lol China whats goin on?

Oh right. You really need a brain checkup, or at least some form of political education.

Have you looked at America's news station? Have you looked at Faux News? You think China is the only country that tries to cover up their problems?

Oh a crazy guy in China just embarassed the nation, hell yeah China wants the whole world to conduct a full investigation on it!!!

Of course I'm sure you think your news stations have the most legit sources in the world. With the likes of taglines such as "fair and balanced" from Faux news, with amazing reporter and journalists such as Bill O'Reilly and Glen Back, and reporting from such legit sources as youtube (apparently youtube is front page news). Yes, I'm sure America keeps no secret from anyone. I'm sure America is the cleanest nation with absolutely no corruption. I'm sure America is the only nation in the world with no hidden problems.

Yeah because Fox operates on behalf of the White House,I think you need a brain check up my Kiwi friend.
And where did I say that America is a flawless Nation,Idiot.

EDIT: oh and I don't watch Fox News btw.
Yeahe because Fox operates on behalf of the White House,I think you need a brain check up my Kiwi friend.
And where did I say that America is a flawless Nation,Idiot.

How about the fact that you said China doesn't want the world to know about their problems?

And yeah you're right, Faux news doesn't operate on behalf of the white house, and they STILL hide information and spread lies to the population with their selective reporting and bias interviews.
Oh right. You really need a brain checkup, or at least some form of political education.

Have you looked at America's news station? Have you looked at Faux News? You think China is the only country that tries to cover up their problems?

Oh a crazy guy in China just embarassed the nation, hell yeah China wants the whole world to conduct a full investigation on it!!!

Of course I'm sure you think your news stations have the most legit sources in the world. With the likes of taglines such as "fair and balanced" from Faux news, with amazing reporter and journalists such as Bill O'Reilly and Glen Back, and reporting from such legit sources as youtube (apparently youtube is front page news). Yes, I'm sure America keeps no secret from anyone. I'm sure America is the cleanest nation with absolutely no corruption. I'm sure America is the only nation in the world with no hidden problems.
Very good argument.

Flamingdts, don't you live in Hong Kong, or am I mistaking you for someone else? If so, maybe you could offer some insight into these attacks on children.

I mean, I've never heard of such an atrocity other than during wartime. Aren't the criminals being shunned by the public enough to discourage them from such outrageous attacks, or is the public - behind the scenes - somehow supporting (and forgive the assumption) what looks like men frustrated that children are taking jobs away and putting the older generation "out on the street" - literally and figuratively.

Tell us what you know; tell us what you think.
How about the fact that you said China doesn't want the world to know about their problems?

And yeah you're right, Faux news doesn't operate on behalf of the white house, and they STILL hide information and spread lies to the population with their selective reporting and bias interviews.

So your saying I can't criticize China because a Company that I don't have any control over where I live isn't honest.

**** off troll.
I don't want the world knowing about our countries problems either.

Unlike China, however, we don't use torture (at least to the extent we know about), have security police raid people (to the extent we know about), and conduct censorship on a widescale basis (to the extent we know about).
Very good argument.

Flamingdts, don't you live in Hong Kong, or am I mistaking you for someone else? If so, maybe you could offer some insight into these attacks on children.

I mean, I've never heard of such an atrocity other than during wartime. Aren't the criminals being shunned by the public enough to discourage them from such outrageous attacks, or is the public - behind the scenes - somehow supporting (and forgive the assumption) what looks like men frustrated that children are taking jobs away and putting the older generation "out on the street" - literally and figuratively.

Tell us what you know; tell us what you think.

Yeah, I do live in Hong Kong, although I was born and lived a small portion of my life in Canada.

I have no insight into this, because Hong Kong is still relatively separate from China. The city was british owned for a very long while, so as of now Hong Kong is still very very independent. So I don't really know what it feels like to live in a proper Chinese society (at least not one that contains more eastern culture). That being said, I do know that there are a lot of pressure in Asian societies, especially amongst heavily populated countries such as China. With job crisis all around, I'm not surprised if a few people went nuts. I mean China does have one of the biggest population in the world.

So your saying I can't criticize China because a Company that I don't have any control over where I live isn't honest.

**** off troll.

No I'm critcizing your stupidity. Your ignorance insults me more than your racism. You claim no one will ever discover the truth behind this crime because China will do whatever they can to cover it up. Heck yes, every country will want minimal information leak on atrocious crimes such as these.

