Looking for an easy way to convert measurements...

Name one thing you can do with that software which you have to install that you can't do with a simple google search?

Why buy a set of encyclopedias when you can do a simple google search whenever need be?

It's a piece of ****ing software that is free and takes up almost no room. Quit your bitching.

And instead of having to do a bunch of google searches, you can have the program open to do your converting for you if you have use for it frequently.
And instead of having to do a bunch of google searches,






going to ignore that Celsius comment btw
god damn I hate Fahrenheit
Did I say the google option was bad?




It even has a sense of humor. Does your shitty software have that!?
I'm gonna be all nitpicky here -- Google leaves out some unit conversions, like viscosity.
Apparently you need a sense of humor too.

I'm just glad I don't have that waste of space software on my PC! I mean it's like 559KB. Jesus ****! Are you crazy? I could be using that space for a high resolution picture of a sexy asian girl. You tell me what's more important!?


You could be that guy.
ITT: Vegeta whines.

EDIT: and whines.

edit2: and whines.
The advantage of convert.exe is obviously because it does not require internet. Whether that is useful to you is for you to decide. Personally, I don't like to rely on the internet any more than I already have to! Sometimes it is unavailable due to weather, ISP problems, or because you are on your laptop in the jungle, for example.

Perhaps convert.exe will provide instrumental in surviving the inevitable zombie apocalypse.
In my opinion, an optimal scale has to be based around physical constants (for weight, we base it around the weight of a proton, length, the distance between the center and perimeter of a Hydrogen atom, etc). Temperature seems like a hard one here though, but defining it as being based around the triple point of water and the coldest possible temperature seems pretty logical.

We've reached the intersection point people...there's no going back. It's all downhill from here.
Personally, I don't really give a shirt which one, I just want the world to use one damn measurement system.

When someone says it's 85 degrees outside, I need to know if that means beautiful or sun exploshens.

So, searching for scientific term half life all of the first page results are Half Life 2???

Valve rules.
So, searching for scientific term half life all of the first page results are Half Life 2???

Valve rules.

So, searching for an ordinary object such as you could find anywhere "windows" all of the first page results are Microsoft Windows???

Microsoft rules.
BTW, what's the purpose for Celsius anyways?
Centigrade/Celcius and Fahrenheit are both based on two fixed points.

0 and 100 in Centigrade are the freezing and boiling points of water.

0 in Fahrenheit is the freezing point of brine, and 100 is the average temperature of an adult horse.

You can decide which is more logical and intuitive to use.
Perhaps Saturos could invent a new system based on the melting point of communists.
So, searching for an ordinary object such as you could find anywhere "windows" all of the first page results are Microsoft Windows???

Microsoft rules.

So, searching for "a distant view or prospect" results in all of the first page results being windows vista.

Vista rules.