Live Feed of Puppies!

Stop feeding live puppies to people.
Or just go to a pet store.

You can even buy one (!)
First I thought puppies being given food. Then puppies as the food. Didn't anticipate live feed!
ZT. What.

I preferred the lynx thread. Feeding lynxes live would be completely awesome.
Well, it seems that the void has claimed them. I hope they come back! D:
Pink collar is ****ing raping yellow collar.

Edit: Oh god this is unbelievably cute.
oh my god. one was scratching its face and fell over backwards.
This is now constantly in a tab when I'm browsing. Red collar's my favourite.

We have the second hit on google for live feed of puppies?
HA, i actually thought of live feed as a live streaming of video before i even entered the thread! Im superhuman
i only just realized that this thing had sound in it.
Oh god the two puppies are playfighting! SO ****ING CUTE!

Oh sweet Jesus! What has this world come to? Watching puppies? There are over 800 viewers...and two more puppies just came out of no where! Sick person's hobbie, or genius baaaaawment?

Bawwww. Now there's a bunch of them sleeping together.