Lombardi Explains Need for L4D2 and more...

Does anyone breathe air anymore?

Yeah, I think that's how maslow's hierarchy of needs goes: Air, food, shelter, LEFT 4 DEAD.
It's basically all the same you know, it's a well known fact that a normal adult human needs 3.6 hours of left for dead a week to avoid death.

Or, don't buy L4D2 and get the **** out of all related communities. Just as long as you guys stfu.
Lol Valve Defense Force
Excuse me, but when did it become ok for employed staff/Moderators to speak in this manner/be so unprofessional.

You agree or you disagree, who cares. Either way, you work for this site, act like an adult.

Some people are upset, some people got over it, and some people don't care either way. These are forums dedicated to the games we are all passionate about, for people not to get upset about something they are visiting a site frequently for information, and in excited anticipation is not crazy or new.

Well, you're excused. It's a fan website, not a business. He can say whatever the heck he wants. It's the ****ing internet. He also makes a good point.

People have come to expect Valve to be better than everyone else, and we have really been fortunate as customers to get what we have so far. It's absolutely absurd for people to be reacting the way they are; everyone's being selfish and saying "I want more free content." And Valve is still hinting at L4D updates, so (especially after how people have reacted) I would expect something.

The only thing I would hope for is a discount for people who purchased L4D1
Excuse me, but when did it become ok for employed staff/Moderators to speak in this manner/be so unprofessional.

You agree or you disagree, who cares. Either way, you work for this site, act like an adult.

Some people are upset, some people got over it, and some people don't care either way. These are forums dedicated to the games we are all passionate about, for people not to get upset about something they are visiting a site frequently for information, and in excited anticipation is not crazy or new.

Oh, ye little headcrab, thou hath no idea what thou has released upon thine self.
Venting disapproval of a Valve product and their methods on a site named Halflife2.net is always going to end in a non-biased and educated debate.
Let's not forget the parties involved here. Remember when the first TF2 DLCs came out? Microsoft was all up in arms about them being free. Microsoft wants to make cash from every single thing they produce from top to bottom. It seems like they want to make half a game, let you buy it, then charge you later for the second half. This time Valve's got a game that sells just as much on Xbox as it does on PC (more or less) and Microsoft isn't going to let them do another TF2. They want their cash. It's a good business practice, just not fun for the people that are paying. I mean from the looks of it, what we're getting is some new weapons, new maps, and models. Most of this could easily be implemented in DLC or, at the most, a small expansion. It's a lot more profitable to come up with some new box art and say "it's a new game" even though it's using the same engine and gameplay with some new stuff involved. I say it's all because of the Microsoft involvement. They know how to make money.
I see a lot of people handpicking the new features from L4D2 and intentionally leaving out a few key ones (new AI director, Versus and Survival mode for all maps, brand new mode, +15 new weapons) when they make the argument for L4D2 being DLC or an expansion... Interesting tactics...
Versus and Survival mode for all maps could easily be done in dlc, same with the new game mode, and especially the weapons. The only thing that would probably be too much for dlc is the new AI director, though it still wouldnt be too hard. Everything else is shit a modder could do really, albeit not at the same quality probably.
Except it's pretty appearent they wanna "reboot" the Franchise, hence why they need to release another game.

It's not like VALVe will force you to buy L4D2 at gunpoint. Just don't buy it. Plus, they said they would still support L4D, why all the whine about a game we have barely seen?
Versus and Survival mode for all maps could easily be done in dlc, same with the new game mode, and especially the weapons. The only thing that would probably be too much for dlc is the new AI director, though it still wouldnt be too hard. Everything else is shit a modder could do really, albeit not at the same quality probably.

Exactly. I mean given modders can generate total conversions from a game over time, new maps and weapon can be created. Also it's true that they wouldn't be the same quality, but that is a given of the vast majority of mods, otherwise those people would be getting paid.

The real issue here is that people don't see a $50 worth to what has been announced and shown in videos. Sure if they call it Left 4 Dead 2 and charge the standard new game price, it will be a new game, but it fits all the standard measurements for an expansion. I've seen "expansions" that have gone in to new engines, higher resolution textures, and changed up entire gameplay aspects yet still sold for the 20-30 dollar mark you see in expansions.

