look what the jehovahs left me!

don_johnson said:
end your suffering
do it

Now now, they might think it was an asymetrical act of war.
Jehova Witnesses? Who are they... couldnt stop laughing at pg 2 last post hahahahaha... anyways leme guess... a cult, like Mormons Scientologist and stuff like that... correct? What do they belive in?
Mormonism is a legit religion, while Scientology better fits the definition of a cult . Shame Uriel isn't around any more to explain further.
Ikerous said:
wtf is a mormon
Once 3 groups of jehoveas came to my house in 1 day :\
And that was the first time they had come that I remember.
In my area we get all the trainees coming round.
And who gives a f**k about there intellectulal property, if they didn't want it uploading they shouldnt post it thorugh your letter box.

Or call the police.
Jehova's Witnesses suck. They love to spit in the face of the science that gives them their insights.
Hi and God bless photoshop (pardon the pun)
I had an interview for a position at a tv shop once and I didnt know the bosses were Jehova Witnesses. When he started the interview saying wlecome etc he then said that he was a witness I imediatley said a witness to what a murder, you could hear a pin drop in the whole shop when I said that. Anywho got the job (trial basis I believe) and stayed there for 8 months
ElFuhrer said:
I can't stand it when these people come to my door. One time I was expecting a friend to be a the door any minute so when I heard the doorbell ring I picked up my airsoft to point it at him as I opened the door to scare him. Unfortunately it wasn't my friend, it was Mormons. So there I was, holding these two Polynesian-looking Mormons at gunpoint. :|

Danimal said:
lol, ok back on topic. :(
Isn't this thread about funny Jehovah's Witnesses pictures?

Anyways, Jehovah's Witnesses are hard-core Christians, but are often considered particularly annoying because they are required to go around to other people's homes and try to convert them. So, if you live in the states, odds are you'll meet at least two at some point (they come in pairs).
i quote the pamphlet

Suffering is near its end. In the past century, the Human Race has experienced the worst suffering ever. Millions were murdered during the Holocaust. Over 100 Million have been slaughtered in wars. Crime and violence is rampant. Drug abuse is epidemic. Sexually transmitted diseases continue to spread. Devil music continues to fill our children's ears. Family life and moral values have broken down everywhere. No human government has the answers to these problems...Soon God will intervene in human affairs by destroying the whole unsatisfactory system of things.

the end is near?:eek:
Haha, on the note of annoying christians I was accosted by some Evangelists in the streets not long ago. I managed to turn the conversation from them telling me of the 'wonders of the lord' to me telling them of the 'wonderous recesses of satanism'.

just tell them you're gay, about to be married and on your way to support your sister whos having an abortion ...it works every time ... dont forget to wavy happily and say "god bless" as they run as fast as they possibly can

second best way of getting rid of them:

"no, speaky de engrish"
ríomhaire said:
Once 3 groups of jehoveas came to my house in 1 day :\
And that was the first time they had come that I remember.

They were using the weardown technique.
They believe that Jesus Christ has been ruling as king since 1914, and that after a short period of cleansing that culminated in 1918, Jehovah's Witnesses were selected to be the only true religion.

WTF? My mum was a Jehovah's witness for about 3 years until she left them, in all that time, there was no mention of that timeline. Jesus living as king since 1914?

WTF? My mum was a Jehovah's witness for about 3 years until she left them, in all that time, there was no mention of that timeline. Jesus living as king since 1914?

yeah, didnt you know? jesus started world war one
There is something about the Jehova's wintnesses being the last 144,000 (in revelation), but their numbers have grown too far.

WTF? My mum was a Jehovah's witness for about 3 years until she left them, in all that time, there was no mention of that timeline. Jesus living as king since 1914?


One of the funniest religions avaliable, it was invented in July 1879 and is a prediction based religion, yet all of it's predictions have been false. To quote wikipedia:

In 1876, Russell met Nelson H. Barbour and subsequently adopted Barbour's eschatology. Barbour predicted a visible return of Christ for 1873[1], and when that failed, revised the prediction to 1874.[2] Soon after that disappointment, Barbour's group decided Christ had returned to the earth in 1874, but invisibly


Strange how anyone can believe this stuff.
I dont know ...these guys are pretty kooky, and they're based in quebec


that's Rael standing next to a reproduction of a UFO that he claims visited him in the 70's in his vineyard in france ....he founded the religion called the Raelians. they believe that once they have an embassy (in jerusalem of all places) the Elohim (alien race) will reveal themselves to man ..I've been to their compound ...it's called "Ufo Land" ..I shit you not


DrDevin said:

One of the funniest religions avaliable, it was invented in July 1879 and is a prediction based religion, yet all of it's predictions have been false. To quote wikipedia:


Strange how anyone can believe this stuff.

Honestly, it's not that much more far-fetched than any other major religion, with the exception of maybe Buddhism.
OMFG! Funniest story ever:

A family friend of mine was on a business trip in Japan. He's a short guy (maybe 5'7") but he was like a head taller than everyone there. So here he is, in a Japanese airport, looking over a sea of Japanese people, thinking "Gah, I need someone that looks remotely like me!" when he sees another tall(er) person. He goes up to him and strikes up a conversation, and who does it turn out to be but RAEL HIMSELF. So in the end, he talked with this guy for like three hours, as well as getting his autograph and several photos of the two of them together.

F*cking priceless :laugh:
heh ..he's not a bad guy ..just a little strange ..although I think the whole religion thing is just a ploy to get him in bed with hot chicks and to finance his race car driving

some jehovah's witnesses asked me some questions about my beliefs once I just nodded until they went away.

There are some pretty crazy groups out there, although once in school we learned about how crazy cults were in comparison to christian values, some of the cults seemed pretty rational in comparison. Talking snakes...
What if everyone in the world is a Jehovah? Will they still have to go door to door?