Little survey...

Nov 23, 2004
Reaction score
Alright, I was wondering if 15 or so of you could answer a couple yes or no questions so I can pass my anthropology project. Nothing that'll take more than 3 minutes, I assure you. No need for a name either. But, please do me this favor :thumbs:.

1. Are you between 12-20 years old?
2. Are you male or female?
3. Do you like to read books?
4. Do you like action more than other genres of film?
5. Do you like romantic movies?
6. Do you watch R rated movies?
7. Have you ever seen a NC-17 movie?
8. Did you like it?
9. Are you religious?
10. Do you buy movies on a regular basis or only sometimes?
11. Have you ever seen a black or white movie?
12. Do you like color or black and white better?
13. Do you enjoy foreign films?
14. Can you speak or understand other languages beside English?
15. Do you prefer foreign movies with subtitles or with dubbed voices?
1. yes
2. male
3. yes
4. yes
5. no
6. yes
7. yes
8. yes
9. no
10. sometimes
11. yes
12. color
13. no
14. no
15. subtitles
1. Are you between 12-20 years old?
2. Are you male or female?
3. Do you like to read books?
4. Do you like action more than other genres of film?
Not always.
5. Do you like romantic movies?
6. Do you watch R rated movies?
7. Have you ever seen a NC-17 movie?
8. Did you like it?
9. Are you religious?
10. Do you buy movies on a regular basis or only sometimes?
11. Have you ever seen a black or white movie?
12. Do you like color or black and white better?
13. Do you enjoy foreign films?
14. Can you speak or understand other languages beside English?
A bit of french
15. Do you prefer foreign movies with subtitles or with dubbed voices?
Subtitles. Dubbed if i'm feeling lazy :p

Hope those answers are ok :)
1. yes
2. male
3. no
4. yes
5. no
6. yes
7. yes
8. yes
9. no
10. no
11. yes
12. yes
13. no
14. yes
15. dubbed, because its funnier

There you go.:)
1.Are you between 12-20 years old? YES
2. Are you male or female? MALE
3. Do you like to read books? NO
4. Do you like action more than other genres of film? NO
5. Do you like romantic movies? YES
6. Do you watch R rated movies? YES
7. Have you ever seen a NC-17 movie? YES
8. Did you like it? YES
9. Are you religious? YES
10. Do you buy movies on a regular basis or only sometimes? SOMETIMES
11. Have you ever seen a black or white movie? YES
12. Do you like color or black and white better? COLOUR
13. Do you enjoy foreign films? YES
14. Can you speak or understand other languages beside English? YES
15. Do you prefer foreign movies with subtitles or with dubbed voices? DUBBED VOICES

There you go :)
xombine: How can you answer 'yes' to number 12? :p
1. Are you between 12-20 years old? Yes
2. Are you male or female? Male
3. Do you like to read books? No
4. Do you like action more than other genres of film? Generally, yes
5. Do you like romantic movies? No
6. Do you watch R rated movies? Yes
7. Have you ever seen a NC-17 movie? Yes
8. Did you like it? Yes
9. Are you religious? No
10. Do you buy movies on a regular basis or only sometimes? Regular
11. Have you ever seen a black or white movie? Yes
12. Do you like color or black and white better? Colour
13. Do you enjoy foreign films? Yes, East Asian
14. Can you speak or understand other languages beside English? Yes
15. Do you prefer foreign movies with subtitles or with dubbed voices? Subtitles
1. Are you between 12-20 years old? yes
2. Are you male or female? male
3. Do you like to read books? yes
4. Do you like action more than other genres of film? usually.
5. Do you like romantic movies? depends on the setting
6. Do you watch R rated movies? yes
7. Have you ever seen a NC-17 movie? yes
8. Did you like it? yep
9. Are you religious? no
10. Do you buy movies on a regular basis or only sometimes? sometimes, the awesome ones
11. Have you ever seen a black or white movie? yes
12. Do you like color or black and white better? color
13. Do you enjoy foreign films? yes
14. Can you speak or understand other languages beside English? not very well
15. Do you prefer foreign movies with subtitles or with dubbed voices? subtitles
1. Are you between 12-20 years old? yes
2. Are you male or female? Male
3. Do you like to read books? No
4. Do you like action more than other genres of film? Yes
5. Do you like romantic movies? No
6. Do you watch R rated movies? Yes
7. Have you ever seen a NC-17 movie? Yes
8. Did you like it? Yes
9. Are you religious? No
10. Do you buy movies on a regular basis or only sometimes? Never
11. Have you ever seen a black or white movie? Yes
12. Do you like color or black and white better? Color
13. Do you enjoy foreign films? Yes
14. Can you speak or understand other languages beside English? Yes
15. Do you prefer foreign movies with subtitles or with dubbed voices? Subtitles
1. Neg.
2. No.
3. Yes but not more than playing with stuff.
4. Depends on the action, but yeah.
5. Does it have explosions?
6. All the time.
7. Hell if I know. I'm gonna go with no.
8. Like what?
9. Neg. Down with organized religion.
10. Only if it's reeeeeaaally good. Sometimes.
11. Doesn't Spike Lee make black movies? Yeah I guess.
12. Color.
13. If anime = foreign, answer = yes.
14. Or if there is subtitles, otherwise no.
15. Subs.
1. Are you between 12-20 years old?

