Looking for a couple people.



I'm pretty sure this isn't going to go over very well, but I want to put it out there as giving it a shot anyway. I'm going to be making a hl2 mod (which isn't a huge surprise), but I'm trying not to reveal anything until it's further along. It'll be released episodically. The team right now consists of 6 or so people. I'm looking mainly for artists (weapon/enemy concepts, world texturing, model skinning) and modelers (weapons, props, enemies). I'm not limiting it to that though, anyone can apply and we'll see if we can find a position for you. :)

I know this comes off as being *really* vague, and even may cause you to think "Wow, another deadend mod." But it won't be. There's a bit more on me in this thread. Meh, judge for yourself based on what you know about me. ;)

ICQ - 102002485
MSN - [email protected]
AIM - YoricksRequiem
E-Mail - [email protected]
alas poor yorick for no one will join if you dont even write about what the mod is about. and also experience in mapping isnt enough to prove your mod wont fail and you havnt even given proof of your experience or that you even have any team members.
crackhead said:
and also experience in mapping isnt enough to prove your mod wont fail and you havnt even given proof of your experience or that you even have any team members.

Your opinion is so noted. However, my experience as a whole IS enough to prove that it won't fail. Humoring you for no reason, What experience needs to be proven? And why would I lie about already having people on the team?
I know of Yorick's work, it's very nice indeed.
well, i can do very basic art for weaponry, i can do that. I am working on another game, but it is fine with me. I am only really good at human weapons im afraid.
SixThree said:
I know of Yorick's work, it's very nice indeed.

Thank you sir. Though I am inclined to question how someone like you would know work by little ol' me. ;)

En1gma said:
well, i can do very basic art for weaponry, i can do that. I am working on another game, but it is fine with me. I am only really good at human weapons im afraid.

Do you have any samples? In terms of style, what about the combine weapons in HL2? Anything like that? and yeah, working on other mods is fine. I'm a writer for CAE.

Anyway, a bit about the mod.

It's been two years since the events at Black Mesa, and the combine took control of the Earth. Leningrad, now known as Industry Zone 3 has been transformed into an industrial center. Combine machinery towers over the buildings of a time long gone, its populace is huddled into residential sectors as they await the inevitable. Hatred runs deep in the veins of the remaining human populace. The Combine have complete control. Some are learning to live with it, others are joining it, but there are some who have resisted.

Far from the boundaries of the city, deep in the blizzard swept wastes lies a church - inhabited by a small number of escapees from the city. This small, yet dedicated group, have vowed to evacuate as many citizens as they can, and hopefully lead them away from life under the Combine regime, and out into the wastes. Where life is just as dangerous, but at least it will be a free one.

As Thomas Kane you must help the resistance with the evacuation, and with any luck, take the fight back to the Combine. Your journey takes you through the icy wastelands of earth, to the depths of an abandoned steel works and into the heart of a combine controlled train yard. Armed with a wide range of weaponry, you face new foes in the battle for liberation.

So, it's an expansion that takes place during the events of Half Life 1 and 2. Gordon is never mentioned, you're player is a resistance fighter. The entire thing would take place in varying locations throughout Russia and surrounding areas. It'll be released episodically, so far we have four episodes planned. The main attraction of the mod will be the atmosphere. We're planning to follow in Valve's footsteps with style, presenting a number of varying locations and scenarios, and a completely story-driven game that everyone will love. :)
Well, these are for the other game, but they are examples
Except fot he second, that is free. It wasnt really accepted for the game

This is real, as I remember him discussing this idea with me on MSN.
i think my comment may have seemed harsher than it appeared. all i meant was unless your an experienced coder and modeler starting a new mod team there is a fairly good chance you will fail. also i wasnt saying that you were lieing just that you hadnt given any proof of the things you mentioned.
Do you guys have a website or are you in need of a website deisgner and admininstrator?
Sorry En1g, not really what I'm looking for.

crackhead said:
i think my comment may have seemed harsher than it appeared. all i meant was unless your an experienced coder and modeler starting a new mod team there is a fairly good chance you will fail. also i wasnt saying that you were lieing just that you hadnt given any proof of the things you mentioned.