You think America wanted everyone to know that George Bush Senior was Saddam's buddy? You think America wanted everyone to know that George Bush ignored several terrorist threat warnings from his sources that would have potentially stopped 9/11 from occuring? What about the atrocious war crimes the American soldiers committed in Iraq?

You can criticize China all you want for all I care. But saying stuff like "LOL LOL it's like NORTH KOREA OVER THERE HUR HUR" or "CHINA HIDES EVERYTHING FROM EVERYONE UNLIKE OTHER COUNTRIES". Yeah that type of ignorance needs some reprimanding.

Oh, and yes I'm a troll because your stupidity offends me.
lol dumbass keep on putting words in my mouth never once did I say the U.S has no problems or that we have a honest media, What we do have is the freedom to choose and mock our Politicians I ****ing dare you to that in China see where that gets you.
lol dumbass keep on putting words in my mouth never once did I say the U.S has no problems or that we have a honest media, What we do have is the freedom to choose and mock our Politicians I ****ing dare you to that in China see where that gets you.

Ok.......and yet you are criticizing China for not having an honest media....
And here's where the argument crescendos to melodramatic chants of freedum and amurka.

Ok do this sinko, go burn a Picture of Lincoln.

Flaming go burn a Picture of Mao

This should be a fun experiment.

Or even better Sinko go to a Public park and and tell people how we mistreat native Americans and we need to give them a large piece of land and reparations.

Flaming now you do the same but talk about Uyghurs (sp?) and Tibetans and tell me what happens.
Ok do this sinko, go burn a Picture of Lincoln.

Flaming go burn a Picture of Mao

This should be a fun experiment.

Or even better Sinko go to a Public park and and tell people how we mistreat native Americans and we need to give them a large piece of land and reparations.

Flaming now you do the same but talk about Uyghurs (sp?) and Tibetans and tell me what happens.

You see, this is what you do everytime. Stern called you out on this. in other words you dont agree with this guy and believe written road tests should be offered up in multiple languages

see this why people are calling you bigoted. you're doing exactly what the governor candidate is doing; making this an issue as to whether immigrants should speak english or not when the real issue is about language options in written license tests. you're using this issue as a soapbox to preach your pov on immigrants in general

The issue here is media honesty, and yet you shift it to freedom crap in order to preach your view of China in general.

I live in SF brah. I could sodomize a homeless person in a public park while wearing a suit and a Lincoln mask, taking hits of meth in between his clenches, and get away with a ticket.

You see, this is what you do everytime. Stern called you out on this.

The issue here is media honesty, and yet you shift it to freedom crap in order to preach your view of China in general.

I live in SF brah. I could sodomize a homeless person in a public park while wearing a suit and a Lincoln mask, taking hits of meth in between his clenches, and get away with a ticket.

^^ film it then post it here. LOL
Ok then lets go back on the Media issue.

bad stuff happens everywhere,last year a Sunday School teacher raped a young girl and then dumped here body in a pond,everybody was talking about and I know for a fact that it was talked about on BBC and as well.
Did the U.S Government dispatch the F.B.I to harass BBC reporters...doubtful
OK let that case stand in comparison to this stabbing case.

Now lets look at the Olympics in Canada hippies were protesting about all kinds of native Americans, corporate sponsorship you name it.
Were some arrested? Yes of course some went too far.
Did we stop foreign news agency's reporting on this issue? No.

Now lets look at the Summer Olympics.

Tibetans and Foreigners alike were protesting about the Tibet issue.
Hundreds were arrested Media people constantly harassed by the Police and other "suit types"

The key issue is government control if you let the media be run the Government be it a democratically elected one or a anti human rights/communist one it nullifies any information given.

Has the U.S done this in th passed? (trying to control information.)
The difference is that that we can call them out on it and publicly humiliate lets say,the WH press secretary
or even the President.

understand now?
btw are you of Chinese Ethnicity?
I don't understand how "7 kids killed via butcherknife" turns into a political debate.

I mean, I understand that has a thing for turning inane news items into a largely irrelevant argument, but this is pushing it.
lol @ unozero thinking any kind of media is honest
oh please you believe uncle sam will breast feed you gold
Unozero, how do we know that the U.S. hasnt done that? The only reason we are made aware of these coverups is because they are, well, uncovered.