2. Are you male or female?

3. Do you like to read books?

4. Do you like action more than other genres of film?

5. Do you like romantic movies?

6. Do you watch R rated movies?

7. Have you ever seen a NC-17 movie?

8. Did you like it?

9. Are you religious?

10. Do you buy movies on a regular basis or only sometimes?
Regular basis

11. Have you ever seen a black or white movie?

12. Do you like color or black and white better?

13. Do you enjoy foreign films?
Love them, so yes

14. Can you speak or understand other languages beside English?

15. Do you prefer foreign movies with subtitles or with dubbed voices?
Only subtitles.
DeusExMachinia said:
Alright, I was wondering if 15 or so of you could answer a couple yes or no questions so I can pass my anthropology project. Nothing that'll take more than 3 minutes, I assure you. No need for a name either. But, please do me this favor :thumbs:.

1. Are you between 12-20 years old?
2. Are you male or female?
3. Do you like to read books?
4. Do you like action more than other genres of film?
5. Do you like romantic movies?
6. Do you watch R rated movies?
7. Have you ever seen a NC-17 movie?
8. Did you like it?
9. Are you religious?
10. Do you buy movies on a regular basis or only sometimes?
11. Have you ever seen a black or white movie?
12. Do you like color or black and white better?
13. Do you enjoy foreign films?
14. Can you speak or understand other languages beside English?
15. Do you prefer foreign movies with subtitles or with dubbed voices?
1. No
2. Male
3. Yes
4. No
5. No
6. Yes
7. Yes
8. No
9. No
10. Never
11. Yes
12. Color
13. Yes
14. Yes
15. Subtitles
1. Are you between 12-20 years old?
Yes (19)
2. Are you male or female?
3. Do you like to read books?
Yes (Literature Student!)
4. Do you like action more than other genres of film?
5. Do you like romantic movies?
Yes (Less than most other genres, but I still like them)
6. Do you watch R rated movies?
Yes (Just not in a country where "R" is an official rating)
7. Have you ever seen a NC-17 movie?
No (FYI, I'm not an American but from a NC-17 database I can tell that i've never watched those kinds of movies o_O)
8. Did you like it?
9. Are you religious?
10. Do you buy movies on a regular basis or only sometimes?
11. Have you ever seen a black or white movie?
12. Do you like color or black and white better?
Colour (it's kind of hard to like B&W more when so few B&W films are made anymore)
13. Do you enjoy foreign films?
Yes (ok, so it's mostly anime but shush :p )
14. Can you speak or understand other languages beside English?
15. Do you prefer foreign movies with subtitles or with dubbed voices?
Subtitles all the way.
DeusExMachinia said:
Alright, I was wondering if 15 or so of you could answer a couple yes or no questions so I can pass my anthropology project. Nothing that'll take more than 3 minutes, I assure you. No need for a name either. But, please do me this favor :thumbs:.

1. Are you between 12-20 years old?
2. Are you male or female?
3. Do you like to read books?
4. Do you like action more than other genres of film?
5. Do you like romantic movies?
6. Do you watch R rated movies?
7. Have you ever seen a NC-17 movie?
8. Did you like it?
9. Are you religious?
10. Do you buy movies on a regular basis or only sometimes?
11. Have you ever seen a black or white movie?
12. Do you like color or black and white better?
13. Do you enjoy foreign films?
14. Can you speak or understand other languages beside English?
15. Do you prefer foreign movies with subtitles or with dubbed voices?

