Looking for an unannounced mod...


Jul 8, 2003
Reaction score
I want to model and texture characters for a mod that isn't currently announced. Well, not necessarily unannounced, but without a public forum/website. I don't have much to show in the way of characters, but I will be happy to do an art test of some sort to show whether or not I am worthy. The reason I want a non-public mod is the PR aspect. I find that opening a website and forums for a mod before a good deal of work has been put into it is silly. I would rather wait and make some high quality stuff to show to people in order to have a large community than have a tiny following because all the mod has to show is unskinned renders and concept art. I want to join a mod that won't have delays on media releases because we will have media already done and planned out as to when it will be shown. You don't generate and keep a large following by being late on media releases with sub-par material.

Yeah...so anyway, here's what I can do. Love it, hate it, masturbate it:


If your mod has something that other mods don't, if your mod can offer me something that other mods can't, if you are willing to let me develop my character modelling and texturing skills while working on the mod, and if your mod has a PR strategy other than "finish the model and pimp on a forum as fast as you can," then e-mail or PM me.

PS: I know I sound like an asshole.

PPS: If my post doesn't make sense, then it's my fault. Sorry.
you only want to model and texture characters? probably should show less weapon renders and more character renders..
That's why I said...
ankalar said:
I don't have much to show in the way of characters, but I will be happy to do an art test of some sort to show whether or not I am worthy.
my bad, although with all your weapon texturing experience why do you want to move on to characters? try something new?
Weapon modelling and skinning doesn't get you much of anywhere. :(
Heya ankalar.


We are currently an announced mod.


After reading over your post multiple times, and checking out your past work, I do believe we are the type of mod you are looking for.

More specific information about the mod can be found through the link above. I won't go into that here.

What I would like to say is that we are a very small team, right now about 3 of us are actively working on the project (and have been since june 2003). We have no community nor have I looked for a community in the past half year as I realized a following doesn't matter until we have enough existing content to provide to them.

With that said, we have a public forum and complete (for now) website due the fact that we want to keep our information organized as much as possible. The public forum has been nearly absent of activity for the past few months, and most of the internal discussion goes on in the private forums. This is our way of keeping in contact with eachother and progressing the overall game design, due to our distance. We are also always looking out for talented new team members to help fill in the open spaces.

Specifically, we are looking for talented modelers such as yourself.

What mbp needs and has to offer you:
6 Character models. As found on the site, there are 3 classes. These classes are better explained in the private forums of our site, as we haven't released much information to the public yet.

From my understanding, you want to work specifically on character models. This would be both a great help to the MBP mod and to yourself, as the overall character designs aren't completely decided upon yet.

general character designs: http://www.mind-body-power.net/forum/portal_media.php

Above are the anime style character designs we've had our artists do over the past year. There are only a few to give the taste of what we expect them to look like. More can be found in the fiction section through the story boards.

These models are not definite by any means. They are a basic rendition of which we imagine the mbp universe to consist. While we do have a specific style of the character we are looking for, they are always subject to change based upon your own ideas and style.

Of course, should you end up joining us for the character models, many many more models are available for designing. Including: weapon models (bullet based guns, fusion based guns, samurai/ninja based weapons, village pieces, etc etc). We have a list in the private forums of everything we need, so now we just need the 3d modelers who can finish them.

If you're interested in finding out more, or if you have any questions, contact me here through PM, my forum through PM, or my mbp email at [email protected] .

Good luck in your search :E
Holy talent Batman!
It's a shame that we've got a website. :(

But, Cause And Effect is keeping things low profile. The current plan is to keep around 80% of the mod secret (especially characters) in order to prevent spoilage of the story and keep it scary. So that's almost the same, right? :p

We are planning to have a large variety of characters (approx. thirty at last count). Soldiers, civilians and monsters. So, obviously we could use your talent.

Anywho, contact me through PM, or anyone else on the team, if you'd like to get more info.
Hey, I saw one of your weapon renders on a Nuclear Dawn post? Are you still working with them?
Nar he left PinFX, Ankalar already knows who wants him. Anyway, good luck finding a team.
hey ankalar, the opportunity to work alongside you was too good a chance to pass up. id be very interested to see what you could develop using our concept pictures. not sure if you know about our mod, so if you have any questions, whcih the site doesnt answer, feel free to email or add me on MSN ( [email protected] ), or ask in the forums. yes, i know we're not unannounced, but not many people know of us, so its kinda the same :p

Hell Blaze
Hey, Ankalar, how about checking my search-thread? (signature) :) Apart from that we only do have a website, that has not much of a content yet ;) I don't think we're that well known; all we'd need is one skinner - and your renders look great! PM me if interested

Oh, I forgot: Of course there aren't just weapons to be skinned, like it's said in my thread; searching for a 'general'-skinner.