Looking for a team for a Command & Conquer related mod/project/experiment for HL2

  • Thread starter Thread starter Cypher [D6]
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Cypher [D6]

Looking for a team for a C&C Tiberian Sun based mod/project/experiment for HL2

Hey guys,

I'm Cypher from Planet Command & Conquer and producer of the Renegade X: Dead 6 modification/expansion pack for C&C Renegade... with a twist. It is being made as a mod for Half Life 2. :)

I'm looking for a staff for a side project.
It's an AI experiment, a kind of a Persistent World modification.

Fans of Command & Conquer, and Tiberian Sun's Firestorm in particularly, might recognize the Genesis Pit:
http://www.planetcnc.com/staff/cypher/Genesis Pit_2.JPG

The Genesis Pit is a place where CABAL had some mutation experiments, Tiberium Forming experiments, running on flora and fauna.

What I want to do is recreate this Pit, this park, this island, in full 3D glory, with as much detail as possible, and see how far gaming AI and virtual worlds can be pushed.
With learning AI, neural networks, dynamic... everything, etc'.

I'm looking for a small team, experienced with HL modding or at least with modelling, thirsty for new ideas, excited about modding Source, fans of C&C (preferably, or at least knowing what it is about), open to ideas, capable of thinking beyond....

What I need is:
-An AI expert or two. People that are interested in advanced AI applications and Neural Network evolutions.
-Programer, knowledgable in Source modding and coding. Someone who would like the challenge of handling the task of creating the infrastructure of this evolving and mutation environment, both on a local environment and in a Persisten World online setting.
-A landscape artist/modeler. Someone who would be able to design one single, but highly populated map.... My personal inspiration for this particular design is Jurrasic Park 3's Isla Sorna.
-3D artist: Fauna/Flora Modeler.
-2D artist, for texturing and skinning.

This team would work along side the Renegade X: Dead 6 team, sharing ideas, resources and, hopefully, organization ;)

Here are some concepts from Tiberian Sun, to be used in this project:
Tiberium "Cruentus" concepted by Jack Martin | 4 Default 3D Studio Max views of the same tree, by Cypher (that's me, this picture is just a very basic representation, so don't read into its quality).
Jack Martin Tiberium Flora Concept 2
Jack Martin Tiberium Flora Concept 3
Jack Martin Tiberium Flora Concept 4
Jack Martin Tiberium Flora Concept 5
There are plenty more concepts, of environments, of flora and of fauna to work from and on.... And more will be available as I get them from EA.

Anyone interested, contact me via e-mailing [email protected]
ICQ: 114570791

I would suggest knowledge of concepts from Ender's Game and, more importantly, of the Hyperion Cantos by Dan Simmons (Hyperion, Fall of Hyperion, Endymion and Rise of Endymion).
In addition to those being great books and real Science Fiction, they present very throught provoking concepts and ideas.

Oh yeah, if there's an expert on Animal behavior, or fauna in general, make yourself known as well. ;)

@ PlanetCNC
Sounds like quite a project to undertake. Sounds like that MIT project for AI humans to "learn" how to do things but on a MUCH larger scale. The only thing that you might have trouble with is... well the whole project really :). Especially considering the SDK isn't out and likely won't be released for months...

Not that I don't believe it can't be done. Because it can. Good luck! :cheers:
I'm not sure about MIT, but I do know that some proffesor somewhere is working on having AI writing a story in response to your actions, like Ender's Game, for example. Although he's using UT for it.
There it is: http://newsobserver.com/business/story/2097796p-2001130c.html
Which reminds me, I need to do a follow up on that story.

I know this is a huge undertaking, or at least the ultimate goal of it. But I want to start it slowly.
Design, some AI implementations of behavior, cause according to what I know so far, HL2's AI is very advanced, making it's own calculations about pathing and everything. So programing in behavior instead of just Ifs and Thens with limited actions seems possible and probable.
And a learning AI, a basic one at least, is not so hard to do in a gaming environment, in theory at least... on some basic levels (like IRC bots, or improving RTS AI, there are some... "simple" yet crude ways).

Liquid Narrative is Michael Young's project. Very interesting read:
First of all, just to clarify: this is not a game, but rather an experiment?
If its an experiment what is your purpose other than to push the limits on AI in games?

Secondly, it sounds very, very interesting.
I say go for it.. I can think of one large game that would benefit from your findings ;)
Wow! Quite a project. Good luck. I currently in a MOD.
Sorta, PinFX.
The idea is not for people to join in and get fragging.
It's more like a zoo visitation. You get in, walk around, where alowed. Maybe get attacked by a few creatures etc'.... It's the unpredictability.
Will this environment evolve over time? How long do you think the experiment will go on after you have all the code done, and what do you expect to find?
Yes, I expect it to evolve. AI learning basic stuff. Creatures spreading, evolving, eco system working like a neural net would simulate evolution.

What I expect from this experiment is to see how far can we go today in simulating an evolving, persistent world, organic environment. Stretch the limits of the technology as far as we can..... For later games ;)
Sorry to bring this up..
From the looks this project got cancelled and Cyph went to work on Dead6 instead?