1: Yes, 19
2: Male
3: Occasionally
4: Yes
5: No
6: Yes
7: No
8: N/A
9: No
10: Sometimes
11: Yes
12: Color
13: No
14: Very minimal Spanish
15: Dubbed (Who can't love Japanese movies where the mouth moves for 10 seconds while the voice is done?)
1. Are you between 12-20 years old?
Yes, 15

2. Are you male or female?

3. Do you like to read books?
Yes, alot

4. Do you like action more than other genres of film?

5. Do you like romantic movies?

6. Do you watch R rated movies?
I don't know what age R applies to but yes

7. Have you ever seen a NC-17 movie?

8. Did you like it?

9. Are you religious?

10. Do you buy movies on a regular basis or only sometimes?

11. Have you ever seen a black or white movie?
If you mean black and white then yes(I imagine it would be rather boring if it was just one or the other)

12. Do you like color or black and white better?
Neither, they're both fine

13. Do you enjoy foreign films?
If they're good

14. Can you speak or understand other languages beside English?
A bit of French, a bit of Irish

15. Do you prefer foreign movies with subtitles or with dubbed voices?
1. Are you between 12-20 years old?

2. Are you male or female?


3. Do you like to read books?


4. Do you like action more than other genres of film?


5. Do you like romantic movies?


6. Do you watch R rated movies?


7. Have you ever seen a NC-17 movie?


8. Did you like it?


9. Are you religious?


10. Do you buy movies on a regular basis or only sometimes?

only sometimes

11. Have you ever seen a black or white movie?


12. Do you like color or black and white better?


13. Do you enjoy foreign films?


14. Can you speak or understand other languages beside English?


15. Do you prefer foreign movies with subtitles or with dubbed voices?

well thank j00 guys. I think I have enough for now. I'll be sure to give a thank you out to forumites ;).
1. Are you between 12-20 years old? Yes.
2. Are you male or female? Male.
3. Do you like to read books? No.
4. Do you like action more than other genres of film? No.
5. Do you like romantic movies? Yes, if they're good. :D
6. Do you watch R rated movies? Yes.
7. Have you ever seen a NC-17 movie? Yes.
8. Did you like it? No.
9. Are you religious? No.
10. Do you buy movies on a regular basis or only sometimes? Sometimes.
11. Have you ever seen a black or white movie? Yes.
12. Do you like color or black and white better? Color.
13. Do you enjoy foreign films? No.
14. Can you speak or understand other languages beside English? Spanish, somewhat.
15. Do you prefer foreign movies with subtitles or with dubbed voices? Dubbed.
I don't care if you have enough goddamnit!