The reality of it is that everyone who really enjoys the game now will buy it even at full price and everyone involved is aware of this. That's how popular franchises work. That's why millions of people shell out $50-$60 each year for a new Madden or the like. That's also why EA has become the evil dictator of the gaming market. I don't think anyone wants to see Valve take that road and personally I don't think they will. They still make high quality products albeit some take a lot longer than others (EP3!?) so I don't think we're going to end up getting a ton of low quality games.
On an unrelate note; the left 4 dead 2 boycott group has reached nearly 6,500 members. Jeeze. It won't be long before they have, well...


OVER 9000!!!
members, that is

I must confess I have yet to purchase L4D. My bro doesn't have a descent gfx card in his computer yet, and mine is just a hair above the minimum specs. However I plan on fixing that within the next few months.

(Edit: I plan on getting both left 4 dead's)
it's pointless to try to reason with people on an internet forum.

but i'll throw in my piece of garbage nonetheless :p

valve chose only to show you SOME parts of the game with only SOME footage and SOME explanation of what will be in the game. i'm not going to judge the worth, quality, or ideas of L4D2 until it's released and i've played it. and odds are, i'm going to buy it and enjoy it nonetheless. odds are, you will too. and if you've already decided to not buy the game in the first place (and i'm assuming you're reading this because you are a valve fan yourself), then you're even more retarded because (1) we all know you can't judge a game until you've played it all and (2) you no longer become a fan of valve games. try to keep the valve community at peace and promote more positive thoughts of a game that's about to be released. it's going to be a good release.

at least valve aren't spending 3 years on L4D2 thus putting other games on hold for even longer. at least we know episode 3 is not going to be episodic/short (my opinion. doug's specific words is apparent evidence). at least you get a sooner opportunity to support your favorite game developers ($$$). and at least we know the next game by them is definitely going to be about the half-life series.

i could say so much more. but most of what's on this thread is just garbage.
On an unrelate note; the left 4 dead 2 boycott group has reached nearly 6,500 members. Jeeze. It won't be long before the have, well...

*overused snippet*
OVER 9000!!!
members, that is

I must confess I have yet to purchase L4D. My bro doesn't have a descent gfx card in his computer yet, and mine is just a hair above the minimum specs. However I plan on fixing that within the next few months.


I concur 100% with what Ennui said. The members that join on here just to bash Valve about releasing any information about Episode 3 are ridiculous. Grow up, that's life. People are not always going to cater to what you want, they're going to do what's best for the themselves/their company. If pushing out L4D2 is what's best for Valve right now, more power to them. As for you ****ers that complain behind your keyboards because you want to play their game, you may as well learn now to have patience. If not, the world will view you as this.

Btw, "this" in the previous statement is a link. Click on it.
I am looking 4ward to left 4 dead 2 now anyway :) to be honest if want more half life just replay episode 2 surely lot replay value to get all the achivements :)

Makes good business sense to release the sequel this year in a recession its garateed to do well, i agree boycotting it is retarded if valve go under in this recession then half life will go with! some of u have no idea how bad this recession is!!
With a heavy heart, I've just joined the L4D2 boycott group - based entirely on the manifesto on their page. :(
The few people here who defend the decision to make L4D2 seem to not understand what everyone is upset about. I've tried to summarize the most common issues I've heard people having in hopes that it clears things up:

• Significant content for L4D1 was promised, and never delivered
• Valve put little faith in L4D1 since they almost certainly started working on L4D2 right after release
• The fact that L4D2 is nearly identical to L4D1 will decimate the community for both games
• The announced date is not nearly enough time to polish content or make significant gameplay changes
• The new character designs seem bland and unappealing so far
• L4D2 is too bright to fit in with L4D1's visual aesthetic
• The fiddle-based horde music is extremely disliked, though the differently orchestrated music is otherwise welcome
• L4D2's release will result in a drop in quality and frequency for L4D1 content, even compared to before
• The community has lost faith in Valve's former reputation for commitment to their games post-release
Valve really need to act sooner, rather than later.
Left 4 Dead 2 might be a game worth $50 on its own. I admit it looks like a fun game that hopefully has far more content that I realistically thought they could add to L4D. But when you have already paid $50 for L4D that has pretty much the same gameplay, it makes people a bit disappointed.

Solution: give a discount to people who already own L4D. Say, normal price $50 and $30 if you already have L4D. Also include L4D1 maps since someone is going to port those over anyway. Everyone is happy, Valve makes a lot of money, and we get the content we wanted.

