LOL. more proof people can complain about ANYTHING...


Jul 11, 2003
Reaction score
even their own stupidity...

to sum up...
guy tried selling the preload files for HL2. valve stopped the auction.
but the guy seems to think he did nothing wrong and that valve is "ghey"

how's THAT for pathetic? :D

(BTW, nice diversion while waiting for gold)
What a ****ing idiot!!

What a complete moron.

What a twit!!

OMG !! THE STUPIDITY! I want to bang my head against a wall.
Bang that guys head against the wall instead.......there's OBVIOUSLY nothing in there that can get damaged.
He was offering a service to people.....
Actaully hewas selling a dvd with all the files on it so people with crappy connections could get the files quicker instead of having to download the files wich would probrably take a year or 2(exageration)! And he would hardly make any profite off it at all, so i dont know why peopole are calling him ghey, didnt no that was what a popular homosexual thing to do?
"so what the wtf? "

lol...his grammer pwns.
He was making a profit of it. He charged $5... and it was a one time download for him, that he would of had to of done anyways, and he says it was 60c for the DVD, i dont know about that, i can buy a 50pack for $24 and they are a good brand and thats AUS$... so its closer to $15US.
All in all, it would cost him roughly $2.50 at the most... and hes making $2.50. Not alot of money, but if he sells 50 copies... he has just made $125... and that is his providing a service :angel:

Sure his intentions may have been good, but it was a money making scam...

The mind of a person who has taken accounting put more factors than just the cost of a DVD. Just for fun I'm gonna list them with estimated expenses.
1. $.60. DVD. I don't use crap no-brand ones.
2. $.35. Cost to list the item.
3. $.50. Paypal commission.
3. $.70. Packaging.
4. $.74. Postage.
5. $1.00. Time, labor, etc. whatever.

Ok. I'll accept the fact that you can't sell it and not make a profit but to not give it away? That's just wrong.
Charging $5 and his explanation doesnt even go up that high... it would be one thing if he was only asking to break even.... but he isnt.
Valve have every right to not let them do it, the files are freely available and if they dont want to download them, they can do it at the shop... people shouldnt make money for providing people with it.... They're valves files.
Hello all.

I am a member of the R3D forums
and I would just like to apologize for the pure ignorance the poster posted.

Dont take it out on the R3D members, but the dumbass douche that posted the crap.

|FRITZ| said:
Hello all.

I am a member of the R3D forums
and I would just like to apologize for the pure ignorance the poster posted.

Dont take it out on the R3D members, but the dumbass douche that posted the crap.


:naughty: heh, nice to see someone standing up for r3d
He wasn't thinking right. But...the fact is the preload is free so why is he charging them?? oh well...the things people do goes way beyond me.
|FRITZ| said:
Hello all.

I am a member of the R3D forums
and I would just like to apologize for the pure ignorance the poster posted.

Dont take it out on the R3D members, but the dumbass douche that posted the crap.


I don't think it was anyones intention to bash any other R3D member other than thread creator himself ;) . It's also cool for you to come here and apologize, not really necessary, but cool nonetheless :thumbs:.

Welcome, and if you decide to stay..

Enjoy the forums! :cheers:
heh when i first heard he was distributing preload copies, it's like, no big deal, more power to ya.... however making people PAY for them? damn... maybe if the cost was shipping and handling plus his cost of dvd... but i dunno :p
heh, I'm a R3D member as well...finally got my avatar there. :)

I just explained to the guy that Valve was nice about the situation. Epic games threatened legal action when someone was selling CD's with user mods and such on them.
I'm Alientank from over there (obviously) and you can see my posts in the thread. The guy calls me a retard after thinking it's ok to make a profit on it.
I don't get it... he was offering a legal & harmless service for 56kers... so what?
Guy was only doing a favor for 56kers, GG Valve for at least not taking the courtesy to email him :hmph:
Ghost Freeman said:
Guy was only doing a favor for 56kers, GG Valve for at least not taking the courtesy to email him :hmph:

Atleast they didn't let him continue his "Service" while thier lawyers wrote to the courts and had them send him a nice little summons to appear.
Even companies such as Rockstar dont allow this. It says that the game is not allowed to be modified or anything and for there to be profit made.
Basically, regardless of how much profit, any company, will not allow you to make a profit of it. Even if you make a few cents... your not entitled to profit from their work.
I know it doesnt sound that bad... but if you put effort into a game and found out people where profiting from selling files you preloaded to them for free. You would not like it regardless of their motives... and like he's doing it as a service. Hes tring to make a few bucks.
I guess this is the type of person who doesn't understand why piracy is illegal.
I know, but it is very similar.

