Little synth/noise maker I made


Party Escort Bot
Dec 2, 2004
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I made this little synth/noisemaker thing, and figured i'd share (mainly because certain somebody was also telling me to make a post :hmph:)

Not exactly 100% sure what sort of wave it generates atm. I ran it through an oscilloscope, and it looked to me like a square wave, but audacity seems to think differently.

Anyway, one of the pots controls spacing (which vegeta tells me is pitch), and the other controls the length of the on off sequences.

I made a little test file, but keep in mind that it probably sounds like shit because not only could I not hear what I was doing (I was just turning the knobs wildly : /), but I had to record out of the mic port on my sound card, because the line in port was being a bitch.

I plan on making a whole bunch of modulator and filter modules that i'll daisy chain with this thing, to hopefully get a good sound out of it :D

It sounds WAY better in person, when you run it straight to a set of headphones.

BTW, here's the schematics that I used. My only modifications were two 200 ohm resistors added to the pots, to make sure that they didn't bottom out and destroy the timer IC/throw off the wave form, in place of the two 470k ohm pots I used 2 100k ohm pots (because I couldn't find anything larger than 100k at my local radio shack, except for a single 1 megohm pot :( :( :( :( :(), in place of the 4k7 ohm resistor I used two 2k2 ohm resistors (because i'm a cheap bastard), and I had the output run to both the ring and tip on a 1/8" phono jack, so that I could chose between mono and stereo output (even if both left and right sound the same :P).
Ah, glad you posted.

I may have interpreted what you said incorrectly... I'm not sure what the difference between spacing and length of on/off is... The latter sounds more like pitch to me now.

Then again, I couldn't really hear too much pitch changing so I'm probably just wrong all-together.

Either way, this is really cool and you should keep building on to it, and fix your line-in!
sweet. It sounds like a highly distorted saw wave, which is why it might look square on an oscilliscope.
Hehehe, I got it to make this cool sound.

It's neat. As the unit warms up, the sounds it makes changes. Things like capacitance of its surroundings make a BIG difference too.

So, if I put my hand on it while it's playing, the capacitance of my body changes the sound being made. Likewise, if I do something like move to another room, the sound also changes. You can actually hear that happening in the clip. I was moving it around on my lap, and the beeps started changing speed.

HAHA! This thing is so cool.

I was thinking, the next thing I could do is add another 555 timer to the mix, so that I make the sound with the current circuit, and use the 555 timer circuit to turn it on and off at different intervals, then use a pot on the timer to slowly make it beep faster and faster and faster and faster.

You need to make a song and put a noise solo in it!!!!!
I'm about to move forward on some modifications to this thing (or at least, start drawing up schematics), and was wondering if somebody could tell me, spacing = pitch, correct?