Looking for Racing Wheel reccomendations.


Party Escort Bot
Dec 2, 2004
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I've started playing GT3 again, and have found that it really could be allot more fun with a wheel.

Not to mention Live for Speed is damn impossible with a mouse and keyboard, and i'd imagine Richard Burns Rally will be too once I get that working.

So, i'm looking to purchase a racing wheel. I'm not a diehard race-sim fan, so something pretty cheap and dated will do me fine.

I'm really only looking for force feedback (nothing really realistic though), and a smooth feel. I don't need things like clutch or stick at all.

Needs to also work for my PS2, so i'm guessing it'll probably end up being USB. It'd be nice if the wheel and pedals had a bit of weight, because i'll be using these on a carpet half of the time, and on my computer desk the other half.

Preferably around 50 dollars, and if it's a REALLY nice wheel, I can probably stretch to just around 70. I'm looking mainly for recommendations on good and fair priced wheels, not wheels that fit my budget perfectly, as i'll most likely get this used.

Driving Force Pro is looking like it atm. Either that or the Logitech MOMO wheel, and i'm not sure that the MOMO will work with a PS2.
The only proper choice is this - http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&...tnG=Search&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&um=1&sa=N&tab=iw

Works with your PS2, since it was made for GT4, but it also works with your PC using USB. If you look on the LFS forums this is the wheel they recommend for the most part.

You'll need to download these drivers for your PC to get it to work with Live For Speed - http://www.wingmanteam.com/latest_software/latest_soft_xp.htm

EDIT: Just noticed you only want to spend $70 maximum. This is usually around $100 I think. I also noticed you were already looking at the DFPro. I should read the whole thread next time; I'm an idiot :)
Ok, so it seems that the Driving Force Pro auctions on ebay are EXTREMELY active, so I might have a hard time winning one of those used for a good price.

So, I was also looking at the Driving Force (http://www.amazon.com/Sony-Playstat...8?ie=UTF8&s=videogames&qid=1178510537&sr=8-4), which fits PERFECTY into my budget. Will the 180 degree motion be a big problem in any games? I could see it getting in the way during races in Richard Burns Rally and Live For Speed.

And the button placement seems kinda meh, but for the price, i'm sure I could find a work around. Probably use my electronics prowess to just clip the lines to the buttons and reroute them to a PS2 controller or something.

The Driving Force EX fits my budget well too actually (60 USD on newegg, although for 20 dollars more I could get a used DFP on Amazon). Anybody know anything of the wheel?


Is it a HUGE downgrade from the DFP?
I'm getting the cream of the crop Logitech G25 USB Racing wheel, with poslished aluminum pedals, dual force feedback paddle shifter wheel, and additional 6 speed shifter. Hopefully I can find it for like $230. I'll have to think about it for a while for $250, but I won't pay the $300 retail price, that's for sure.

I was thinking some crazy shit, like using a real car seat I have here in the basement, and doing some fabrications to mount it to a frame or rack with the 6 mounting holes. Then I can use the dual monitor support my GFX card has, and put my second monitor in front of the steering wheel.

This would be one kick ass setup for my driving simulators. It might seem a bit over the top, but I bet it would be fun. I can probably get a Car arcade cabinet from my brother for like $50. You know he has like 90 Arcade machines now. He gave me a q-bert cabinet already, so I can build a MAME cabinet or something out of it one day as well.

something like this for my cockpit. If it's in shitty condition I can just power-sand it and spray it flat black, put a monitor behind the glass, etc.