LOL-worthy things said by NPCs in EP1


Nov 19, 2004
Reaction score
I've been going through a lot of these wav files in the game directory with GSFscape and some of them are freaking hillarious, unfortunately, I didn't get to hear a lot of them spoken while in the actual game.

"Kleiner says we can mate now--not that I needed his permission."
"Oh no the Kleiner speech is starting again--WONT SOMEBODY MAKE IT STOP?!"
To Alyx: "Yap-yap-yap, why don't you let Freeman get a word in for once?"
to Alyx: "Yeah, yeah, good to see you. Now where's Dog?
"I hear they put babies in those Striders."--that one freaked me out. :O
"They may call them crabs, but they don't taste like crab."
"We're all starving, and Kleiner's headcrab's probably eating grade-A head."
"Hey Freeman, I hear you were there when Odessa Cubbage took down the first gunship? That must have been a real honor for you. I'm proud to meet someone who knew Odessa Cubbage."

Edit: well, I suck. Didn't see the earlier thread.
The part where you first go in an airduct, when Alyx tells you of when Kliener got stuck in his office, you and Barney would race threw the airducts to see who gets to him first. And you'de always win 'cause your good of going threw airducts.

That's funny. Because I can't seem to remember that. And I'm supposed to BE Gordon Freeman.
Alyx was still a kid when HL1 came around. There was billions of Barneys running around, saying they'll buy you a beer if they survive.
Simply, Gordon had a pretty easy life, Until one night before the Resonace cascade he had a nightmare, The G-man implanted someone "You" into Gordon freeman, we control his actions.
The part in the dark tunnels, I turned off my flash light to re charge then heard a moan, so I quickly flashed my light on the source of the noise... it was Alyx "haha gottcha"
True. We don't know the life of GF before the "accident" at Black Mesa.
Hondo said:
"Oh no the Kleiner speech is starting again--WONT SOMEBODY MAKE IT STOP?!"
"They may call them crabs, but they don't taste like crab."
"We're all starving, and Kleiner's headcrab's probably eating grade-A head."
"Hey Freeman, I hear you were there when Odessa Cubbage took down the first gunship? That must have been a real honor for you. I'm proud to meet someone who knew Odessa Cubbage."

Edit: well, I suck.

AhAHAHaHhahaHhAhaH These are frickin hilarious man AHAHHAHAHHAAHHa!!!!!!

PS: the baby-strider freaked me out.
Defpotec22 said:
The part in the dark tunnels, I turned off my flash light to re charge then heard a moan, so I quickly flashed my light on the source of the noise... it was Alyx "haha gottcha"
Holy crap, I knew she made those sounds, but I didn't know she would say that if you put your flashlight on her! That's so ****ing amazing :D

I love Valve.
Played again...
The part where the guy tells the woman behind the door to open the door up. She asks for the password.
And the guy says "I'm not even going to tell you to shut up".
Then she says "Come in!"
I think everyones done all the good ones, its amazing how many there are for such a short game.
In the zombie bit Alyx said 'ill talk to Kleiner about getting better batteries for that torch', and soon after as i'm letting it charge with the lights out, theres some groaning and she said 'is that you Gordon?' so i put the light on and theres 2 zombines running at us! hehe.

And Barney's "shes waiting for you Gordon, you lucky dog!"
I personally love how the zombines periodically say "neecrrrrotics" in their garbled voices. I thought it was pretty cool considering that thats their word for headcrab zombies and probably the last thing they would've said before being crabbed thenselves
I ran into the room with the TV playing the Kleiner message. If you smash it she says "Yeah you're right, we don't have time to watch TV." I replayed that part again and when I went in there I listened to speech and up the part about reproducing and Alyx goes "Is Dr. Kleiner telling us to...get it on?" :LOL:
After blowing away four zombies with a rocket, Alyx made a remark about it being a zombieque, which just made me laugh.
xombine said:
I ran into the room with the TV playing the Kleiner message. If you smash it she says "Yeah you're right, we don't have time to watch TV." I replayed that part again and when I went in there I listened to speech and up the part about reproducing and Alyx goes "Is Dr. Kleiner telling us to...get it on?" :LOL:
with me she said "get busy" instead of "get it on"
that one was definitely my favorite.

"Is Kleiner really telling everyone to... get busy?"


"Youre right, we really dont have time to watch tv."

vegeta897 said:
Holy crap, I knew she made those sounds, but I didn't know she would say that if you put your flashlight on her! That's so ****ing amazing :D

I love Valve.

Hehe she did that to me too, it was right before I went into the Zombine I was a bit edgy :)
the scene in the house with Dr. Kliener on TV.. where you go upstairs and fall in the trap (weak roof) and then alyx goes back to the room with the tv in it ..

well, I followed her back, but unfortunatly something happened in my PC; another program jumped and forcibly claimed focus!! (it was like pressing alt-tab)
Hence, I sort of missed alot of the things they said there. I bet they said alot of funny stuff! :'(
"She's calling you Gordon, you lucky dog you..."

I swear I heard a civilian say "I sometimes dream of cheese"
This may not count, but I was 'bugging' Alyx to see what kinds of quotes she had and after a couple, she shot me a look that, in no uncertain terms, said, "knock it off". Now that was funny!
Megalomaniac said:
I swear I heard a civilian say "I sometimes dream of cheese"
That's one of the Half-Life 2 NPC quotes. I don't think I heard anything but those old quotes! I heard "to think, before all this I wanted to be a lawyer" at least twice :p
I thought it was "To think, before all this I wanted to sell insurance"
Fliko said:
I thought it was "To think, before all this I wanted to sell insurance"
Same difference, we're not writing a wikipedia article :p
My favorite was "It used to be safer here".

I also liked Alyx's "Light 'em up!" when an enemy was in flames.
I thought it was "To think, before all this I wanted to sell insurance"

I heard that ingame ep1
The "going back and forth" scene of getting civilians.
1 time I was waiting threw the door cause I spotted Combine and I wanted them to come in closer to get a better shot.
1 of the Civilians says "Ah. Gordon Freeman" (like they where getting inpatiant of having to wait).
Then another 1 yells out 'Combine!"

I found this pretty funny. :)
"Yeah yeah yeah Alyx, why don't you let Freeman get a word in for once?!"
Hondo said:
"We're all starving, and Kleiner's headcrab's probably eating grade-A head."

That sounds...extremely disturbing. Dr. Kleiner really should get out, every once in awhile...
I laughed when after killing a soldier together, Alyx yelled out "Oh snap!".
BeaverMon said:
Played again...
The part where the guy tells the woman behind the door to open the door up. She asks for the password.
And the guy says "I'm not even going to tell you to shut up".
Then she says "Come in!"

Better than "What's the password? PASSWORD!" :p lol
Alyx and a citizen have a dialouge witch goes something like this

Citizen: "Aren't you Kleiners daughter?"
Alyx ironical: "No, Im Odessa Cubbage's daughter"

It says something about Alyz having diffrent fathers before Eli was choosen in "Raising the bar". I guess this is a joke about that.

Oh, and the Zombine joke was a good one :LOL:
I like the first spotting of the zombines when he comes running at the glass with a gernade....i laughed pretty hard at that...