Yeah, because with real life, jobs, school we all know that a coder or a modeler would have the time to dedicate a lot to the project and still lead it? You're trying to suggest that being just a project leader, one wouldn't know the workload that goes into making a mod. But I'm a mapper, and I do know all about the workload.

Pilo said:
Do you guys have a website or are you in need of a website deisgner and admininstrator?

We do have one, which I designed. It hasn't been made public yet, but it suits our needs for now. You're welcome to try better if you want to drop me a line about it. :)
Yorick gets my seal of approval. He's a smart guy, his heart's in the right place, and as he's aiming to do a single-player mod, he's not going to drown himself in hype.
So yeah, joining Yorick's team is a great way to break into the modding scene (as its going to be episodic, it'll be released quickly). So do it.

And Crackhead, coders do make good team leaders - but that's only in multiplayer mods. Singleplayer mods hinge on mappers to get their feet off the ground, therefore Yorick makes an ideal leader.

-Angry Lawyer
AL you're way too kind, thank you =)

Btw I do need to talk to you.
crackhead is the forum version of a counter-strike camper. He sits and waits on the forum, constantly refreshing. It's his sexual release.

I however, cant wait for this. It sounds so good!....I WANT MORRREEEEEE!!!! :D
Firkat54 said:
I however, cant wait for this. It sounds so good!....I WANT MORRREEEEEE!!!! :D


We'll be launching the site in like a week, which'll have some concepts and screenshots and hopefully a couple model renders.

crackhead said:
im not sure where you got these statistics from

What the hell are you talking about? Go away.
SixThree said:
What statistics?

I think he means this...

Firkat54 said:
crackhead is the forum version of a counter-strike camper. He sits and waits on the forum, constantly refreshing. It's his sexual release.

But, you know. Village idiot.
Campers are cheepieneepies.
Samon said:
But, you know. Village idiot.
Oh thank you, I feel so loved. I only meant to point out, that crackhead flames anyone trying to make a mod that he doesn't find interesting. But as I am approaching flaming, I won't say anything more.

Anyways post that link when the site's ready. Some of us are looking forward to it.
Firkat54 said:
Oh thank you, I feel so loved. I only meant to point out, that crackhead flames anyone trying to make a mod that he doesn't find interesting. But as I am approaching flaming, I won't say anything more.

Samon was referring to Crackhead.

Firkat54 said:
Anyways post that link when the site's ready. Some of us are looking forward to it.

I will. It's greatly appreciated. :E
Firkat54 said:
Oh thank you, I feel so loved. I only meant to point out, that crackhead flames anyone trying to make a mod that he doesn't find interesting. But as I am approaching flaming, I won't say anything more.

Wasn't directed at you ;)

Firkat54 said:
Anyways post that link when the site's ready. Some of us are looking forward to it.

Well, I'd be interested in helping. I know how to model (i use maya), and ive animated a bit in the past. Thing is, ive never done this for hl2. Ive taken sometime to browse through the documention, and toyed around converting simple objects, but thats as much hl2 developping xperience as i have.
basically, i'd like to pick up some experience, but I'd also like to have a "goal" in doing so. Not just modeling a trash can to know how to convert into .mdl files. Id like to get my hands dirty on an actual project, and also possibly get better aquainted with hl2 mapping, somewhere down the line.

In anycase, i hope i can be of some help to you. You can either contact me here, or e-mail at [email protected].

Wowz0rs, this is a nice site. Everyone I talk to says they like the Flash bit at the top, and the music... the music!

Good job, Yorick ;)
Nice work, yorick.

And whoa, holy shit, the flash thing with the music just kicked in. Very nice work.
Thanks guys. =)

I was a little worried people wouldn't like the flash thing. I literally taught myself flash inside of a week and figured that it probably showed.
hahahaha ur funny crack head (sarcasm) anyways the site is awesome i have one question the citizens will they be wearing furcoats?