Locker Doors


Nov 22, 2004
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How do I make a locker door? If it is a prop_physics, how can it be a prop object and a func_door_rotating at the same time? A tutorial would be great.
create your locker door prop. give it a name. make a brush using func_door_rotating on the egde of your locker door. cover it with the invisible texture. give it a name. disable the flag to open on touch and enable the option called toggle. create the constraint entity. put the names of your rotating door and prop_physics in entity 1+2. in your prop_physics properties, make an output 'OnPlayerUse', set the target to your rotating door, and the 'Via this Input' field to 'toggle'. this ought to work
oh, i think you'll also have to set the locker doors entity to physics override because it seems to be static
The locker door just kind of hung loosely on the locker itself. When I tried to use it, it just twicted. However, the Use sound did sound when I pushed E on it, it's just that it didnt work. I'm trying to make a locker room, and I was using the lockers in Kleiner's lab (the three in one set). It looks kind of stupid though. I think there is another lockermodel I might try.

Thanks for your help though.