Looking for a new video card


Sep 1, 2004
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Hi I'm looking for a new card and I'm thinking of going with a 9800 pro. I've heard on here it is a good card and I think getting half-life 2 free with it is a good deal. Can anybody tell me/link to this promotion? I'm pretty sure ordering online would still get me a voucher but I'd like to read it somewhere. Also I'm not exactly well-informed about which specific 9800 pro is right for me! I don't need any spiffy features like tv-tuner, just want to play the game. If someone could link me to a good one I'd appreciate that alot. I prefer newegg but I'm open to suggestions. Thanks!
the 9800 pro is a great card for the price. itl play half life 2 at 1024x768 with good frame rates and might even play at 180x1024 with good frame rates. i used to have this card and i loved it. i love newegg. they are a great company and vendor with great prices compared to most retail stores. if you are only planning on spending around $200 for a video card, then the 9800 pro will be your best choice. im not sure if the whole getting half life 2 for free with a 9800 pro is available. it used to be a deal with the 9800 XT's but that deal is long gone.
9800pro rocks for price and performance. on my specs below, i get 65-120 fps on cs:s de_dust, and around 80 on video stress test that comes with cs:s. thats both on 1024, no AA and 4xAF.

anyway, its great for any game, and should be future proof for 3-4 years from now.

recommendation: get it now whilst prices are still dropping, or they may go up again and you'll be too late.
yeah the 9800pro is a great card, GET ONE!
Pureball said:
9800pro rocks for price and performance. on my specs below, i get 65-120 fps on cs:s de_dust, and around 80 on video stress test that comes with cs:s. thats both on 1024, no AA and 4xAF.

anyway, its great for any game, and should be future proof for 3-4 years from now.

recommendation: get it now whilst prices are still dropping, or they may go up again and you'll be too late.

Sorry for doing this, but, you're pretty wrong if you think a 9800 pro can hold out for another 3-4 years. By then, ATI and Nvidia will probably have about two new lines of cards out, which will probably be much more advanced. The 9800 pro is a great card, but it won't be able to run games with nice eye candy in 4 years at all.
aww you spoilt it lol. yeah ok i was over exaggerating lol.
before you go out and get the radeon 9800 pro, check out the nvidia 6600 GT. i was going to get the 9800 pro myself, but after looking and many comparisons and such, i found the 6600 is much better. And the strange thing is, i never even liked nVidia! I recommended this card because its around the same or less price range and offers much better performance. The only downside is that you will have to wait a month for the AGP version of the card to come out.
Pureball said:
aww you spoilt it lol. yeah ok i was over exaggerating lol.

Just a friendly advice.
Don't exaggerate on this particular board. You could be the reason a person buys a card on false premises.
your cpu will determine what video card you want. what is it?
Thanks for the replies all, but now I'm even more confuzzled. I am on an athlon 64 3200+ and until now I had been planning on upgrading to windows 64 soon, but after reading an article on the problems with the 64 bit video drivers I'm not so sure that would be worth it right now. Also I wasn't aware the promotion had ended and admittedly that was part of my reason for wanting to go with a higher-end card. Can anyone recommend a good lower-end card maybe in the 50-$100 range? I don't mind a low resolution as long as I can get a decent(30+) fps at medium settings if it means I can save $100.
And Digital I don't have an allegiance to ati or anything I've just heard an overwhelming good response about the 9800 pro. Still I appreciate your advice and I will indeed look into that.
Radeon 9600... I bought one fer my friend for around 140$. I wouldn't recommend going lower than the 9600...
Buy a GeForce6600GT!! its the best 200$ video card! or, u can wait for the x700XT! :naughty:
go for the msi 9800 pro, great card have it clocked to 414 core and 726 memory, runs doom 3 very very nice, cant complain about this card at all