look at me i'm so cool...i've put a probe on the moon


Aug 6, 2004
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it's more of crashed than put.

The probe, painted with the Indian flag, crashed into the moon's surface at 2034 (1504 GMT), the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) said.

During its controlled plunge it took readings including measurements of the composition of the Moon's atmosphere.

The mission is regarded as a major step for India as it seeks to keep pace with other space-faring nations in Asia.

The BBC's Sanjoy Majumder in Delhi says the success of the mission has been hailed in India where many see it as another sign of the country's emergence as a global power.


yet another country is in the penis size league.

seriously...exploring space individually in this time and age, is ridiculous. so they just sent trash on the moon to find out what the US probably knew 30 years ago.
exploring space is currently way to expensive to be undertaken by individual countries. (IMO)
yeah, id be substantially more impressed if they spent all that money on feeding and educating their less fortunate citizens.

but, if they as a nation have democratically decided they want to catapult shit at the moon then its their money i guess
We need a Human Coalition For Space Exploration. But no lame Prime Directive. We find shit on other planets, we're going to meddle!
yeah, id be substantially more impressed if they spent all that money on feeding and educating their less fortunate citizens.
Haha, what makes you think India's citizens are any less educated than yourself?

'India's literacy rate is 64.8% (53.7% for females and 75.3% for males).'
It's kind of common knowlege I<3.
It has nothing to do with getting to the moon first. It's about finding out if they have the skills to do it, experimenting. You can't start from going to the Mars. It's not some software that everyone else can just download after one has made it work. It's about learning how it's done and showing that they can to other countries as well. They wouldn't be much of use to US and other countries if they wouldn't have tested simpler things first.
All nuclear capable countries are hereby required to venture to the moon.

United States, Russia, India...

Better start ponying up some cash for your future space program Iran and North Korea if you want some nukes!

/random post.
We need a Human Coalition For Space Exploration. But no lame Prime Directive. We find shit on other planets, we're going to meddle!

Special Circumstances, **** yeah!
During its controlled plunge it took readings including measurements of the composition of the Moon's atmosphere.
The moon doesn't have an atmosphere :|
lol stupid Indians, dont they know that people in their country already went to the moon? I mean, HELLO WE WERE THE FIRST ONES.
How could they possibly perform measurements on that during a "controlled plunge"?

I think the Indians are bullshitting us.

Beats me. They have plenty of monkeys in India to train to operate the gadgets though if their radio technology is not up to snuff.

lol stupid Indians, dont they know that people in their country already went to the moon? I mean, HELLO WE WERE THE FIRST ONES.

Yeah! <shakes fist>
yeah, id be substantially more impressed if they spent all that money on feeding and educating their less fortunate citizens.

but, if they as a nation have democratically decided they want to catapult shit at the moon then its their money i guess

this seriously. The whole moon trip is just a publicity stunt of sorts, like the millions of people starving are going to care.

India does not even have one city that can be considered even a little world class, and they call themselves a superpower. All they do is outsource their resources, and let other nations get the credit for their labour (Animation industries, building structures/labour)
India does not even have one city that can be considered even a little world class
Ever heard of New Delhi?



Take the fat cock out of your mouth and visit & learn about the place first before making uneducated and broad claims ;)

Do not talk about what India shouldn't be spending their money towards and how they should fix problems at home first, the rest of the world isn't perfect either, so preaching like an ass-kisser about "Oh what about the poor starving childrenz =(" is not going to help. Because you don't a give a shit to be a honest, and two, neither does Singapore =/. Didn't Singapore start wasting money on military advertisements around 2006 or so? Lmao, yeah because the world sees Singapore as a threat or something :rolleyes:
Going to the moon is like... an Xbox achievement. Someone's probably already done it, but that doesn't mean no one else should try it.

It's an indicator of economic and political growth- there's no reason to downplay their efforts. I mean, where's your space ship to the moon, huh? Huh??
And it's not like the money disappears, it's been spent in India and generated jobs and technology. Also, for those who believe this money could feed the poor or something like that, it really is a tiny amount of Indias BNP. Compared to military expenses or the billions that dissapear in corruption it's nothing.
Woah...calm down now mr. ilovehalflife.

Lol, I'm not against India. Just wary of that country, since it has alot more potential that it is not achieving, but yeah, me attributing that immense spending on their space programme and how they can spend their money on the people is a bad argument though. Mind you, I am an indian myself.

but seriously, new dheli looks pretty on some areas, but a good part of the city, even within the city has alot of slums, bad drainage and stuff, and that was when I visited the place 2 years ago.

and why would India be the nation which has the largest number of people who wished they could migrate to the US? It was at 70percent according to a Reader's Digest Survey.

No offense to India once again, it's not easy being a huge nation like India and having a pure democracy, unlike China, but India really has a long long way to go
Stop India-bashing you guys. Man. There are plenty of educated people there. Like that kid who wants to cure cancer. And, um... Suresh from Heroes.

Haha, what makes you think India's citizens are any less educated than yourself?


perhaps if more money was spent on your education you would've read that sentence correctly, but ill reiterate. bless your cotton socks.

what i said was "id be substantially more impressed if they spent all that money on feeding and educating their less fortunate citizens."

...implying quite correctly that India has elements of its population that are less fortunate than other portions of its population. no comparison was made between myself, India/Indians or any other nation.

edit: i cant believe i had to explain this post

Do not talk about what India shouldn't be spending their money towards and how they should fix problems at home first, the rest of the world isn't perfect either

correct, many other nations are far from perfect in all sorts of ways, but the vast majority of nations spending the kind of money required to carry out these kinds of activities have only a very small percentage (if any) living below the poverty line... let alone living below the "oh-shit-my-mud-hut-collapsed-again" line.

India and any other similarly positioned nation would as i said originally, impress me (and i'm sure other people here) far more by investing in those less fortunate than others rather than expeditions to the moon that teach us nothing and of course those fancy marble floors

And it's not like the money disappears, it's been spent in India and generated jobs and technology. Also, for those who believe this money could feed the poor or something like that, it really is a tiny amount of Indias BNP. Compared to military expenses or the billions that dissapear in corruption it's nothing.

at least some good has come out of it in that yes, jobs have been created. that said people with the talent to do this kind of stuff couldve got jobs elsewhere in the world (not that im saying all of India's most talented people should up-and-leave) but its not like they wouldve been queuing up at the dole office or whatever Indias equivalent is had this project not been undertaken.

i agree that military expenditure and corruption are even bigger problems for developing countries trying to show off the collective size of their cocks and/or keep their people under control.
Space exploration is cool though. Only four space agencies have landed anything on the moon. Well, five now.
Space exploration is cool though. Only four space agencies have landed anything on the moon. Well, five now.

The cool thing is, my university is planning on sending a probe to the moon by 2012. Imagine that, 5 national space agencies and Carnegie Mellon University.
Sweet man, that's awesome.
Though in a way I guess it's also a little depressing when you think of how many entire nations there are who can only dream of having the resources to do that.

Oh, am I being a downer? Uhh.. PUPPIES!
Less fortunate countries can dig a tunnel to the moon, as is common knowledge.
Yes ravioli, they have a big population. Did you just notice?