Loading got longer?


Aug 22, 2003
Reaction score
Had the beta since it was released,Never had any really long loading times prolly 10-20 seconds..Now just today when i cam home from work its like 3 minutes!! anyone know what gives?
Dunno, my loading times have always been very long, when connecting to a server that is.
Since the last update the game takes much longer to load up initially when going to the menu than it did before.
I noticied this as well. The time it takes to load the maps are all the same for me, but the time it takes when first loading CS:S and getting the menus takes forever now.
Chris_D said:
Since the last update the game takes much longer to load up initially when going to the menu than it did before.

Agreed. I too notice it seems a bit longer to load the game. :O
same here. it takes like a minute and a half to load now.. I usually click it and go pee or something
Yeah mine since the update is almost 2.5 times longer!!!! Blows.... They need to change something. Need more bumpmap and texture settings i think.