Looking for game Descent 3.. plz help..

Sep 24, 2003
Reaction score
all i need is the game descent 3.. not the demo... i have the demo now and its leet but i need the full version! where can i get this game???

plz help i will do anything in return!
Go buy it at from an EB's used pre-owned games shelf.... should only be like 2 bucks..
MUllinator, I cant remember where ur sig comes from, I remember hearing it, but not where. Help me out!
The Terminator said:
MUllinator, I cant remember where ur sig comes from, I remember hearing it, but not where. Help me out!

The Simpsons
The one where Milhouse gets cast as Fallout Boy in the Radioactive Man movie.

And look! I did some moderating!
s3pReMiSis, I'll sell you one of my legit copies of Descent 3 for $15 :D