Logo Contest Update!

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There are dozens of people still hard at work on a logo design for us to use here at ValveTime.net. If you have something you'd like to do that you haven't started yet, there is still one week left of the contest, so be sure to get going on it!

I've been thrilled by the entries that we've gotten so far. There has been so much more talent and creativity than I even dreamed of, and seeing what you guys come up with has been really incredible. So impressed have I been with the entries we've gotten so far, that I'm changing the Prizes.

1st Place:
- Valve swag including: Signed Left 4 Dead 2 poster, DOTA 2 T-Shirt, Potal 2 Collectors Edition Guide, Aperture Science mug, Aperture Science water bottle, Portal keychain, stickers for all Valve titles.
- 1 CSGO Beta Key
- 1 Steam pre-order of Torchlight 2.
- 1 Steam edition of Legend of Grimrock (which we just recently reviewed).
- 1 additional Steam game of your choosing.

2nd & 3rd Place:
- Each will get an Honourable mention
- 1 CS:GO beta key each.
- 1 Steam edition of Legend of Grimrock each.

As before, if you're new to the contest, you can post your entry in the Comments below, or you can email us at [email protected]. We do have some Terms & Conditions as well that you should certainly peruse.

And finally, here are some of the entries that were more recently posted!

Tdgrd.jpg valvetime.png ValveTime-02-001.png bPLvm.png

Best of luck to everyone!
Very kind of you! Fantastic entries so far, good luck to all the participants.
Anything you guys can do to spread this around a bit to attract more entries is much appreciated. Though I seriously find it hard to believe we'll get any better than the ones we've already got!
I had an idea for a logo. But then I saw all these other entries and realized that mine would be a piece of doo in comparison. Nevertheless, good luck to all you who submit your stuff!
I had an idea for a logo. But then I saw all these other entries and realized that mine would be a piece of doo in comparison. Nevertheless, good luck to all you who submit your stuff!
Hi Ooiman you never know, your idea might be a winning idea and you just need someone to help you create it.

If you don't feel you could complete the idea yourself, feel free to let us know what it is. You never know, if someone creates it and wins they might share the prize with you!

Or they might not :p
Even though I worked as a graphic artist/designer for years, and I have taken the same position as Ooiman. I really don't think I could come up with anything to rival the best of these designs.
I particularly like the bottom left one from that lot. Good stuff from the entrants. Good luck everyone.
Hey, thought of something no body else had done yet. Tried to do it myself but it turned out shit: A calendar-based logo.

welp i tried, i probably wont win :(