What about the heavily debated footage from the gunner chopper in Iraq? If not for the leak, we would never have known about it.
lol @ unozero thinking any kind of media is honest

Danimal, I'm going to take you right out of the nuthouse with this one.

When I say something here, you generally believe that I'm not trying to mislead you, right?

Maybe I hate PS3 [and especially Apple] more than is natural (which I do, BTW). So, there's obviously not going to be a positive bias towards these companies if I'm speaking on them.

If I was a news corporation, I may choose not to report something positive about them that others found newsworthy, or I might always choose to report on negatives.

See that's the thing. It's not necessarily dishonest, it's lean and bias. I'd be using my influence to influence others.

But lean and bias can easily lead to stretching the truth or exaggerations. (PS3 has no games) It's not exactly some lizards with human face masks. :frog:
Ok then lets go back on the Media issue.

bad stuff happens everywhere,last year a Sunday School teacher raped a young girl and then dumped here body in a pond,everybody was talking about and I know for a fact that it was talked about on BBC and as well.
Did the U.S Government dispatch the F.B.I to harass BBC reporters...doubtful
OK let that case stand in comparison to this stabbing case.

Did the Chinese government send reporters to cover up every single crime committed by a Chinese?

The media oppression is heavy in China, that part is true, but it happens everywhere.

Now lets look at the Olympics in Canada hippies were protesting about all kinds of native Americans, corporate sponsorship you name it.
Were some arrested? Yes of course some went too far.
Did we stop foreign news agency's reporting on this issue? No.

Irrelevant. Once again the freedom crap. The issue is media honesty.

Tibetans and Foreigners alike were protesting about the Tibet issue.
Hundreds were arrested Media people constantly harassed by the Police and other "suit types"

Irrelevant. Once again the freedom crap. The issue is media honesty.

The key issue is government control if you let the media be run the Government be it a democratically elected one or a anti human rights/communist one it nullifies any information given.

Has the U.S done this in th passed? (trying to control information.)
The difference is that that we can call them out on it and publicly humiliate lets say,the WH press secretary
or even the President.

understand now?
btw are you of Chinese Ethnicity?

China is not communism. Communism is an economic system, China is capitalism. If anything China is totalitarian. Yes, the information is nullified, especially ones concerning atrocious crimes.

Now look at America, and look at Iraq. What about the war crimes committed by the American soldiers? Do we know everything about it? How often do we see the media covering up war crimes, and how often do we get information regarding these war crimes? Most of them have been covered up, because they are crimes that embarass the nation. This is what all countries would do.

Yes, China is more extreme, but every other country controls information.

And my ethnicity has nothing to do with this argument.
No, I'm American.

You are shifting this to another argument. My ethnicity has no relevance to media honesty.

I made this thread in response how the Chinese Government has a monopoly on Information control and how it harasses foreign Reporters, you came in here trying to turn this in to a pissing contest and basically said that the U.S does the same thing and I shouldn't be complaining cuz Fox News is evil bla bla
Still a ****ing troll dude.
You being Han Chinese would explain you're zealous attempt to defend China.
I made this thread in response how the Chinese Government has a monopoly on Information control and how it harasses foreign Reporters, you came in here trying to turn this in to a pissing contest and basically said that the U.S does the same thing and I shouldn't be complaining cuz Fox News is evil bla bla
Still a ****ing troll dude.
You being Han Chinese would explain you're zealous attempt to defend China.

I see.

You yourself admit you are preaching your views of China.

So If I point out the hypocrispy in your statements as well as criticize stupid comments such as "lol it's almost like North Korea", I'm the troll.

SO I HAVE to be a Han Chinese to point out your stupidity.

You are unbelievable. Your level of racism is ridiculous.
No you being han chinese would explain your attitude that's all I'm saying.
If you would read the thread you'd know why I made that NK comment.

Lol what kind of comment is "preaching my views on china"

Of course I have an opinion on china that's one of the reasons I posted this thread.
Same reason why Stern likes posting about U.S issues even though he doesn't live here.
You assume I look down on the Chinese as a whole,when infact I look down upon their Government(who doesn't) and certain aspects of their culture,
So what?

EDIT: you say your an American why are you so butthurt about this thread it's almost like I insulted your mother lol.
No you being han chinese would explain your attitude that's all I'm saying.
If you would read the thread you'd know why I made that NK comment.

