Look at FARCRY..

I'd love to beta test it, but the X-ISLE really doesn't work with ATI's, how poopy.
Originally posted by azz0r
Can anyone sign up to beta test, or is it to late?

I got my cd like more or less 2 months ago.
As for ATI cards, the damn game runs flawlessly on my Radeon 9700 Pro, so wtf are you talking about ?
Originally posted by Hallucinogen
I got my cd like more or less 2 months ago.
As for ATI cards, the damn game runs flawlessly on my Radeon 9700 Pro, so wtf are you talking about ?

He's saying that the old demo thing doesn't support ATI cards, not Farcry itself.
Originally posted by AmishSlayer
He's saying that the old demo thing doesn't support ATI cards, not Farcry itself.

Ohhh, I misunderstood.
its too late for siging up for the beta test. I signed in around four months ago, But I did not recieve any CDs, and I think because its only for the USA resedence.
From what I saw in that tech demo, the graphics are pretty average with some nice shaders. Except for the bump mapping, that was impressive. But it still had that DoomIII "plastic" look. So I'd say the graphics (in that tech demo) are above average, but not great. The really awesome thing about it is the level size. It's freakin' huge. The vast size of the levels alone would make this game worth getting. It's going to be a great game overall. The island in the tech demo goes further than you can see, and the whole thing is playable.
Did you take that picture? What are your specs? looks terrible to other pictures tbh.
Well what can you do in the techdemo ElFuhrer? Can you shoot and play with the physics? I would have dled it last night but I had to go to some school thing. I will get it tonight.
Yeah, I took that pic, I have a GeForce 4 Ti 4200, AMD Athlon 2500+, 1024mb of ram. I put everything as high as it could go, with 4xAA and 8xAF. It does look pretty bad, might be the LOD system, the polys get scaled down a lot to handle such a big map. The tech demo you just walk around the island (using the arrow keys :/) and look at stuff. There's some neat water and a few dinosaurs plus some mountains to climb, but that's about it.
About that tech demo...

It's over 2 years old...

Nothing compared to far cry now. Just a tech demo from the very early crytek engine demonstrations... I think it even only suports dx7 or 8, and it's about dinosaurs... It's a tech demo about an early game called X-isle that was meant to built woth crytek engine, but project was cancelled and was replaced by far cry.

The actual engine is a huge improvement on the engine used in that demo, since it's 2 years older, it has full dx9 and 64 bit hardware & processing support btw.