Looking for someone who is able to make bump maps from textures



I am looking for someone who has the texturing skills to make Bump Maps from existing textures. More specifically, I am looking for someone who can take some textures I have and can make a greyscale texture where the bits that look "raised up" (such as rivets) tend towards white with white being the highest and the bits that look "sunken" tend towards black with black being the lowest.
This is a rather obscure request. Use the beavl and embos tool in photo shop and also get the nvidia normal map tool for photo shop, im guessing you want this for normal maps.
Couldn't you do it yourself? You seem to know exactly how to do it.
you don't need texture skills to make a bumpmap... maybe the most basic texture knowledge for a normalmap, but both are easy ! why don't you try it yourself ?

lol I use the Nvidia Photoshop tools... there are a great deal of options avaliable to adjust the height of the map. you can easily desaturate the image and increase the contrast if you want to make it grayscale and raise the surface more. Its perhaps the easiest and simplest part of creating a texture.

If you need any help i wuld happy to give you sum advice, good luck. peace.
those photoshop plugins will never match the quality you recieve by actually modelling the normal map... usually the effect is merely that of a crappy bump map @ best...

best way is to open up you're modelling program, make a 1x1 plane, copy it and subdivide then model out the pattern you want.. the difference is night and day
...Still its possible to make nice normals with that plugin. What helps is when you have the normal in one layer, copy the layer a few times and set the copies to "overlay".
