Live Strong Bands

If thats what I'm thinking it is then my little brother has one.
i want one, cant find any. its the orange wristband that says "armstrong" on it, fo rcancer research.

lol. Yes i want one, but the bastards thought that it wasn't gonna go so well, sold out...everywhere!!! Even they're own site is sold out!!! They have to mkake more....3-4 weeks.
buy yours' here:

remember that every penny goes for cancer research. Supposedly now every 1 out of 20 people have one.

P.S can a mod post a poll on this thread asking wheather you have a band or not? Thanks.
:dozey: Okay, what's up with those bands? Why do they cost so god damned much? What is in em?

EDIT: Oh for cancer patients(I almost typed patience, hehe)
holy shit!!!! I am really really sorry for now tripple posting but i just read that sales have reached 11 million for these band things!!! 11 million dollars!
I have one but i gave it to my sister alot of people asked me where i got mine from, and when i saw other people with the band on id usually ask them how they go theirs and stuff why did they buy it, for looks or to dnate? stuff like that
I've got one, wear it just about every day. Bunch of people at my school have them as well.