Lombardi Explains Need for L4D2 and more...


May 6, 2005
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Doug Lombardi took some time out of his busy E3 schedule to talk to Rock, Paper, Shotgun about L4D2. This is just a small bit of what he says:[br]
...we didn?t sit down and say, ?We need to ship a sequel next for next Christmas, what features do we need?? That wasn?t the way it happened, that?s not the way Valve works. What did happen was, the team sat down and said, ?We?ve got a bunch of ideas of stuff we want to do.?...So we put a lot of those things on the board and said, ?What can we do quickly? What?s going to take more time? What?s the best way to get stuff out to customers?? And part of that plan ended up with L4D2, with things like changing the way the finales worked, introducing some new Survivors, giving new dialogue, telling more about the story, introducing new Specials. We said, ?Wow, that makes for a nice sequel.?
[br]You can read the whole thing here.[br]Eurogamer have gone hands on with L4D2, you can read their impressions here.
Not a single question about Ep3?

I don't understand these people.
Why would there be a question about Ep3 when it is clear that Valve aren't talking about it?
^ that.

good read but I would still prefer some ep3 news.
was there few minutes ago. It's a good read.
Please stop about Episode 3 already, there no point in arguing over it so you might aswell just stick with L4D2.
as much as i was upset with no epi 3 news i am pleased they are releasing a new game not updates to current ones. I was playing left 4 dead last nite i got it for £13 on a weekend deal! and my god what a bargin wish had more time to play it! left 4 dead 2 will be welcome edition i think :) There right no point patching a game to death a new game a better approch, part reason I never got into TF2 is because there are to many updates and not something i care for i prefer new stuff not updates to old stuff

still dying for episode 3 news thou but think we shud stop moaning they clearly have some big stuff for episode 3 :D! but think valve cud prob shed some light when we will hear news mayb least then we got a date to look 4ward to hearing something
Why would there be a question about Ep3 when it is clear that Valve aren't talking about it?

Gaming journalists are such pushovers. God forbid they upset any software developers with tough questions that are on the mind's of their readers!
Gaming journalists are such pushovers. God forbid they upset any software developers with tough questions that are on the mind's of their readers!

they probably dont care to be honest they are there to ask them about the games being showcased at E3! It would be like going to a car show and ignoring the new car they got to show and asking about some random prototype thats only on the minds of the select few! whats the point. nothing to say on episode 3 part from its in development. But theres loads to report and talk about with L4D2. I Almost wonder why we were so shocked at l4d2 news, we clearly had our expectations for episode 3 news way to high.
Gaming journalists are such pushovers. God forbid they upset any software developers with tough questions that are on the mind's of their readers!

Or gaming journalists don't want to waste anybodies time with trivial questions that they already know the answer to.
Gaming journalists are such pushovers. God forbid they upset any software developers with tough questions that are on the mind's of their readers!

Or gaming journalists don't want to waste anybodies time with trivial questions that they already know the answer to.

I think Pitzy answers your question :)
Actualy EA stole the idea from Activision, which is released 1 Call of Duty game a year (one from Infinity Ward then next year one from Treyarch)

Milk it baby!
Talk about an overreaction...

aye :) lol people need to get over it left 4 dead 2 gonna kick ass and has anyone thought just mayb the source updates are being tested in left 4 dead 2 before there flag ship game half life :)
"We need to ship a sequel next for next Christmas, what features do we need?" That wasn't the way it happened, that's not the way Valve works. What did happen was, the team sat down and said, "We've got a bunch of ideas of stuff we want to do."...So we put a lot of those things on the board and said, "What can we do quickly? What's going to take more time? What's the best way to get stuff out to customers?" And part of that plan ended up with L4D2,[...]

I think a lot of people are overlooking this important bit from Doug - Valve needs to get something out for the fans to enjoy for Christmas time, and if they feel like EP3 won't be ready for Christmas time, then there's no reason for forcing it; instead move onto a game that would be easy enough to get ready for Christmas time.
Tbh I think it's a smart move - if Valve set EP3 for a Christmas release time, that would really put the pressure on them (and if EP3 isn't ready for that release date, they would end up releasing a more mediocre product, which I'm sure we'd all be uber po'ed at). Better to release a game that's ready in November than to push a game that's not ready.
More Story = Win.

The one thing I wanted more of from L4D was story, who are the characters? What's their background? Why the zombie apocalypse? So many unanswered quessies.
I can see a possible technical reason for why valve wanna go this way. With TF2 almost all the maps reuse the same texture and asset sets, which is fine in that case as the visual style and design of the game fits with having a consistant look.

