Looking for a project


Feb 28, 2004
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Hey, I am looking for a HL2 mod project to participate in. I want to be a part of a well-organised and friendly mod, not just something that dies after a few weeks. I hope to learn new skills which I can use in future projects and maybe teach you a few tricks.
I've have a lots of experience from several mods I have participated past the few years and I have done quite much PR/organising in the past. However, my main skill is 2d graphic designing (websites, logos, HUDs) and lately I've been doing textures aswell.
You can find some of my work here.

If you are intrested mail me at
Opposing Source are looking for a Sprite/HUD artist and from the looks of those textures would be very happy to have you onboard as another texture artist.

We don't have a site at the moment but our forums are here
Sorry, I didn't mention...If you hadn't figured it from my Sig. Opposing Source is the mod recreating Opposing Force for the Source engine.

I saw some of your work, and design.jpg immediately struck a chord with me. The style of it's exactly what we're looking for with a website. The textures are also top-notch. Great stuff.

I'll ask you to consider a HL2 mod I'm developing called Rival City. It's at its infancy right now, but we hope to get production started as soon as we createe a full development team.

Please check out the post I've made about it here to find out about our mod and its goal.

I hope to hear from you soon!
hehe, we're working on a small mod called "Head-Humped". We're currently recruiting for people like you, but we have had too much competition from other large mods such as *Cough* Opposing Source *Cough*. Our site is at http://www.head-humped.gaming-mansion.co.uk/ if you want to see what it's about.

Thank you for the offers, keep them coming, I will then apply for the one that pleases me the most ;)
[edit] Added more stuff on to my site [/edit]
Well... you're not into texturing or skinning, are you? If you are... I'd ask you to join ;)
I have been doing a bit of texturing lately, and there are some simple textures on the site, but it's not really my primary and I still have lots to learn in texturing.
I'm in the process of PMing and emailing you about Xenos.
Gehenna is a revolutionary mod with a team of experienced people that have made 2 succesfull Persistant Worlds for the Aurora Engine of Neverwinter Nights.
We are always on the lookout for a stronger team.

For more information please see our site, forum and IRC channels.
hl2 mods are infinitely more complicated and difficult than NWN persistant worlds.
Ennui said:
hl2 mods are infinitely more complicated and difficult than NWN persistant worlds.

Your point? It's still an accomplishment to be proud of. The team behind those worlds clearly work together well enough to release a project. If they're on their (from all indication) third project, that's a selling point to any one looking for a mod team to become part of.
Ennui said:
hl2 mods are infinitely more complicated and difficult than NWN persistant worlds.
Please do not judge work from people that you haven't seen.

At the moment our team is about 20 strong and growing.
Their are 5 writers, 4 builders, 2 site admins, 3 modellers, and 4 coders. All these people are experienced in their field of work.

Not convinced, visit our site, forum, and IRC. http://www.uraj-studios.com/index/gehenna/
(For refference our top moments for our NWN mods [Daggerford and Haze] were about +/- 500 players.)
oh i didn't mean to deride you or anything, I was just saying. i know how much work it takes to make a persistant world, especially one that big - my friend's been constantly working on a medium sized one for 3 years now.