LittleBigPlanet Gold! In US Oct 21

Ultimate smack in the face!

Wow. After playing for roughly 2 hours straight as well I can safely say that the smile NEVER left my face and it only got bigger when I started playing online with other sackboys and girls. This game is going to be INCREDIBLE. My woman even got home and was like, "Wow, that is ultra-cute," and took an active interest for a while. That is telling indeed. :thumbs:
I have absolutely no idea what this game is. Tell me why it is so awesome.
I have absolutely no idea what this game is. Tell me why it is so awesome.

Platformer reinvented to be awesome and anything can be created. Watch all of the commercials for the game. Now realize every single thing in there can be created. The game is only limited by how creative you can be.

Perhaps gameplay wise, it's just a mixing pot of a few games, but it's the experiences which is amazing and makes this GOTY contender.

This is a game where you either "Get it" or it's "Meh"... Once you play it though, you'll understand the awesomeness.

I'm also in beta!

PSN: briguy992
I don't see this having any true lasting attention. There will be a few people who just 'get' how to use the tools and will make some masterpieces, but the rest of them will make some crappy slide or porn.
And, the campaign is more like 12 hours.
If someone could invite me to the beta
ill pay him sexually.
I heard that co-op construction won't be available when the game launches from the Evil Avatar radio Podcast BTW.
ONLINE co-op. I created stuff with my brother last night, so that's absolutely in.
Yeah online construct co-op isn't available yet - a guy tried entering my construction room but couldn't get in.
I'd like to give it a try, but I know of no-one with a PS3. As of now I dont care much for this game, but if I tried it I could change my mind.
Finally got my beta key. Haven't had much time to play it tonight, but from what I did play, I enjoyed it immensely.
Finally got my beta key. Haven't had much time to play it tonight, but from what I did play, I enjoyed it immensely.
After you play the game levels make sure you block off about 3-5 hours of your time to watch/participate in the tutorials about level-building. They are awesome and will help you immensely. Enjoy!
Busy between this and Killzone 2. Hate when you have 2 games and have to choose which one you want to play.
Anyone have a key spare? I really can't wait for this game. :( PSN: nicksource

I have a Fileplanet Sub account so happy to exchange keys on their with you now or in the future. I can negotiate something with you anyway!
GameTrailers release their Keys tomorrow but at USA times, so I'll struggle to be about in ye' olde England. :(

If anyone has a spare one, I'd be really grateful.
Let me know if you got a gametrailers key Mutley, if not I'll give you my spare. If Mutley doesn't need it, I'll gladly pass it on to someone else.
I just published a test map on Iceland, but I have no idea how the map browser works and/or how other people would fine that map, can anyone check if it's on the first page for everyone?

I got a beta key, but I don't have my HDMI cable so I couldn't register it. Gave it to my mate, I'll be playing this weekend.
I've got a key now thanks from IGN (Who are giving out loads of keys to the UK/EU!

Problems downloading though, very slow but think it might be my network.
Played this all weekend. So much fun I woke up with my whole face aching from laughing so much. The most fun I've had since I was a little kid. This is my game of the year, hands down. I'm actually looking forward to this more than Far Cry 2 now, which is really saying something.
I'm almost done with my map, which I'm submitting to the Gamepro contest. I'll let you guys know when I'm done so you can give it a try.
I just made a sort of hovering spaceship that you can control as it flies. It is not perfect, but it should make for some cool scenes in my level (if I can figure out where to put it). I may have to build another level just around it. This game really is an incredible amount of fun.
My level has been published. It's called "GP Gallery" located near Greenland. It's a full, platform-based level.
I can only hope that this gets ported to the PC. I wouldn't be surprised if it does. The guy that made the Rag Doll Kung Fu game is one of the developers i think.
I can only hope that this gets ported to the PC. I wouldn't be surprised if it does. The guy that made the Rag Doll Kung Fu game is one of the developers i think.

It's 100% published by Sony, and it's far too important of a game for them to port it to PC.
I'm hoping it's just the beta, but level submission seems a bit broken. I submit my level and it never shows up on any of the 10 pages you can scroll through, and the front pages seem to be populated mainly by the most popular levels. If they want to promote level creation as much as they have been, they should really allow the newer levels to show up on the front page rather than the more popular ones.