Loading Times



Just wondering if anyone her has had really quite awful loading times in the game.

Spec below:

Athlon XP: 3200+
9600XT 256MB
1GIG Kingston HyperX 3500 Ram
SB Audigy 2
Seagate 7200.7 SATA drive 80 gig
Yeah, its not that great on the loading times... But, what'cha gonna do, right?
Ohhhh Yeah

Loading times are pretty atrocious to say the least on my system. Granted, my system isn't that great, but it seems to take about 30-45 seconds to load a new section for me, and the game often sputters and hangs at certain points when loading things on-the-fly. I had to restart the game about 6-7 times last night because it would just lock up with a reoccuring audio loop when it tried to load. Not too happy about this obviously, but otherwise I think the game is great. Just for reference, here's what I'm running for a machine:

P4 2.0 ghz proc
1 gig pc 2700
nVidia 6800 gt 256 agp
micron mobo with intel chipsets

Obviously I realize that my proc is the bottleneck on this machine, and my ram isn't that fast either (it might not even be 2700, I bought this machine quite awhile ago instead of building it myself and haven't really upgraded anything). Looks like someone is trying to tell me to build that Athlon 64 shuttle I've been thinking about...
The loading times are dreadful even on high spec machines. The fact that you have to load every 20 steps is dreadful too. The game really suffers as a result.
What loading between levels? Sorry, I'm on an alienware built to the HL2 system spec, so I don't get any of these errors :p

Edit: I'll just clarify for the one's who can't read a sturctured sentence: That's an alienware built to the specs of the alienware the company is giving away in a competition.