Erm.. If you consider Lock On old, you have one weird definition of old, but yes it is a great flight sim, shame it lacks a dynamic campaign.. I wish more flight sims would have a spectate ability though, it'd be cool to be able to spectate an aircraft during the entire war in Falcon 4.0 for example.
Mate I'm well aware of what Falcon 4 is and isn't, I'm a SimHQ lurker, huge sim fan, got my HOTAS, my flight rudder, and have bought a MFD panel from CH, so no need to tell me what Falcon 4 and Allied Force is or isn't.
As I said, Falcon 4 with mods like OpenFalcon or FreeFalcon, looks JUST as good as AF, and in many cases have even more airplanes and better AI etc, and is being constantly improved, the only real plus for Allied Force is the extensive manual.
there, the Multi Function Panel, I'm greatly looking forward to using it, though I've been to busy with my new job lately to actually be arsed to play my Flight Sims, sadly.:\
Btw, about the AF mod scene, this is partially the AF mods fault, they're cranking down BIG time on fanmade content, because apparently they want to FORCE the mods to integrate it into the OFFICIAL product, to somehow generate more sales or w/e, this is one of the partial reasons why it's so disliked by the FreeFalcon/OpenFalcon community.