Looking for a good hard drive


May 20, 2004
Reaction score
Ok, I've assembled all of the components I need for a new computer besides the hard drive, sound card and eventual second disc drive. My most immediate concern is having a new Hard drive to install a fresh xp pro on. I'm looking for a quality 7200rpm hard drive 120-200gb range at a good price. What brands are good? Seagate? Hitachi? I'm staying away from western digital because every hard drive that I've had quit on me was a WD.

Any suggestions, pointers, or links to good deals from reputable dealers?

oh and I'm not interested in doing any fancy raid setups or anything like that. just normal hard drive usage. It will be the master, and I'm going to put in my current nearly full 120gb from my current comp as the secondary one.
2x 80GB Seagate Barracudas...8mb cache, 7200rpm, IDE or SATA interface.....I have 4 of these puppies on my main computer, first 2 in SATA raid 0....good setup
Rocketman9mm said:
I'm staying away from western digital because every hard drive that I've had quit on me was a WD.

Strange, I have 7 WD drives in my main comp alone and not one of them has been replaced yet (*knock on wood*).
I've had problems with others though, mainly IBM (Hitachi) and Seagate (IBM: 2 drives, 5 exchanges one of wich actually caught fire, Seagate: 2 drive, 1 exchange, main drive motor shot).
Whatever happens, i'm staying away from IBM/Hitachi/whatever they want to call themselves.
7 hard drives? Must be fun trying to manage all that info.
Seagate, WD, and Maxtor are generally considred to be the best manufacturers of hd's. Particularly the Seagate barracuda and WD caviars.
JFry said:
Particularly the Seagate barracuda and WD caviars.

WD have a model up from the caviar called the raptor which comes in 74Gb and 36Gb flavours. Both of these drives spin at 10,000 RPM and have almost half the seek time of the caviar drives. I have a 74Gb raptor and it loads games faster than i can eat a KFC bucket.
Western Digital are the best (quality) producers out there. I'd definently go with them. I got a 5400 RPM (I might be off by the hundred though) 40 GB WD which just... I've never had a problem with it and it's incredibly fast for 5400 RPM. It's silent too :)

I wouldn't go with anything else then a 7200 RPM though, a 10kRPM is just noisy and doesn't do you any good.
I would suggest a 160gig Seagate, Maxtor or WD. 160gig seems to be the best price per gig right now. I just got a 7200rpm 160gB seagate from newegg.com for $92 shipped. That's less than 58 cents per gigabyte.

I have never had any problems with the WD drives. In fact, I don't know that I've ever had one die. I will say that IBM hard drives are crap. They are pretty fast, but they run hot and die young.
Western Digital Rap, or get seagate 7200rpm with 8mbbuffer

Top hd:
1-WD (5 stars)
2-Seagate(4.5 stars)
3-Maxtor (4Stars)
4-Samsung(3 stars)
Werd Terminator :)...and Western Digital may seem like a good manufacturer, but don't expect good tech support in the hardware replacement department....that and Seagate is a bit cheaper and you can get 2 80GBs for about the same cost after rebates as a 160GB WD :)
so Hitachi's are really that bad eh? I have a 180GB hitachi i could use but now I'm hesitant to use it.
I've been running a IBM (now hitachi) desktar 41 gb drive running for about 3 years. no problems what so ever