looking for the trailer of a game


The Freeman
Jan 21, 2004
Reaction score
I rmenber I once saw a trailer of a game,that seemed to be like a side scroller thought the description said that it was a point and click adventure

the trailer had some character that was a guy that was walking and met a child,talked and started carrying the child on its back,I think other characters joined but I remenber a part a eagle carryed the guy and the child flying

it had a soundtrack that was like a southern usa folk music,you know whit the banjo and like straight form those swamp places

also the point of the game was like that you travel some road and meet characters or something like that,maybe it had road on the game
trailer was shown in kotaku but dotn know how to search it there,it was posted during the last e3

anyway can you internet people help me find it?
I don't know about trailers but your macarena link is dead.