This is easy to do with Steam and it's not like it's unheard of in the business. Epic did the same thing to people who owned UT2003 and bought UT2004.
With a heavy heart, I've just joined the L4D2 boycott group - based entirely on the manifesto on their page. :(Valve really need to act sooner, rather than later.

this is really really really really sad!!!!! okay i admit i was annoyed to at no ep3 news but hardly this upset! god sakes! ppl like this that will ruin valve repuation when they done nothing wrong! how are people susposed to have jobs and get paid if u expect everything for nothing! in hard times like we are in now hard choices have got to be made! most likely going to have another orange box in 2010 with epi 3 and portal 2 and left 4 dead 2 this year in 09! get over it!!!!

if valve make no money how on earth can we expect them to carry on half life with improvements, they got a good source engine may as well use it before its out of date to be honest. very likely source is getting a complete overhaul for episode 3 and portal 2

seriously if wanna be upset and depressed over a game go over to a simcity fan site and see how ea ****ed that over for money! and how all there efforts go into the sims while simcity community was totally screwed over last yr with a crappy game! least valve arnt like that at all to there fans! l4d2 looks just as awesome and its a different game and they said themselves l4d still be updated
i have pity for anyone on that boycott list who:

- has taken advantage of valve's free content in TF2, L4D, and basically every other game
- used the SDK and made custom maps, models, etc
- bought the Orange Box even though they already had HL2 and Episode 1
- has a job or works for money
- is suffering from the recession

seriously, show some appreciation. look at the big picture. L4D2 is an attempt to create a new game without completely changing what was so great about L4D. it has nothing to do with just music, weapons, and supposed "promises". if a game is unsuccessful, it will show. there's no need to boycott a game that hasn't been released and hasn't even been priced.

i'm interested to see valve's response.
Gaming journalists are such pushovers. God forbid they upset any software developers with tough questions that are on the mind's of their readers!

Well said. Sometimes the hardest questions are the most important..
Big bad VALVE, you made a few weak minded 12 years old cry, shame on you valve!

EDIT: What's with the flood of new users that are anti-valve and anti-proper spelling?
Big bad VALVE, you made a few weak minded 12 years old cry, shame on you valve!

EDIT: What's with the flood of new users that are anti-valve and anti-proper spelling?

lol! brill :) I prefer we are getting a new game updates are boring :p
I pity u for being a cry baby over a game

I am laughing at you now too.

A boycott? Come on. I mean, I wont buy the game probably, but a boycott and a sign up list for it? Jeez thats pathetic. That list is probably 95% 14 year olds or younger who still think shit like that even matters.
I am laughing at you now too.

A boycott? Come on. I mean, I wont buy the game probably, but a boycott and a sign up list for it? Jeez thats pathetic. That list is probably 95% 14 year olds or younger who still think shit like that even matters.

why laughing at me :/ i was against the boycott!!! grr i said my previous post it was lame to bash valve so much
being from the south * glad I I don't have a accent*
and seeing what happen with kartana in new orleans I was thinking..
do these guys want to stirr conterversey by taking the game and putting in a city that wasn't so long ago hit by a major natural disaster?

Valve is going to get hit with law suites to the wall

with half life with no ep3 only left with ether a half life 3 coming or not

I kind of don't care.....it's just valve little way of doing more "we're going to piss you off!!!"
being from the south * glad I I don't have a accent*
and seeing what happen with kartana in new orleans I was thinking..
do these guys want to stirr conterversey by taking the game and putting in a city that wasn't so long ago hit by a major natural disaster?

Valve is going to get hit with law suites to the wall

with half life with no ep3 only left with ether a half life 3 coming or not

I kind of don't care.....it's just valve little way of doing more "we're going to piss you off!!!"

I doubt be a lawsuite against that? unless u meant the activision one? Also its not the first game to set in a city thats been distroyed. infact its a good idea because it will make it more spooky and if anything its good thing its starring in a game, sure ppl new orleans wud be glad its not been forgotten...i dunno.

not sure what u meant about half life 3 but i am sure it will happen ppl need to be patient :)
why laughing at me :/ i was against the boycott!!! grr i said my previous post it was lame to bash valve so much

I was laughing at you because you said:

robsters said:
I pity u for being a cry baby over a game

to Darkside. Seriously? I have yet to see a member that has been on these forums for over a year cry about the news. I've seen some upset, but they've realized that they can't control what Valve does. To which they've then gone on bashing the criers.

