Lombardi Interview from Homelan


Jul 2, 2003
Reaction score
Just in case noone saw:
HomeLAN - Is there any movement on the Half-Life movie, especially with the Doom movie about to begin production?

Doug Lombardi - We've met with folks in Hollywood to discuss the idea of an HL movie. But around the time we hear, "And then Gordon falls in love..." we usually head back to Seattle screaming.

Good read.
HomeLAN - Will there be basic Half-Life 2 deathmatch and Capture the Flag modes released by Valve at some point or will the mod community have to create those products?

Doug Lombardi - Right now, we do not have DM or CtF modes for HL2 in production.

Hopefully this will stop those die-hards thinking that Valve will still surprise them with HLDM. Ain't going to happen till the mod teams get their hands on it...
Spugmaster said:
Hopefully this will stop those die-hards thinking that Valve will still surprise them with HLDM. Ain't going to happen till the mod teams get their hands on it...
Doug lies! its all a cover up!
Spugmaster said:
Hopefully this will stop those die-hards thinking that Valve will still surprise them with HLDM. Ain't going to happen till the mod teams get their hands on it...

Still lots of paranoia and hope regarding other gametypes :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
HomeLAN - Finally, we have to ask: is Team Fortress 2 officially a dead project or is that game in some kind of production?

Doug Lombardi - TF2 is not dead at all. After we announced TF2 on the HL1 tech, we made the decision to move it to the Source Engine. It is still in development and we will be announcing more on that title after HL2 ships

Great news, I mean confirmation....
very nice find.. confirms a few things just vaguely enough to be "plausibly deniable" at a later time if necessary..
HomeLAN - Can you confirm that Trokia and Activision can not release Vampire: The Masquarade - Bloodlines until Half-Life 2 has been released for a period of time and if so can they still release the game as planned this fall?

Doug Lombardi - There is no time limit. It just cannot be released prior to HL2.

Quoted for emphasys
What an aweful interview. Doug was trying to be as evasive and non-helpful as possible with those answers - a lot of them he just said "nothing to say right now" - which is NOT what the question was trying to find out.

Reminds me of some QA sessions people had with Blizzard about Diablo 2.
HomeLAN - Why did Valve decide to make the full version of Counter-Strike: Source available immediately to people who pre-order Half-Life 2 via Steam?

Doug Lombardi - Because it's ready.

Lanthanide said:
What an aweful interview. Doug was trying to be as evasive and non-helpful as possible with those answers - a lot of them he just said "nothing to say right now" - which is NOT what the question was trying to find out.

Reminds me of some QA sessions people had with Blizzard about Diablo 2.

Agreed. Anyone who's kept up with Valve/HL2 already knows the answers Doug gave. I'd rate this so-called interview a D.
Lanthanide said:
What an aweful interview. Doug was trying to be as evasive and non-helpful as possible with those answers - a lot of them he just said "nothing to say right now" - which is NOT what the question was trying to find out.

Reminds me of some QA sessions people had with Blizzard about Diablo 2.
Yeah man exactly my thoughts. This is unrespactable behaviour from Doug.
He could at least gave homelan some new info.
All his responses appear to be coming directly from the faq.
****ing movie studios! They' such idiots!! Half-Life is not a bloody love story FA SCHNITZ!! I'm glad Valve aren't willing to completely whore out their idea to the Hollywood studios!

"We need a love story, AND Gordon needs a pet super dog named Fido. PEOPLE LOVE DOGS."

I would rather no half-life movie if it meant ****ing up the story to satisfy these dumbass movie studio type people.

/rant over
Clavius said:
Yeah man exactly my thoughts. This is unrespactable behaviour from Doug.
He could at least gave homelan some new info.
All his responses appear to be coming directly from the faq.

