Looking for a specific song(mp3...)


The Freeman
Dec 1, 2004
Reaction score
Alrighty, After watching Titanic...

I really want the song played at the end without Celine Dione ****ing it up. D:

I've tried every type of search criteria I could think of and couldn't come up with shit.

Or is my search hopeless?
Was hoping someone would post the song itself D:

I know it's My Heart Will Go On... but every version of it that I find has Celine Dione singing >.<
That song blows with a vocalist.

But thanks anyways.
if you want a sad song, just get Jeff Buckley - Hallelujeh
I've heard that song before, and it certainly is sad. :|

Meh... I'll just go out and get the Titanic DVD and rip the song off it. x.x
hmmm, I think I could dig that up without the vocals (to play with when practicing an instrument) is that what you want?
Just watch the end credits of titanic. They always list every song used in the credits, should be on there.
the_wolf27 said:
Just watch the end credits of titanic. They always list every song used in the credits, should be on there.
He already knew what it was. GJ of reading mate :thumbs:

xlucidx said:
I know it's My Heart Will Go On... but every version of it that I find has Celine Dione singing >.<
That song blows with a vocalist.