1. Are you between 12-20 years old? YES
2. Are you male or female? MALE
3. Do you like to read books? HELL YARR
4. Do you like action more than other genres of film? NEIN
5. Do you like romantic movies? YESH BUT ONLY IF THEY R GUD LOL
6. Do you watch R rated movies? YEAH
7. Have you ever seen a NC-17 movie? NO I LIVE IN BRITAIN
8. Did you like it? YES
9. Are you religious? NOT IN A TRADITIONAL SENSE
10. Do you buy movies on a regular basis or only sometimes? SOMETIMES
11. Have you ever seen a black or white movie? YES
12. Do you like color or black and white better? COLOUR
13. Do you enjoy foreign films? YES
14. Can you speak or understand other languages beside English? YES
15. Do you prefer foreign movies with subtitles or with dubbed voices? SUBTITLES NORMALLY BUT I MAKE AN EXCPETION IF ON-SCREEN ACTION IS TOO FAST AND/OR ALLURING TO LOOK AT
1. Are you between 12-20 years old? Yes
2. Are you male or female? Male
3. Do you like to read books? Yes
4. Do you like action more than other genres of film? No
5. Do you like romantic movies? No
6. Do you watch R rated movies? Yes
7. Have you ever seen a NC-17 movie? Yes
8. Did you like it? Yes
9. Are you religious? No
10. Do you buy movies on a regular basis or only sometimes? Regular Basis
11. Have you ever seen a black or white movie? Yes
12. Do you like color or black and white better? Depends
13. Do you enjoy foreign films? Yes
14. Can you speak or understand other languages beside English? Yes
15. Do you prefer foreign movies with subtitles or with dubbed voices? Subtitles
1. no
2. male
3. yes
4. no
5. sometimes if well written
6. yes sometimes
7. yes I think so
8. yes I think so, or maybe not
9. heheh, no
10. rarely
11. yes many
12. depends on the film
13. yes very much so
14. yes
15. subtitles
1. Are you between 12-20 years old? Yes
2. Are you male or female? Male
3. Do you like to read books? Yes
4. Do you like action more than other genres of film? No
5. Do you like romantic movies? Damn straight
6. Do you watch R rated movies? ...sometimes
7. Have you ever seen a NC-17 movie? Might have done, classification systems are different here.
8. Did you like it? Probably
9. Are you religious? Not especially
10. Do you buy movies on a regular basis or only sometimes? Sometimes
11. Have you ever seen a black or white movie? Yes
12. Do you like color or black and white better? No preference
13. Do you enjoy foreign films? Haven't seen enough to judge
14. Can you speak or understand other languages beside English? Nope
15. Do you prefer foreign movies with subtitles or with dubbed voices? Subtitles
1. Are you between 12-20 years old? yesh
2. Are you male or female? teh male
3. Do you like to read books? yesh
4. Do you like action more than other genres of film? they're ok i guess, not my favorite
5. Do you like romantic movies? depends on who i am watching with
6. Do you watch R rated movies? yes
7. Have you ever seen a NC-17 movie? nope
8. Did you like it? not applicable
9. Are you religious? not really
10. Do you buy movies on a regular basis or only sometimes? only sometimes
11. Have you ever seen a black or white movie? yes
12. Do you like color or black and white better? color
13. Do you enjoy foreign films? sometimes
14. Can you speak or understand other languages beside English? a little spanish
15. Do you prefer foreign movies with subtitles or with dubbed voices? depends on the movie, but subtitles i think
1. Are you between 12-20 years old? No.
2. Are you male or female? Male.
3. Do you like to read books? Yes.
4. Do you like action more than other genres of film? No.
5. Do you like romantic movies? No.
6. Do you watch R rated movies? Yes.
7. Have you ever seen a NC-17 movie? What?
8. Did you like it? ^ ?
9. Are you religious? No.
10. Do you buy movies on a regular basis or only sometimes? Only sometimes.
11. Have you ever seen a black or white movie? Yes.
12. Do you like color or black and white better? Colour.
13. Do you enjoy foreign films? Not especially.
14. Can you speak or understand other languages beside English? A bit of French.
15. Do you prefer foreign movies with subtitles or with dubbed voices? Subtitles.
1. Are you between 12-20 years old? Yeha
2. Are you male or female? Male
3. Do you like to read books? Nuh uh
4. Do you like action more than other genres of film? Nuh uh
5. Do you like romantic movies? Nuh uh
6. Do you watch R rated movies? wtf?
7. Have you ever seen a NC-17 movie? i said.. WTF?
8. Did you like it? FFS!
9. Are you religious? Nuh uh
10. Do you buy movies on a regular basis or only sometimes? Only sometimes
11. Have you ever seen a black or white movie? Of course
12. Do you like color or black and white better? Colour (you forget the 'u' :p)
13. Do you enjoy foreign films? Depends
14. Can you speak or understand other languages beside English? Some French, Spanish, Latin and Farsi
15. Do you prefer foreign movies with subtitles or with dubbed voices? Subtitles!
1. Are you between 12-20 years old? Yes
2. Are you male or female? Male
3. Do you like to read books? Yes
4. Do you like action more than other genres of film? No
5. Do you like romantic movies? No
6. Do you watch R rated movies? On the odd occasion
7. Have you ever seen a NC-17 movie? ?
8. Did you like it? ?
9. Are you religious? No
10. Do you buy movies on a regular basis or only sometimes? Sometimes
11. Have you ever seen a black or white movie? Yes
12. Do you like color or black and white better? Colour
13. Do you enjoy foreign films? Yes
14. Can you speak or understand other languages beside English? No
15. Do you prefer foreign movies with subtitles or with dubbed voices? Subtitles
1. Are you between 12-20 years old?
2. Are you male or female?
3. Do you like to read books?
4. Do you like action more than other genres of film?
5. Do you like romantic movies?
6. Do you watch R rated movies?
7. Have you ever seen a NC-17 movie?
of course
8. Did you like it?
of course
9. Are you religious?
10. Do you buy movies on a regular basis or only sometimes?
11. Have you ever seen a black or white movie?
12. Do you like color or black and white better?
13. Do you enjoy foreign films?
only Bruce Lee and Godzilla movies
14. Can you speak or understand other languages beside English?
15. Do you prefer foreign movies with subtitles or with dubbed voices?
dubbed voices, much funnier
1. Are you between 12-20 years old?
2. Are you male or female?
3. Do you like to read books?
4. Do you like action more than other genres of film?
5. Do you like romantic movies?
I'd rather slit my throat with a chainsaw that is attached to a Death Robot. (tm)
6. Do you watch R rated movies?
Yes. :naughty:
7. Have you ever seen a NC-17 movie?
8. Did you like it?
I guess so, yes. :p
9. Are you religious?
10. Do you buy movies on a regular basis or only sometimes?
11. Have you ever seen a black or white movie?
12. Do you like color or black and white better?
Depends (Humourous movie ftw).
13. Do you enjoy foreign films?
14. Can you speak or understand other languages beside English?

