Looking for ANY mapper...


Nov 10, 2003
Reaction score
Whether you just picked it up, or your a vet, Renegade X: The Dead 6 needs your help.

Its getting pinch time, and we really need some help mapping.

What you will get to use with our mod:

Custom Map Editor
Multiple Imports Tools
5 coders to make anything you need work in your map.

Please give me a quick email to dante at renevo dot com with your experience.
Umm, I know a tad bit when it comes to mapping. I mean I can do it but I have very little creativity off hand right now, though lots of time.
So I guess I could try n help.... Though I hate messing with making nice real nice grass\cliffs & skyboxes. Never really practiced with skyboxes yet.
Im an uncreative map maker and ill help x_X.
Well I do have some of a partial map I built...when I get on later I guess I could post em up.
yeah, sorry about that, dns updates, should be back up today.
wish I had time... I havent slept in almost 60 hours...