Looking for...

Glirk Dient

Jun 7, 2005
Reaction score
Alright, my bro in the air force is looking for either a nice TV or a nice gaming monitor for his comp and his ps3. His limit is 1500 and as high as 2k if it is really worth it.
You could buy both a nice gaming LCD & a Tv for that much.
Yeah but he wants one or the other. If he gets a TV he will get more into consoles. If he gets a monitor he will eventually get a PC to go with it but use it to play console games on till he gets that PC.
I'd rather have a sweet ass TV over a moniter...but meh.
I guess it depends on how much TV you watch and how much Computer you use.
I hardly ever watch TV, so I'd go with the monitor. Mostly because I couldn't bring myself to spend that much on a TV.
I guess it depends on how much TV you watch and how much Computer you use.
I hardly ever watch TV, so I'd go with the monitor. Mostly because I couldn't bring myself to spend that much on a TV.

I dunno, I'm on the PC more than TV..but guitar hero on a awesome TV = aweshens.
it depends mostly, because pc games look best on computer monitors and consoles look great on hdtvs.
I saw a large (like 40" or more) HD plasma monitor at Best Buy the other day for $1200. If I had the dough, I'd buy one meself.
Id pick up a Dell 2407WFP....it has DVI for computers and component for consoles, and a lot of poeple use them for Xbox 360's and such with good results.
Alright, he has decided on a good gaming LCD monitor. So does anyone have any good suggestions?