Allready Valve has been more open to gamers and still they are complaining they want to keep stuff for themselves.
Tell me, honestly, of how many games you knew a release candidate was being send?
It's not a real life soap...
Spugmaster said:
Hopefully this will stop those die-hards thinking that Valve will still surprise them with HLDM. Ain't going to happen till the mod teams get their hands on it...
i still have hope!!

really, i do :|
Forau said:
Allready Valve has been more open to gamers and still they are complaining they want to keep stuff for themselves.
Tell me, honestly, of how many games you knew a release candidate was being send?
It's not a real life soap...
Oh please dont start that 'you are a spoiled kid' crap.
Face it, all these 'no comment' type of answers dont make it much of an interview do they? All Doug does is wrap old info in a shiney foil.
Imo, Doug could have saved him the trouble and tell homelan directly that he wasn't going to say anything.
Clavius said:
Oh please dont start that 'you are a spoiled kid' crap.
Face it, all these 'no comment' type of answers dont make it much of an interview do they? All Doug does is wrap old info in a shiney foil.
Imo, Doug could have saved him the trouble and tell homelan directly that he wasn't going to say anything.
Or homelan should've asked some other questions since they had obviously already been answered tons of times?

I bet this is why people still thought there would be HL2DM or similar in Half-Life 2, even though we can read the gamefiles saying it doesn't have it.

Plus it's backed up by official sources. So again taken the knowledge into account then it doesn't seem like many knew anything.
HomeLAN - Why did Valve decide to make the full version of Counter-Strike: Source available immediately to people who pre-order Half-Life 2 via Steam?

What Doug Lombardi said: "Because it's ready."

What Doug Lombardi wanted to say: "We wanted to screw Vivendi and take all the money!"

What Doug Lombardi should have said: "We wanted to shorten the fans waiting time for hl2 by let them play css."

i mean, come on, even when you start css you see "Source beta" in the console. and where's the models or inferno, train and nuke?
if this is valves definition of ready, then there's no wonder that the release candidate got rejected a couple of times by vivendi.
giraffen said:
HomeLAN - Why did Valve decide to make the full version of Counter-Strike: Source available immediately to people who pre-order Half-Life 2 via Steam?

What Doug Lombardi said: "Because it's ready."

What Doug Lombardi wanted to say: "We wanted to screw Vivendi and take all the money!"

What Doug Lombardi should have said: "We wanted to shorten the fans waiting time for hl2 by let them play css."

i mean, come on, even when you start css you see "Source beta" in the console. and where's the models or inferno, train and nuke?
if this is valves definition of ready, then there's no wonder that the release candidate got rejected a couple of times by vivendi.
Do you know what beta means? You know, there is absoutly no need for a beta to be ANY different from the final realease if theres no bugs. "Beta" does mean a state of which a game is in, but that doesn't mean the actual engine is ANY different from the beta..

If there's no bugs, why not? That's a poor arguement to use, it's beta still because the console says so lol. So, valve didn't take out a line of text in the engine, HARDLY anything to moan up, let alone be all moaners main case for which CS:S shouldn't of been realeased.

And in regards to your hope for models and extra maps, MAYBE just maybe you shouldn't assume what a game is going to contain, almost certainly going to be disapointed.

"OMFG where is the tanks in source? LOOOOOOL n00bs THIS SUXXX!!!211onrtwoiamidiot."

Clavius said:
Oh please dont start that 'you are a spoiled kid' crap.
Face it, all these 'no comment' type of answers dont make it much of an interview do they? All Doug does is wrap old info in a shiney foil.
Imo, Doug could have saved him the trouble and tell homelan directly that he wasn't going to say anything.

Well, maybe Doug was feeling good and gave away an interview for the o so spoiled(there! ;)) Gabe groupies who would even like to know what kind of underwear Gabe wears.
So, the questions where un-answerable, its not like they are planning on telling you every bloody thing they are planning on.
You people just cant stand the idea that Valve wants to keep something for itself and instead of thanking Doug to make some free time for an interview you guys start bitchin' about the content.
Doug did not made up these questions...
$niffy said:
Do you know what beta means? You know, there is absoutly no need for a beta to be ANY different from the final realease if theres no bugs. "Beta" does mean a state of which a game is in, but that doesn't mean the actual engine is ANY different from the beta..

If there's no bugs, why not? That's a poor arguement to use, it's beta still because the console says so lol. So, valve didn't take out a line of text in the engine, HARDLY anything to moan up, let alone be all moaners main case for which CS:S shouldn't of been realeased.

And in regards to your hope for models and extra maps, MAYBE just maybe you shouldn't assume what a game is going to contain, almost certainly going to be disapointed.

"OMFG where is the tanks in source? LOOOOOOL n00bs THIS SUXXX!!!211onrtwoiamidiot."


Yes, but there are a lot of bugs with CS:S, pretty serious one's at that, such as the name change bug, it's making it nearly impossible to get a decent game. I'm shocked if the testers didn't find the name change bug, I'm also shocked if they did find the name change bug and VALVe just neglected to fix it before release. As well as the Map and Sky cheats.
mortiz said:
Yes, but there are a lot of bugs with CS:S, pretty serious one's at that, such as the name change bug, it's making it nearly impossible to get a decent game. In my opinion they haven't tested the game enough.

Be honest now, would you rather have it that they would release it with HL2? Or do you still prefer playing it, though buggy, before the game should actually be out?
mortiz said:
We're talking about game stopping bugs/cheats here, not gameplay tweaks. These 'cheats' aren't exactly difficult to do either, they can be done from the console!

You are not answering my question mr.Mortiz.

mortiz said:
We're talking about game stopping bugs/cheats here, not gameplay tweaks. These 'cheats' aren't exactly difficult to do either, they can be done from the console!
There have been several exploits throughout CS history.

CS 1.3 had a very cool bug, double grenades. I believe that was the version anyways.

And the other versions has had it's share of exploits and cheats also.
Wow that nickname crash slipped my mind. Yeah, that is pretty shit. It's a pretty weird one, very difficult to bug hunt that i imagine. The thing that pisses me off is that valve haven't realeased a fix yet.

It'd be so easy

if {user change}

else {conitue}

(simplified haha)
Of course I'm happier that they released CS:S before Half-Life 2, but that doesn't excuse the fact that they let some blatantly obvious exploit's through.

CS:S is a very fun game when you can get game without someone crashing the server.

And if the beta testers didn't discover these bugs then they probably weren't doing their job as beta testers, probably too busy just playing the game.
FISKER_Q said:
There have been several exploits throughout CS history.

CS 1.3 had a very cool bug, double grenades. I believe that was the version anyways.

And the other versions has had it's share of exploits and cheats also.

In all my years playing counter-strike I've never come across bugs as bad as we're seeing in CS:Source (bugs where a player can actually cause client crashes by doing one simple thing!), except maybe in the earlier versions before VALVe took over, but that was expected since they were an independent MOD team with very few actually testing the game.
mortiz said:
Of course I'm happier that they released CS:S before Half-Life 2, but that doesn't excuse the fact that they left some blatantly obvious exploit's through.

CS:S is a very fun game when you can get game without someone crashing the server.

And if the beta testers didn't discover these bugs then they probably weren't doing their job as beta testers, probably too busy just playing the game.

Aah you see ;)
I think it'll be ok after a few updates. They are a verry buisy company and eh, in Holland we have a said that goed "Je moet een gegeven paard nooit in de bek kijken."
Free rough translation "Never look a given horse in the mouth."
I see CSS as a pre-release present from Valve. Sure it is buggy, bu it beats having nothing.
mortiz said:
In all my years playing counter-strike I've never come across bugs as bad as we're seeing in CS:Source (bugs where a player can actually cause client crashes by doing one simple thing!), except maybe in the earlier versions before VALVe took over, but that was expected since they were an independent MOD team with very few actually testing the game.

