looking for monster in my pocket toys

  • Thread starter Thread starter biggar
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i'll send you my monsters, they're pretty angry sometimes but they're cool mostly.. its fun to have pajama parties with them
Speaking of old toys... any of you remember those toys they had that came in these bags that you put in water or something and the bag dissolved to reveal the toy? God, I remember those, those were cool. There were all these other little toys, that all me and my cousins would collect, and our parents would reward us with them... I forget the name of them :( There were hundreds of different types, like science fiction toys. small. Oh well, i'll never remember unless my brother does.
I want the green motorcycle from the cartoon series M.A.S.K (purley for nostalgia), but I keep getting outbidded on eBay auctions!
Now, I'm not a bad person, but just read the following quotes three times and see if you can spot the innuendo:
I've got a monster in my pocket :)
biggar said:
k can i have it
*Not that there's anything wrong with that*

Hahaha, oh god thats funny.

Even better since I know the person, :P
The toys I was talking about... hmm, they had these spots on em where you put your thumb on em. Was kinda weird, I can't think of the name, its driving me CRAZY!
You guys realize that this thread is probably ruined now. No one is going to be able to read anything now without see innuendoes all over the place. :laugh:
Raziaar said:
There were all these other little toys, that all me and my cousins would collect, and our parents would reward us with them... I forget the name of them :( There were hundreds of different types, like science fiction toys. small. Oh well, i'll never remember unless my brother does.

Holy shit, you don't mean Z-bots, do you? Those were the coolest!
Let me do a search and see!

EDIT: I can't find any pictures of em... but my bro says they were kinda like animals as well, and they had these little square plates they had on their chest that were heat sensitive or whatever, and it told you what element they were, like fire or something?
Bah, stupid 'edit' time limit. I wasn't implying beanie babies were cool, but rather the popularity of em when they were released.
Zbots pwned, I had like a thousand of them until my friend came over...I was playing with all of the zbots on the floor and for some reason when I was finished playing with them a blanket got ontop of it and my friend stepped on them all for like 4 hours before noticing. All their tiny little robot legs and arms had snapped off.