'Look Inside' Prima Half-Life 2 Books

No - Raising the Bar is a coffee table size (288 pages) hardcover book that covers the making of Half Life 2 with art, interviews, etc. but does NOT contain anything to do with the strategy guide.
No - Raising the Bar is a coffee table size (288 pages) hardcover book that covers the making of Half Life 2 with art, interviews, etc. but does NOT contain anything to do with the strategy guide.

Just to inform the rest, the strategy guide is 320 pages.
Really? The strategy guide is longer than Raising the Bar? How about that! Well then again, the pages are bigger in RtB than the strategy guide so that would make sense.
You can get it for 9 USD if you download it into your pC
I don't know what I should do with this, some say it contains huge spoilers, others say it isn't that bad. So I don't read it, HL2 isn't far anyway so in a few weeks we know all the info in this pdf document plus a lot more.
Munro said:
Prima Games, the creator of the official Half-Life 2 guide books have released new ‘look inside’ previews of two upcoming titles. On show is the
Half-Life 2: Official
Game Guide
and Half-Life 2: Raising the Bar, a behind the scenes look at the development of HL2.
'Look Inside'
Half-Life 2: Official Game Guide
'Look Inside' Half-Life 2: Raising the Bar
There are some minor spoilers about the plot and characters but the new art and images contained within are worth a look. They are in .pdf format so make sure you have Adobe Acrobat installed to view them.

I can't read the slide show notes. The only thing I can't read is
Itchysaurs materialise in swimming pool
Do any one remenber if the Official Game Guide is included in the retail collecters edd.???

Rasing The Bar isn't included in any of the offers, is it??
The retail collector's edition contains a sampler book. It has extracts from from Rasing The Bar and the strategy suide. The Gold Steam package comes with the strategy guide. Raising The Bar is not included with any of the offers.
w00t I almost saw that spoiler before closing the acrobat reader window immediately :O
Mr. Redundant said:
after perusing a couple posts down (mostly ones saying "should I read?.... edit: "huge spoilers eesh") I won't even open up the damn web page or read the other comments.

thanks for the heads up, and thanks to those of you who gave me warning.

i view the .pdf but did not read the text under the scans.. so yeah i looked at the scans but since i didn't read anything, nothing has been spoiled for me.
The Thing said:
You learn about a whole part of a level, what happens to Earth after Black Mesa, and what the Combine are.

How do you learn what the combine are at all?