (Not a bash), but this seems rather weird. Half-life 2 is not a lesser title. Counter-strike: Source is not a lesser title. And Companies do get hurt. Doom 3 had how many? something like 20,000 people downloading it as warez from nova-supr the day it was released. Do the math, that's 20,000 timesed by £40 for the game new. That means ID software already lost eight hundred thousand Pounds. It's a full game, and if people didn't buy it, but have it, there isn't much chance they will buy it later on.

Edit: Also, if lesser titles are the ones being pirated, that means people are hurt a lot more. Take the game "soldat" for instance. That has been pirated, and it was made by one person who uses the game as possibly his only income. He would have gotten hurt badly by pirating.

Half-Life2 will be a ground breaking game. No doubt it will have a lot more people downloading the warez on it's release day.

h00dlum said:
Its useless cuz they dont use their proper Steam account, they just make a new one without any games or anything and if they would be banned they can just make a new account and change it in the warez version with a mouse click..this is useless imo..

I don't think that is all that correct. A CSS warez site I know of say that you do need to edit a certain file with legitimate Steam ID's and Details. This is because they still need to use steam to access a master server in order to join games (Allbeit they can't do much else that way). There's also the whole Credit card fraud. You don't really need that anymore to play Counter-strike: Source warezed, they just need a certain amount of files and this one program (I am not going to say it here because it's illegal) which works as a Steam emulator. A legitimate account is needed though.
Well what I do is I change my name to %n every so often (Randomly), and kill myself. Then I check for any timeouts, press ESC to get to the main menu, click player list, and let it update everyone's steam ID's, then reference the timeouts with their user/steam ID, and take a screenie with their name highlighted. hope that helps. Also, you can't take screenshots with the inbuilt one, so I used the trial version of FRAPS. It's good.
dekstar said:
blah blah blah
you seem vaguely intelligent (in the sense that you can string words together to form complete sentences,) but i can't believe that you just tried to legitimize piracy. especially with such a lame, slippery slope justification.
There is no reason to deny this person entertainment as long as they are truely supporting the industry in a fair manner.

steal your games if you must, but at least be honest about it.
The believe the latest patch also did away with the "warez version".. although it wasn't really advertised by steam. I guess they didn't want everyone to know that got owned again.
I don't think that is all that correct. A CSS warez site I know of say that you do need to edit a certain file with legitimate Steam ID's and Details. This is because they still need to use steam to access a master server in order to join games (Allbeit they can't do much else that way). There's also the whole Credit card fraud. You don't really need that anymore to play Counter-strike: Source warezed, they just need a certain amount of files and this one program (I am not going to say it here because it's illegal) which works as a Steam emulator. A legitimate account is needed though.

(From the EMPORIO .nfo)
4. Register an account on it. (don't use one with games on it!)
5. Edit SteamApp.cfg in your CSS Directory to your account settings etc

I dont see the problem its not very hard to make 10 new bogus Steam accounts without anything on them..
dekstar said:
Counter-strike: Source is not a lesser title.
If you read my full post, you would see that I stated VALVe is a company I believe should be supported. But really this is a matter of personal discression.
dekstar said:
And Companies do get hurt. Doom 3 had how many? something like 20,000 people downloading it as warez from nova-supr the day it was released. Do the math, that's 20,000 timesed by £40 for the game new. That means ID software already lost eight hundred thousand Pounds. It's a full game, and if people didn't buy it, but have it, there isn't much chance they will buy it later on.
Yes, but that doesn't mean they would have bought it ever. Listen to what I'm saying. If I spent as much money as I can realsonably afford on videogames, then I'm not going to be buying another game anyways. Period. No matter what. Later,when I have money, I will buy a game. In the meantime, no company is losing money from my piracy, because there is simply no way in hell I would have bought it over something important, like, food.

dekstar said:
lEdit: Also, if lesser titles are the ones being pirated, that means people are hurt a lot more. Take the game "soldat" for instance. That has been pirated, and it was made by one person who uses the game as possibly his only income. He would have gotten hurt badly by pirating.
ALL games are pirated. ALL games. Theres no "if". Again, this is just a matter of personal discression. Odds are most people would not have bought this game anyways, let alone even HEARD of it. It is quite possible that, with the widespread distribution of piracy, more people played it, and some, in clear conscience, proceeded to buy it.
epmode said:
you seem vaguely intelligent (in the sense that you can string words together to form complete sentences,) but i can't believe that you just tried to legitimize piracy. especially with such a lame, slippery slope justification..
steal your games if you must, but at least be honest about it.
You quoted Dekstar, but I believe you're targeting me. Yes, it a slippery slope,. but we are guided by our conscience any way you look at it. Listen, some people are alcoholics. These people cannot drink in moderation, and for them, drinking is a bad idea. However, there are people who can control their drinking and do it responsably. I am a responsable pirate. I buy games. Hell, I threw down $100 for HL2 Gold Edit. And how am I not being honest about it?
how do u get their ids? i have seen NUMEROUS people that are warezing, and usually once one admits it in a server, several others say the same... they are all going to buy it when hl2 comes out supposedly... pfff... usually u buy games for their multiplayer and if people crack the multi, they aint gonna pay sh*t for a single player game...

A lot of people playing a warez version are probably just waiting for HL2. Not everyone has a credit card, contrary to popular belief.
lo why do I get the impression most people that argue that "it isn't hurting anyone" either are themselves a warez user or a friend or someone they know is.

I believe as someone said above the person must register a steam account for the crack to work. so banning steam ud's would work.
i bought it but i wanted my friend to play with me, you know, real life friend maybe not many of you have them, anyway he's not a real computer nerd but he wanted to play too so i hooked him up with warez cs:s.

do i care? no.
do i care about other people that use warez version? no.

i bought it, and thats all that matters to me. keep your noses in your own business in future.
I think we should start our own witch hand ! Get their IPs find out where they live and burn everyone of them.

Don’t you think your reactions over this is a little bit too much ?

Seriously ppl I bought the gold package from Steam (cause I think stem is a company I should support). And I don’t have any problem playing in a server with WAREZ players in it. (Maybe cause I warez some games from time to time.)

I chose to buy the game, they didn’t that’s the end of it.

I don’t see any point starting a war against them. The only outcome I see over this is warez players finding more exploits to crash servers to get back to whoever is handing them.

I wouldn’t wont to see that cause in the end all that counts down to is crappy net play.

Couldn’t you just relax and enjoy the game ?

Xcuse my english
S3RiOUS is using a cracked copy. I've seen him get kicked by someone using %n 5 times yesterday.