Then you don't know the term ***** :(

There has been tons of crash scripts and stuff. Usually it would only crash the server, but all clients would be dropped anyways so it's kinda the same result.

It was a bit stupid that debug commands were working though.
mortiz said:
In all my years playing counter-strike I've never come across bugs as bad as we're seeing in CS:Source (bugs where a player can actually cause client crashes by doing one simple thing!), except maybe in the earlier versions before VALVe took over, but that was expected since they were an independent MOD team with very few actually testing the game.

hahaha, few people testing.

Valve probably ended up not bothering with the DM/TDM etc to concentrate fully on TF2 and everyone now seems though HL2 is out, well after there break, will be working on TF2.
Forau said:
Aah you see ;)
I think it'll be ok after a few updates. They are a verry buisy company and eh, in Holland we have a said that goed "Je moet een gegeven paard nooit in de bek kijken."
Free rough translation "Never look a given horse in the mouth."
I see CSS as a pre-release present from Valve. Sure it is buggy, bu it beats having nothing.
Oh, how kind of valve to throw a ported mod in as a free multiplayer! I'm so happy with CS:s , it so cool we can play it before HL2 comes out, its 10X cooler than the old counterstrike!
Ofcourse everybody knew there wouldnt be a halflife2 multiplayer, coz the HL1 multiplayer sucked ass, and now: POOF! CS:s.
Thank you Valve , for being such a super duper company!


EDIT: YES I am still annoyed there is only CS:s. Beter goed gejat dan slecht bedacht.
Clavius said:
Oh, how kind of valve to throw a ported mod in as a free multiplayer! I'm so happy with CS:s , it so cool we can play it before HL2 comes out, its 10X cooler than the old counterstrike!
Ofcourse everybody knew there wouldnt be a halflife2 multiplayer, coz the HL1 multiplayer sucked ass, and now: POOF! CS:s.
Thank you Valve , for being such a super duper company!


Don't be an ass, you are as excited about HL as we all are.
Perhaps you would like to have a bas SP game with a crappy multiplayer?
And if you think valve sucks, why the hell you have 164 posts?
I kinda get the idea you wouldn't even appreciate it if valve came by and handed the game to you personally with all sorrys and hugs. ;)
Forau said:
Don't be an ass, you are as excited about HL as we all are.
Perhaps you would like to have a bas SP game with a crappy multiplayer?
And if you think valve sucks, why the hell you have 164 posts?
I kinda get the idea you wouldn't even appreciate it if valve came by and handed the game to you personally with all sorrys and hugs. ;)
Bah, unmasked :p Yeah, im excited
Still, some apologies and a hug from Gabe would be nice.
Clavius said:
Bah, unmasked :p Yeah, im excited
Still, some apologies and a hug from Gabe would be nice.

Hah! Well, I guess we are all frustrated about this game and excited at the same time.
And maybe if you ask Gabe nicely. :)
Clavius said:
Oh, how kind of valve to throw a ported mod in as a free multiplayer! I'm so happy with CS:s , it so cool we can play it before HL2 comes out, its 10X cooler than the old counterstrike!
Ofcourse everybody knew there wouldnt be a halflife2 multiplayer, coz the HL1 multiplayer sucked ass, and now: POOF! CS:s.
Thank you Valve , for being such a super duper company!


EDIT: YES I am still annoyed there is only CS:s. Beter goed gejat dan slecht bedacht.

HL multiplayer didnt suck, if HL multiplayer sucked then where did that crowed that originally support CS come from and then spread word of that and also why would some people spend time in making the mods if the mp sucked. Clearly you wernt around in the early days when CS was very small and people played mainly HL DM/TFC
HomeLAN - Why did Valve decide to make the full version of Counter-Strike: Source available immediately to people who pre-order Half-Life 2 via Steam?

Doug Lombardi - Because it's ready.

What exactly does he mean by "it's ready"? I get the impression that Counter Strike: Source is still a work in progress. Oh, crap! I hope he's not implying that they consider it a finished product!