So, the purpose of this post? :LOL:
I was laughing at you because you said:

to Darkside. Seriously? I have yet to see a member that has been on these forums for over a year cry about the news. I've seen some upset, but they've realized that they can't control what Valve does. To which they've then gone on bashing the criers.

So, the purpose of this post? :LOL:

:) ahh yeah thort u meant him but wasnt sure, just picked bits out i said when i was defending valve, i mean its okay we all feeling upset but whats the point doing boycotting etc just taking it waaay to far and what does that say to valve. actally more depressing the reaction than the news of no episode 3 yet

this is exactly why we do hear nothing because we cant handle it. can see why valve are quiet because most there community suck and not loyal to valve as fans....lame!
I can't stand the way that you aren't allowed to utter even a slight "blasphemy" against the "almighty" Valve otherwise you get shunned for eternity. Let people have their opinions and if you don't agree then create a constructive response. I can guarantee half of you would crumble if this was a real life debate. Also, seriously moderators please get off your high horse once in a while. If people have constructive criticisms against Valve don’t attack them for it and especially don’t lower yourself to their level if it’s not (looking at you Ennui)
Since all the ranting started I don't think one of you has made a decent point for or aganist L4D2...
Since all the ranting started I don't think one of you has made a decent point for or against L4D2...

For: Valve needs to make money like any other content out there. The amount of content that they will have for L4D2 is unreasonable for a DLC. People say TF2 has had that much DLC, BUT:
1) It was spread out over a very long period of time, each update was quite small. They want to release all of this stuff at once.
2) Valve continues to urge us to realize there is more to the game than we think, they just aren't ready to reveal it yet.
3) The amount of content we have gotten for free out of TF2 has been pretty freaking ridiculous. Nobody else has really done that without charging SOMETHING extra. It's somewhat unreasonable to expect that from every game they release.

Against: The fact is, they DID promise more for the people who bought L4D1. People expected to sort of get the TF2 treatment with new content over time, because L4D did not justify a $50 purchase for THE MAJORITY of players. (Sure, on a fan site like this people will argue otherwise.)

That's basically what everyone has been saying over and over, and they are both valid arguments.

I would hope that they either work on some serious content for L4D1 for one last DLC package before L4D2 (which would probably result in a delay), or that they would offer a discount for the people who purchased L4D1.

To be fair, I never purchased L4D1 because I didn't think it was worth the money. Valve isn't perfect. I guess I just got lucky with that decision.
I can't stand the way that you aren't allowed to utter even a slight "blasphemy" against the "almighty" Valve otherwise you get shunned for eternity. Let people have their opinions and if you don't agree then create a constructive response. I can guarantee half of you would crumble if this was a real life debate. Also, seriously moderators please get off your high horse once in a while. If people have constructive criticisms against Valve don’t attack them for it and especially don’t lower yourself to their level if it’s not (looking at you Ennui)
Since all the ranting started I don't think one of you has made a decent point for or aganist L4D2...

must admit u are totally right about everyone here its not being debated properly really
Yes, because the debate consist of people saying "Why are valve doing this OMG?! They suck" then other people saying "Read their explanations, they give reasons X Y and Z", to which they respond "Valve fanboi lolol".

Or, don't buy L4D2 and get the **** out of all related communities. Just as long as you guys stfu.

Hulk Angry! Hulk SMASH!

Hulk pop a vein.
whole thread boring me now cant we just talk about the topic more or something then argue what we've been told :(
Lol Halflife2.net Troll Force
There's no force. I'm an army of one.

TBH I don't give a shit about any of this. I knew from the start Valve had nothing to say about Episode 3; everyone got their hopes up for nothing. With regard to L4D2, it's just funny to sit back and watch people say, "I CAN'T BELIEVE VALVE WOULD DO THAT FUCK YOU VALVE WHAT ABOUT YOUR PROMISES" and then watching others respond, "VALVE DOESN'T HAVE TO DO ANYTHING FOR YOU YOU INGRATES THEY'RE JUST TRYING TO MAKE MONEY AND YOU'RE LUCKY YOU GET ANYTHING SO STFU OR GET OUT OF THE COMMUNITY"

Everyone's getting mad over Valve. I haven't taken any sides, and I won't, because you're all so angry at each other for what Valve has done I don't have to troll any of you. Valve's gone ahead and done my work for me, and I can sit back and reap the reward.

It's like Christmas for me.