15. Do you prefer foreign movies with subtitles or with dubbed voices?
1. Are you between 12-20 years old? Yes
2. Are you male or female? Male
3. Do you like to read books? Yes
4. Do you like action more than other genres of film? Generally
5. Do you like romantic movies? No
6. Do you watch R rated movies? occasionally
7. Have you ever seen a NC-17 movie? No
8. Did you like it? -
9. Are you religious? No
10. Do you buy movies on a regular basis or only sometimes? sometimes
11. Have you ever seen a black or white movie? Yes
12. Do you like color or black and white better? Colour
13. Do you enjoy foreign films? No
14. Can you speak or understand other languages beside English? No
15. Do you prefer foreign movies with subtitles or with dubbed voices? Dubbed
1. No
2. Male
3. Yes
4. Yes
5. Yes
6. Yes
7. Yes
8. No
9. No
10. Sometimes
11. Yes
12. Depends on the movie
13. Yes
14. Un peu
15. Subbed

So now what? Am I insane? AM I!?
1. Yes
2. Male
3. Plenty
4. No, Comedy is better
5. Hate 'em
6. I try to avoid them, I've seen a few though
7. NC-17? Haven't even heard of 'em
8. Never heard of NC-17
9. No, I find relgion to be skeptical
10. Never, rent them only
11. Yes, atleast, if you call The Three Stooges a movie
12. Color, it is more interesting
13. Yes.... ANIME FTW!
14. I guess you would say no, but I know enough Spanish to get to Costa Rica and I'm learning Hungarian.
15. Subtitles

Yes and No is to simple, I think you got to have nice detailed answers.
3.Love Books
4.I prefer Comedy, but action is right after.
5.Never really watch them. There alright.
8.See above
9.Not at all.
10.Mostly Rent.
12.No, I prefer color.
13.Never really seen one.
14.Just a few words in a few others.
15.Never really seen a foriegn film.
1. yes
3. yes
4. no
5. no
6. yes
7. no
8. didnt watch it
9. no
10. sometimes
11. yes
12. black and white
13. yes
14. no
15. subtitles
1. Are you between 12-20 years old? - YES
2. Are you male or female? - MALE
3. Do you like to read books? - NO
4. Do you like action more than other genres of film? - YES
5. Do you like romantic movies? - NO
6. Do you watch R rated movies? - YES
7. Have you ever seen a NC-17 movie? - YES
8. Did you like it? - YES
9. Are you religious? - NO
10. Do you buy movies on a regular basis or only sometimes? - SOMETIMES
11. Have you ever seen a black or white movie? - YES
12. Do you like color or black and white better? - COLOR
13. Do you enjoy foreign films? - NO
14. Can you speak or understand other languages beside English? - NO
15. Do you prefer foreign movies with subtitles or with dubbed voices? - DUBBED
I know you have too many, but meh.

1. Are you between 12-20 years old? - YES
2. Are you male or female? - MALE
3. Do you like to read books? - YES, Hell
4. Do you like action more than other genres of film? - No
5. Do you like romantic movies? - 50/50
6. Do you watch R rated movies? - YES
7. Have you ever seen a NC-17 movie? - YES
8. Did you like it? - YES
9. Are you religious? - NO
10. Do you buy movies on a regular basis or only sometimes? - SOMETIMES
11. Have you ever seen a black or white movie? - YES
12. Do you like color or black and white better? - COLOUR
13. Do you enjoy foreign films? - Yes
14. Can you speak or understand other languages beside English? - 50/50
15. Do you prefer foreign movies with subtitles or with dubbed voices? - Subtitles