WTF is wrong with you people? Why are you fighitng over somehting like a game? Whats the point?
Why does any post that even mentions iD or Doom3 turns into a flame war? Insecurity? 90% of you people dont even come off as gamers, you just look like valve groupies.
Whats with the personal attacks against the iD developers? Get real guys, all your opinions are based on statements you didnt even hear spoken and have no idea how they sounded coming out of the developers mouth, or how the developer was acting when he said it. Your looking at a statement through a fanboy filter and interpereting it instead of seeing whats really there. iD doesnt go around attacking other game development teams, they give them their due props.
There may or may not be an arrogant person on the iD staff, but so what? We arent buying the chance to date them, were buying their game. They are just human like everyone else, and with the kind of success iD has had since this whole FPS thing started, i would expect a few of them might be a bit arrogant.
It seems to me that most of you were offended that the Doom3 physics engine might actually rival your precious hl2. This is true. There isnt a whole lot you can do with physics in hl2 that you cant do with Doom3. So what? Why fight and bicker over it? Do you feel that iD having a great physics engine will put hl2 in jepordy in some way?
And to clear something up. iD is NOT implimenting anything into their game because of what they saw in hl2. They have been saying they will have this type of physics system long before anything from hl2 was even shown. Infact a few years ago they shopped around for a physics ssytem for doom3 but said they didnt find anything powerfull enough to handel what they wanted to do, so they made their own that was. So obviously they planned on implimenting advanced physics long before hl2 was shown.
This thread will proll yget closed before anyone gets the chance to reply, but ive said what i wanted to say. Its sad that mods have to close threads because they dont expect you to act mature neough that it wont turn into a flame war. Just grow up guys. They are just games, just long interactiv emovies. Nothing to get your panties in a twist over. We are supposed to be having fun with this whole game business, not using it as a platform to one up someone else who likes a game that you dont.
***Please dont interperate this as a flame to anyone, im just saying whats on my mind. Please dont retaliate with a flame if this thread isnt closed, try to keep things civil***
Why does any post that even mentions iD or Doom3 turns into a flame war? Insecurity? 90% of you people dont even come off as gamers, you just look like valve groupies.
Whats with the personal attacks against the iD developers? Get real guys, all your opinions are based on statements you didnt even hear spoken and have no idea how they sounded coming out of the developers mouth, or how the developer was acting when he said it. Your looking at a statement through a fanboy filter and interpereting it instead of seeing whats really there. iD doesnt go around attacking other game development teams, they give them their due props.
There may or may not be an arrogant person on the iD staff, but so what? We arent buying the chance to date them, were buying their game. They are just human like everyone else, and with the kind of success iD has had since this whole FPS thing started, i would expect a few of them might be a bit arrogant.
It seems to me that most of you were offended that the Doom3 physics engine might actually rival your precious hl2. This is true. There isnt a whole lot you can do with physics in hl2 that you cant do with Doom3. So what? Why fight and bicker over it? Do you feel that iD having a great physics engine will put hl2 in jepordy in some way?
And to clear something up. iD is NOT implimenting anything into their game because of what they saw in hl2. They have been saying they will have this type of physics system long before anything from hl2 was even shown. Infact a few years ago they shopped around for a physics ssytem for doom3 but said they didnt find anything powerfull enough to handel what they wanted to do, so they made their own that was. So obviously they planned on implimenting advanced physics long before hl2 was shown.
This thread will proll yget closed before anyone gets the chance to reply, but ive said what i wanted to say. Its sad that mods have to close threads because they dont expect you to act mature neough that it wont turn into a flame war. Just grow up guys. They are just games, just long interactiv emovies. Nothing to get your panties in a twist over. We are supposed to be having fun with this whole game business, not using it as a platform to one up someone else who likes a game that you dont.
***Please dont interperate this as a flame to anyone, im just saying whats on my mind. Please dont retaliate with a flame if this thread isnt closed, try to keep things civil***