Living In?


Space Core
Aug 16, 2006
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Now I have been faced with the decision of staying in Uni accomadation in Manchester or staying at home and commuting. Ultimately I decided I want to stay at the uni accomadation, but Ill admit Im getting cold feet. It only takes me about 40 mins top to get the my lecture building from my house, but the uni building i will be staying in its like a 15 second walk away from it.

The only thing I am worried about is who Im stuck with in my dorm, im a very likable guy and get on with many different people, but there are that majority that I just dont get on with and then there is that part of me that always has to tell them lol. And knowing my luck Ill probably be stuck with them, and Im not the type of guy to dislike something and bugger off, I would sit it out for the year no matter what.

But I have been told then first year at uni wont be the same if i stay at home, and I really dont wanna miss out on things, not to mention a lot of my current friends live around manchester or in manchester, including one of my best mates who im starting a band with.

Who here stayed in dorms and found it good and who didn't? Is it likely I will end up with dickheads?
Unless you end up with someone who has completely conflicting interests and viewpoints, you'll be able to at least tolerate the guy for the year. Just man up and live in res :P
I recently went through a similar experience. I decided to room with a guy who was my best friend for 5 years. Unfortunately, we also had to share our room with his girlfriend. Neither allowed me to either sleep, relax, or do my homework in peace in my room due to their constant presence and their occasional acts of sexual intercourse.

One night they decided to barricade the door to my room so I couldn't walk in on them. This was the last straw, and I immediately went downstairs to get a room change, which I now have.

So I guess the moral of the story is that even if you and your roommate are incompatible, it's still very possible to get a room change if you find it really necessary. I'm sure there are plenty of people you can find that are agreeable. :thumbs:
I'd just go for the social experience, don't live at home.

Even if it turns out you can't stand the guy, hey you're only living with him for 30 weeks or maybe less out of the whole year. It's not that long.
Live in the Uni accomadation if you want to have a good time, have lots of sex(you gonna bring a girl back to your mums house??), party 24/7, and be able to walk to a lecture in your dressing gown.

Living at home is incredably lame.
Muhahaha, I'm at my second year at Manchester Uni studying Chemistry. Which accommodation will you be staying in? My first year at uni I stayed at Whitworth Park, lived with 8 people - one of them was a dicks, the rest were cool. It really depends if you stay with dicks or not, quite few friends of mine have flats with people who are pretty self-contained and don't talk to anyone - especially the foreign ones. Then you get other flats that they get along and have gaming/movie marathons.

I love staying at home, but staying at my uni accommodation's not bad either. 2nd year I'll be moving with friends to the Manchester Student Villiage accommodation. I'd recommend living at uni for the first year (make sure you go out in freshers week, it really helps to get to know people, even if you don't drink), if you don't like it, live at home in the second year.
Stay in a dorm for a little while at least. It's a great way to get a social network up and running while away at school.

Solaris - lol. I personally hated living in a dorm. They're cespools of immaturity.
I stayed at my home and commuted for the first year, and I have conflicting views on it.

On the one hand, I didnt make a whole lot of new friends, and generally speaking, didnt hang out with people that much.

But on the other hand, I dont think I could have lived under such condtions. The dorms were just one room the size of my current apartment's bedroom, and two people have to live in there. It was also the most relaxed year of my life. Not having to deal with people made things run so much smoother, and I think if I lived in a dorm with a hundred guys who party every night, I would have had the very opposite experience.

Now that I moved several thousands of miles away from my home, and have an apartment with a roomate, I kinda have the best of both. Plenty of interaction when I want it, plenty of privacy when I need it.
My house is 15 minutes away from campus and I don't regret living in the residence halls on campus one bit. It's great to have your own place in between classes where you can have people over and meet anyone in between. Plus if I really want to I can get a free meal and a nice bed in a drunken-slob free environment. Personally I think I'd be missing out if I chose to stay at home - but everyone is different so I can't speak for the OP.
Staying at Owen's Park Harryz, like my sister did, she said it was an exellent place to stay.

Well thanks for all the views, think I will take the plunge. Even if I am stuck with diskheads, I have my own room which is my private space and I have loads of friends around manchester already. See what happens :D
Staying at Owen's Park Harryz, like my sister did, she said it was an exellent place to stay.

Yeah, Owen's Park is a pretty good place to live, have a few friends living there. Its quite convenient since theres everything you need close by and a straight-bus route to the city centre. Personally prefer living on Oxford Road, its more central. What you studying?
Staying at Owen's Park Harryz, like my sister did, she said it was an exellent place to stay.

Well thanks for all the views, think I will take the plunge. Even if I am stuck with diskheads, I have my own room which is my private space and I have loads of friends around manchester already. See what happens :D

you made the right choice imo :thumbs:
I'm in a dorm at Carolina and I love it. It was the same choice for me, my hometown is about 20 minutes away from here.
I'm moving into uni accommodation in 2 weeks. I've been talking to some people from uni and they sounds like nice people. I haven't yet spoke to anyone who I will be sharing my corridor with. I really hope they don't turn out to be assholes or anything.

I live about an hours drive max away from my uni, so commuting could be done, but I wanna experience living at uni :) Really looking forward to it.
I too am moving into my new accomodation in around 2 weeks or so, I have to head down to Bristol and pick up my keys next Thursday to ensure everything is in order and to perhaps meet some of my flat mates. Should be pretty cool, I'm gonna try and contact some of them via Facebook also.
I would move if I could, but currently there's no place for a student to live. There're 40000 students at the uni, with only 5000 student apartments. As you can imagine, any free room is taken pretty quickly.