Imagine this:

In a grocery store, an employee is giving out ice cream samples in a little cup. She hands Bob a cup after telling him that the cup is still their property, but he walks down the aisle and sells it someone for $5.

Valve is stopping this because it is basically a rip off of their bandwidth.
RakuraiTenjin said:
I know, but it is very similar.

Imagine this:

In a grocery store, an employee is giving out ice cream samples in a little cup. She hands Bob a cup after telling him that the cup is still their property, but he walks down the aisle and sells it someone for $5.

Valve is stopping this because it is basically a rip off of their bandwidth.

Is it illegal? Probably.

Does it hurt Valve? No.

Does it benefit Valve? Yes.

Does it help potential Valve customers? Yes.

So, he was doing something illegal, but harmless.

And I still don't get it, why is any of this funny?
That extra 2.50 he could be charging for things like power, and time? lol I don't know
Yombi said:
That extra 2.50 he could be charging for things like power, and time? lol I don't know

Electricity needed to run the whole computer when burning the DVD; Gas needed to drive to store to purchase DVDs, etc.

I love how Rage3D Members are harrassing him because he didn't read the EULA. Rofl, because everyone reads the God damn EULA for every piece of software they purchase. I am a member of the Rage3D forum, and am ashamed to be one. The members there are f***ing obnoxious, arrogant little ATi Fanboys, who will have a field day with you when you misspell words like banana or Cincinnati.
Pretty funny.
But it dosen't matter cuz people could have been pre-loading for months because of the delays =/
maybe if people that wanted the preload burned sent a blank dvd to him with a return pre-paid package... and all he did was burn it and send it back to them,,, then? oO maybe it's ok. but selling it on ebay.. cmon...
He could just sell the CD for $5 and the preload will be included for free, that would be legal right?
Well, I think is quite legitimate (unfortunately, not legal) to compensate the expenses of the DVDs he bought to burn the files. He wasn't charging the files but the DVDs, the way I see it. And I don't see anything wrong with that. VALVe just made another shot in his own foot with this action.
Imagine this:

In a grocery store, an employee is giving out ice cream samples in a little cup. She hands Bob a cup after telling him that the cup is still their property, but he walks down the aisle and sells it someone for $5.

now imagine that instead of down the isle, the person is sleeping at 56k gutter street and isn't allowed in the shop.

imagine he really needs the delicious hl2 flavoured ice-cream

(and that he somehow has money)
STAFFp18 said:
Electricity needed to run the whole computer when burning the DVD; Gas needed to drive to store to purchase DVDs, etc.

I love how Rage3D Members are harrassing him because he didn't read the EULA. Rofl, because everyone reads the God damn EULA for every piece of software they purchase. I am a member of the Rage3D forum, and am ashamed to be one. The members there are f***ing obnoxious, arrogant little ATi Fanboys, who will have a field day with you when you misspell words like banana or Cincinnati.

You're telling me, that this guy voulentarily goes to the store to buy DVDs, spends time burning the files, sets it up on ebay, ships the CDs to the buyers (He never got that far, but that's besides the point) just to be nice? Give me a ****ing break here, not even Mother Theresa would do such a thing.
Also, what makes you think he needs gas? The store could be around the corner, he might not even be old enough to drive judging from his posts.
Electricity? $2.50. No no no NO! It does NOT cost $2.50 in power to burn a goddamn CD!
I saw no obnoxious members in that thread, I only saw the wurez thing making a fool of himself.
What a dumbass. Should be shot for stupidity.
Reselling preload files IS illegal, just like reselling demo's and trailers are. And charging his poor 56K friends, yeah what a good friend he is, I would ask them to give me the DVD-R and I'll burn if for you, or if you're a real friend I would just give it.

Haha, this guy is plain pathetic:

I have a alot of friends who are casual gamers but not hardcore enough to warrant a faster connection. They just want CS:S not to play online with a 56k but for a LAN game on their home network with their familiy members. Because of me, I have given them that opportunity.

Charging friends for a small favor and acting like Mother Theresa afterwards that you gave them the opportunity? Like I said: let him bite the bullet.
-=jt=- said:
now imagine that instead of down the isle, the person is sleeping at 56k gutter street and isn't allowed in the shop.

imagine he really needs the delicious hl2 flavoured ice-cream

(and that he somehow has money)

Rubbish analogy, 56k are indeed allowed to download off steam.

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