Look at this wooden terrarium I'm building


Aug 3, 2003
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I'm building a wooden terrarium because I have a baby water dragon and his little terrarium isn't big enough. It will be 24" on each side. I'm thinking of maybe using wood finish on it to make it water splash-proof. Like dark cherry. I put a cat in it for a size comparison in the picture: http://img297.echo.cx/img297/2035/terrarium2pd.jpg

So please post your comments concerning my fine Dutch craftsmenship :dork:


BTW, the picture is blurry because the cat kept moving so I had to take a quick picture. As you can see, he's already on his way out.
O_o, looking...good?

I've always had a thing for reptiles, they're like the good guys against the evil tyranny of insects.
I used to have a water dragon, they are cute little buggers. Dunno how much research you've done but they can grow to be about 3 feet long so you will need a much bigger cage eventually (mine was about 6' x 3' x 2' tall). They are a lot of work to care for, good luck!
Now i see why Little B has such an interest in cats, hes dutch! I share similar enthusiasm for cats, i'm quarter dutch and my opa had so many cats in the hague. (i'll be honest though i can't speak the language or anything, im so English)
But yeah....excellent craftsmanship :)
Cats are great :)

And a water dragon has to be one of the coolest sounding pets EVER
Send me a PM when it's finished. I'll send my dog to check out how strong the walls really are :p

Nah, my dog wouldn't hurt a fly :(