Lol what kind of comment is "preaching my views on china"

Of course I have an opinion on china that's one of the reasons I posted this thread.
Same reason why Stern likes posting about U.S issues even though he doesn't live here.
You assume I look down on the Chinese as a whole,when infact I look down upon their Government(who doesn't) and certain aspects of their culture,
So what?

EDIT: you say your an American why are you so butthurt about this thread it's almost like I insulted your mother lol.

I'm not American, I told you I was to see how you would react.

You are severely misguided. The criticism made to China can be applied to America or any other country.

You are wrong, I don't need to be Chinese to defend your ridiculous statements. I don't need to be Chinese to point out the fallacy and hypocrisy in your arguments. I don't condone what China does, but I also don't condone your stupid statements.

Is it alright if I said America is like North Korea? Or Germany is like North Korea?
Anti-Citizen Status Level One

Unozero, where do you get your information about China's media from? Your media perhaps.
I'm not America, I told you I was to see how you would react.

You are severely misguided. The criticism made to China can be applied to America or any other country.

You are wrong, I don't need to be Chinese to defend your ridiculous statements. I don't need to be Chinese to point out the fallacy and hypocrisy in your arguments. I don't condone what China does, but I also don't condone your stupid statements.

Is it alright if I said America is like North Korea? Or Germany is like North Korea?

LOL how old are you? 13?:LOL:
Welcome to my ignore list
Yes it is okay to say China behaves like NK when they employ the EXACT same tactics when it comes to harassing foreigners you child.:LOL:

edit:azner I get my info about China from a Chinese young lady that married a close family friend she migrated here about 2 years ago.
LOL how old are you? 13?:LOL:
Welcome to my ignore list
Yes it is okay to say China behaves like NK when they employ the EXACT same tactics when it comes to harassing foreigners you child.:LOL:

edit:azner I get my info about China from a Chinese young lady that married a close family friend she migrated here about 2 years ago.

Oh Noes, I'm in the ignore list of a racist bigot! The very same guy who thinks only Chinese people can defend against stupid comments against China.

Oh wait, so China is like North Korea because they harass foreign reporters? What about racism in America? It's one of the most racist filled country in the world (just look at yourself), and guess what? North Korea is pretty racist too!

Edit: Horray to name calling! You must be right if you call someone else a dumbass, troll or a child right?
This might be irrelevant, but I think it's hillarious how you asked FlamingDTS about his ethnicity, got an answer about his NATIONALITY, and then tripped out when you found out it wasn't true.

I think you're overreacting TBH.

Who? Unozero or FlamingTits?

I guess it could be either, depending on how you slice it.
I don't want to go back and see who insulted the other first, but whoever did lost the argument.
This might be irrelevant, but I think it's hillarious how you asked FlamingDTS about his ethnicity, got an answer about his NATIONALITY, and then tripped out when you found out it wasn't true.

Who? Unozero or FlamingTits?

I guess it could be either, depending on how you slice it.

I knew he was lying because he's mentioned before that he's a Kiwi,then he aaid he was Canadian,then he implied he was Chinese you can't blame me for getting sightly confused that whole charade proves what a Troll he is .And he provides no real argument then;" OMG LOOK AT THE U.S!!"
This thread was about poking at how absurd the situation is,I wasn't the one going all "Professor PC,how dare you make fun of China."
I knew he was lying because he's mentioned before that he's a Kiwi,then he aaid he was Canadian,then he implied he was Chinese you can't blame me for getting sightly confused that whole charade proves what a Troll he is .And he provides no real argument then;" OMG LOOK AT THE U.S!!"
This thread was about poking at how absurd the situation is,I wasn't the one going all "Professor PC,how dare you make fun of China."

If that's the way you're going to portray it then I'm done. This is just beyond childish.

Oh, and I'm a Chinese born in Canada raised in Hong Kong. The only lie I made was being American, but at least I wasn't lying about my ethnicity.
If that's the way you're going to portray it then I'm done. This is just beyond childish.

Oh, and I'm a Chinese born in Canada raised in Hong Kong. The only lie I made was being American, but at least I wasn't lying about my ethnicity.

Being on the ignore list means he can't see anything you post

Just a heads up.
Being on the ignore list means he can't see anything you post

Just a heads up.


Yeah now I'm done.