Little Big Planet (PS3)


Jul 18, 2003
Reaction score
Wow... just wow at this game.


At its core, the game seems to be a 3D platformer where you and three friends run from left to right and have to work together to make progress. Need to reach a higher platform? One of your friends can pull on a lever to get it to drop. Need to get a skateboard started down a ramp? Three of you can sit on top, and a fourth can pull it forward. It's a series of of platforming puzzles -- many of them physics-based -- that can be solved with teamwork, basically.

But to hear Sony explain it, that's just the start, as the customization and community aspects are huge parts of this game. Players will be able to create their own levels and share them online, using what looks to be a pretty extensive level editor. Thanks to the game's physics system, you'll be able to drop items in and play with them easily -- in an example shown by Sony, you can create a wooden wall, place a steering wheel on it, then jump up and start running on the steering wheel like some kind of odd hamster.

Of course, the basic abilities to jump, push and pull are just the start your character's skills -- we witnessed flying in jetpacks, characters hitting each other and taking a bow with the motion sensor support in the PS3 controller, and tons of objects that you can interact with in the environments. Mix all that with the ability to paint and decorate your environments and you've got a lot of potential for creating fun levels. Here's hoping the variety keeps up beyond what Sony is showing at GDC.


According to Sony, a demo of LittleBigPlanet will be available this fall, with the game shipping in "early 2008."

1UP preview.



Hopefully Gamespot will release the Sony GDC video when the developers behind the game showed it to the audience and talked a bit about it. Looked friggin' insane.
Mmmhmm...that sounds and looks really nice. Can't wait for stuff like this on these next-gen systems--the big name games are good too, but this sort of thing really piques my interest.

Loke: Don't forget to make a thread of the first Killzone PS3 impressions. :E
Sounds sorts of Lemmings physics-based game with other players. Again , it may be a nice little distraction , mini-game rereshment in-between playing full-fetched games but that's it.

What's the deal with Sony? Home and now this. Seems like they are trying to sweep under the carpet the fact that they are somewhat thin in games coming for the ps3 in the recent future.

Plus , only in 08`. I don't see people rushing to buy this. A little appetizer pherhaps.
Sounds sorts of Lemmings physics-based game with other players. Again , it may be a nice little distraction , mini-game rereshment in-between playing full-fetched games but that's it.

What's the deal with Sony? Home and now this. Seems like they are trying to sweep under the carpet the fact that they are somewhat thin in games coming for the ps3 in the recent future.

Plus , only in 08`. I don't see people rushing to buy this. A little appetizer pherhaps.

All of the new consoles have had these types of games. Like you said they are just appetisers until the big-name games come out.

This looks cool though. I like these kind of coop games. Can be a great laugh!
Just saw the video for this and it looks amazing! Now i need to find 4 people that want to play it with me.....:(
Just saw the video for this and it looks amazing! Now i need to find 4 people that want to play it with me.....:(
Well, according to the 'Home' video, you can use the chat function to meet completely random people and take them back to your room and play games. First dev to programme a 'Hot Coffee Multiplayer' wins one lawsuit.
Literally today Sony has done two things to impress me. More things than it has done in the entire year. But... what Candy art said.

I window shopped my 360 today. :p
Wasn't sold on the concept but the video really brought it home for me. This will probably be the first game I buy over the PSN, unless Calling All Cars is really good too.
Holy damn, what the ****?

I was just thinking of something like this earlier. I was thinking how cool it'd be to have a physics based 2D game that required teamwork to complete coop puzzle type things. What the monkey science is up with that?

Looks pretty awesome though.
That was awesome!

It shall ne mine :)
Watch the presentation here. I'd recommend that you download it instead (use a download manager like Getright).
OMFG... I just watched the presentation... I'm in love. It's the innovative little games like this that I love. I can't to play this online with others.
Wow, cool. Me and my friends was discussing to make a mod/game almost identical to this (sidescroller, multiplayer, physics based co-op puzzles). We haven't started production yet since we had other games to finish up, and now we don't have to make this since it already exists :)

Edit: I can change this into a question; After seeing this, would you like a source/indie game based on the same basics?
Holy shit that's one of the most awesome game demos I've seen since HL2... I'm blown away, that's fantastic. The vid made me so happy when they finished :D Haha.

I always knew physics would be the key factor in enjoyable games of today.
Yeah, it's really mindblowing. Everything looks so perfect, the characters are cute/funny as hell (I love the guy with the helmet hahaha).

I'm so impressed with the graphics, it looks like... a Pixar film (ok, almost).