Looking for a few members for a new mod.



UAF: Urban Assault Force

It is a war between USA and North Korea. Based in rougly present time maybe a bit before. Alpha will release 1 model per team, 3 guns per team, and 1-2 maps.

We seek the following:

3D Modellers
Concept Artists.

If you wish to help, please send me an email via this board or add me on msn, [email protected]

Thank You,

I really want to join this mod!
what sort of gameplay will it be eg deathmatch, ctf etc

also what skills do you have and do you have any other members and what positions do they fill
Hey, thanks for looking.

We have around 3 confirmed members atm, one can model but he needs a little help, im mapping and skinning, maybe some textures and we have another guy doing pretty much the same.

Im hoping to make it like CSS but also have the CTF and hostage maps involved too...


egoncalo said:
You forgot coders!

Egoncalo... how many times do I have to tell you! Coding comes LAST!
SixThree, If you wish to help email me or catch me on msn.

Please guys, keep it ontopic :D


I don't think alot of people wanna join a mod which is trying to do the same thing as CS does.
Its not "what CS does" but more the same feel. The same controls, just a dif theme and more modes (CTF .etc).
LogiK said:
Its not "what CS does" but more the same feel. The same controls, just a dif theme and more modes (CTF .etc).

Basically the same thing we've been playing for the past 15 years? I'm sorry, but you have to try a little harder.

But then again, Im not the one to say what people should join and not...
Majestic XII said:
Basically the same thing we've been playing for the past 15 years? I'm sorry, but you have to try a little harder.

But then again, Im not the one to say what people should join and not...

Majestic XII
Fast Zombie
Date of Birth:
April 29, 1987
Gothenburg, Sweden
Game Design

O RLY? :cheers:
I'd come with something more original, but good luck to you.
At least you have realistic goals.
LogiK said:
Its not "what CS does" but more the same feel. The same controls

The same controls!?!?!? OMFG!!! Huge copyright issue right there, I'd look out for the FBI... pretty soon they may be knocking on your door. :sniper:
Did you guys know that WASD is copyrighted by Microsoft? It's true!
Guys if your not interested in the mod then leave it, dont spam

anyway i think its a good idea to start off simple and then maybe you could take it to the next level and maybe include vehicles and player classes etc

anyway ive sent you a pm about doing some character modeling