In the case of L4D each of the four campaigns use different sets to make them stand out from each other, the Survival mode pack that reuses most of its content from these assets is quite easy to fit into a reasonable download size (esspeacialy for a console), adding genuinely new campaigns that they wanna do to the original L4D, could require upwards of a gig for each one. The source engine can be pretty restrictive somtimes for adding large amounts of new content into a single install and starting from scratch with a new game gives you alot of room to design somthing fresh.

It probbally isnt the case here. I personaly dont have a problem buying more content, I would have gladly paid for the TF2 updates I have recieved up to now, simply because I have got alot of fun out of the game, more than I do from alot of the other mainstream games I have picked up in the last 2 years, if people dont enjoy L4D as it is now, then I can understand them not wanting a sequal, but thats their opinion, and it doesnt speak for everyone.
I think one of the reasons that so many people are in uproar over L4D2 is as Valve fans/gamers we are spoilt. How often do we have to part with cash to buy one of their games (or to get content)? I know Valve have Steam and all but never the less if they didn't they wouldn't be making a huge amount of money just giving us constant free content. Never the less I still feel this should be a new "chapter" for L4D (that we pay for) instead of calling it a sequel. I think slapping a "2" on the end makes the game sound a bit tacky, they should go the route like they did with the "Survival" pack but make it a stand alone "expansion". Call it "L4D: Urban" (or something a lot more creative than that!)
Anyway, I see this as more money for EP3's development! :D
I really don't care when the game is released, I just want a trailer or something..
your post adds nothing to the discussion, Pi--enjoy your infraction.
Just because Valve release ONE game within a year of each other they're being related to EA and Activision?

**** off noobs.
hmm.....I remenber when people got mad at valve taking long time to release theyr games

also I think the fact that valve has been giving so much free stuff has made people used to it, valve needs to make money and I dont think giving free content will be so usefull in the long run
Just because Valve release ONE game within a year of each other they're being related to EA and Activision?

**** off noobs.

I approve.

The whiners should try to wait for free content from EA or Activision, they'd see how VALVe is different.
Anyways, does anyone even play L4D anymore? L4D2 was almost overdue. Or more honestly, this is perfect timing.
hmm.....I remenber when people got mad at valve taking long time to release theyr games

also I think the fact that valve has been giving so much free stuff has made people used to it, valve needs to make money and I dont think giving free content will be so usefull in the long run

Let's not forget the parties involved here. Remember when the first TF2 DLCs came out? Microsoft was all up in arms about them being free. Microsoft wants to make cash from every single thing they produce from top to bottom. It seems like they want to make half a game, let you buy it, then charge you later for the second half. This time Valve's got a game that sells just as much on Xbox as it does on PC (more or less) and Microsoft isn't going to let them do another TF2. They want their cash. It's a good business practice, just not fun for the people that are paying. I mean from the looks of it, what we're getting is some new weapons, new maps, and models. Most of this could easily be implemented in DLC or, at the most, a small expansion. It's a lot more profitable to come up with some new box art and say "it's a new game" even though it's using the same engine and gameplay with some new stuff involved. I say it's all because of the Microsoft involvement. They know how to make money.
I dont think giving free content will be so usefull in the long run

Well according to Valve to free updates for TF2 have been very good to them financially. Everytime Valve release a big update they sell quite alot more copy's of the game and further increase the size of the community.
This is ridiculous. I'm really starting to loathe the Valve fans who feel this way.


Or, don't buy L4D2 and get the **** out of all related communities. Just as long as you guys stfu.
People are entitled to their opinions, well-informed or otherwise, but it's time to move on with things. No, Episode Three info is not coming for awhile, yes, L4D2 is coming whether you like it or not. Bitching and moaning about either is not going to change anything. Get with the program or get out, it's a simple choice.

Or, don't buy L4D2 and get the **** out of all related communities. Just as long as you guys stfu.

Banhammer, man. Just start thinning out the more blunt and ridiculous sounding whiners who make comparison to EA, or seem to have some sort of solid intel that says all of what is being made for L4D2 can be ''easily'' shipped over to L4D. :D

Related, my ignore list has never been more bustling.

Good article. I just wish there was a way it could be force-fed to everyone before they open up a page to type out some silly rant. Alot of stuff becomes much clearer after reading interview after interview, if only some of the folk here would just sit down and give them a chance instead of jumping to conclusions...

Or, don't buy L4D2 and get the **** out of all related communities. Just as long as you guys stfu.

Excuse me, but when did it become ok for employed staff/Moderators to speak in this manner/be so unprofessional.

You agree or you disagree, who cares. Either way, you work for this site, act like an adult.

Some people are upset, some people got over it, and some people don't care either way. These are forums dedicated to the games we are all passionate about, for people not to get upset about something they are visiting a site frequently for information, and in excited anticipation is not crazy or new.