Looking for Video Card



Just got a new machine and need a new video card. New mother board has a PCI Express hub, so my options appear limited. What cards do you recommend for the budget-minded gamer? By budget minded, I mean somewhere under $150 probably, but even that's a stretch.


Most of the PCI Express cards I've seen have been high-end Radeons...over $200... haven't seen anything under that, but haven't really looked that hard. :frog:
Budget and Gamer dont mix too well in the same sentence from my experience. If I were you id bite the bullet and purchace a good video card to make use of that PCI express. It will be worth it in the long run.
dude there Nvidia 6200 256mbram on Tigerdriect for 188$ but with shipping and handling it comes to 213$. I know you think this is alot but it can perform the same effects as 6800 and ati x800. but unfortuanltly not as alot as theres. still if you buy this Video Card i will last for a long time until you need to get a new one.
TAT-P90 said:
dude there Nvidia 6200 256mbram on Tigerdriect for 188$ but with shipping and handling it comes to 213$. I know you think this is alot but it can perform the same effects as 6800 and ati x800. but unfortuanltly not as alot as theres. still if you buy this Video Card i will last for a long time until you need to get a new one.

y spend that much on the 6200 which is crap when u could buy a 6600GT for the same price which is so much better
I got a Radeon 9800 off froogle for about 130ish, mainly because newegg.com had them out of stock. Its a high end card too, just not the highest (9800pro)
I know you can get an X700 Pro PCIe for under $200. The 128MB version is around $159 on newegg, and the 256MB version is $189. I'd recommend going for the 256MB, it's only $30, right?

I almost went for the X700 myself recently, but I just won an X800 Pro PCIe on ebay for only $314! It actually would have been even cheaper (I won it for $275 plus $15 for shipping = only $290), but both the seller and I live in California, so I ended up paying for an 8.25% sales tax. I'm not sure if anyone else would get this lucky, unless prices have dropped significantly? I hope this card isn't on its way out already. It should be here on friday (yay, no more crappy card like in my sig!), but unfortunately I don't have a PCIe slot. I'm in the process of building a new comp, so now all I need is an LGA775 processor (hopefully something from the new 600-series, like the Pentium 4 640?) and some DDR2 memory.

Anyways, sorry about that, I'm just really excited about my new computer. From what I know, the X700 Pro would be a good card. The only significant differences between it and the X800 are that it only has 8 piplines instead of 12 and it has a 128-bit processor, rather than 256-bit. Albiet, those are pretty significant, but the memory and clock speeds aren't that much different. This seems to be the best cheaper card that I know of, but it may cost you a little more than $150.
I'd reccomend a 9800pro (agp) to anyone in that price range (or a bit higher)
???Help here-Vid CARD???

Hey guys I have a choice in a ATI Radeon x800 series and ATI Radeon 9800 pro, whitch one is better because i need a new video card cuz i got here an ATI Radeon 7000 series and some of my settings in hl2 are to low some to medium but still i cant see the water crearly and the EYES on the ppl like (kleiner, barney, alyx, etc.) the eyes look like boiled EGGS lol. So I want to know witch one of the folowing vid Cards is THE BEST!!
--I got a excellent processor and stuff--

1 -ATI Radeon x800 series (or pro -IDK-)
2 -ATI Radeon 9800 pro


--DeVL1-- :cool: